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  • I need ListWheel not to wrap around elements. That is: above the first element, instead of showing the last element, do not draw anything. And equally under the last item should not display anything. Is it possible to configure ListWheel to have this behavior? Alternatively, how can I achieve such behaviour? best regards Max

  • Can the MOTION feature of the window manager be used without the use of the touch screen or another pointer input device? Like the example MOTION_OverlapByWindow.c, I have a multi-page window, but I have hardkeys instead of touch screens. What function or message should I use to trigger movement from one page to another? best regards Max

  • I tried to get the size of the background window: C Source Code (17 lines) and size il 16383 for both x and y, whether I use the WM_GetWindowSize*() or WM_GetInsideRectEx() functions. Why? I expected the size of the background window to be the same as the size of the LCD. Am I making a mistake? best regards Max

  • I read thist post, but I'm puzzled. I tried to convert the Tahoma Bold 13 to a standard font (not extended). I attached the c file created (with txt extension). I then made a program to display the printable characters ASCII first with the embedded font 13B and then with the one I created. I have also attached those screenshot. If you see the result it is surprisingly identical. I find it hard to think that this is a coincidence. I am more inclined to think that Segger started from Tahoma to mak…

  • I was able to establish that the GUI_FONT_13B_ASCII font is based on the TrueType Tahoma font. With Font Converter I verified the equality of about ten characters and numbers. I wonder which font the GUI_FONT_16B_ASCII is based on. best regards Max

  • How can I add characters (symbols) to an existing font? best regards Max

  • in the emWin 5.40 reference manual I find: -------------------------------- WM_GetInsideRect() Description Returns the coordinates of the client area of the active widget less the border size. The function sends a message to the active window to retrieve the inside rectangle. If the widget does not handle the message (that means the widget has no border) WM_GetClientRect will be used to calculate the rectangle. The result is given in win- dow coordinates. That means x0 and y0 of the GUI_RECT str…

  • What is the best way to visualize the animation of an hourglass or gears that rotate to be shown in a waiting popup? best ragards

  • I found that some functions should not be called when processing the WM_PAINT message: [img][/img] I wonder if this also applies to WM_PRE_PAINT and WM_POST_PAINT, and in general for which other messages this applies. best regards Max

  • in the LISTWHEEL.h file I found these two statements: C Source Code (10 lines) LISTWHEEL_SetItemData ()/LISTWHEEL_GetItemData () functions have the comment "not to be documented". What these functions do I think I can guess from the names. Why are they not documented? What happens if I use these two functions? what risk? best regards Max

  • What happens if I use this function? what risk? However I can't use it anyway since the version of emWin that I use is the 5.40 provided by ST that does not have this function. best regards

  • I need to know the anchor flag of a generic window or widget (like TEXT). There is WM_SetAnchor() but I cannot find the corresponding WM_GetAnchor() How do I know the anchor flags of a generic window? best regards

  • How can I know the number of children in a window? How can I put a child in a specific position on the children's list? How can I move one of a window's children from one position on the list to another? Best regards Max

  • I tried to simulate the behavior to find out what could be wrong. the source code is: C Source Code (106 lines) when TEST is defined the 'A' is shown as follows: [img][/img] only 3 pixel are shown, but if I break into cbResizableText() I can see that x size should be 10 pixel (and 10 is passed as second parameter of WM_SetXSize()) If TEST is not defined the WM_SetXSize() function is not called from inside the cbResizableText() callback. This way e…

  • I need a self-dimensioning TEXT widget. I tried in this way: C Source Code (31 lines) unfortunately this doesn't work: It seems that there is a clip rectangle that is as large as the size with which the widget was created the first time. where am I wrong? Is there a way to be notified of changing the text string? best regards Max

  • specialize a custom widget

    mastupristi - - emWin related


    Following this post I implemented MESSAGE_DATA_SET message handler, but in this way I have the same problem. This is because when I create the specialized custom widget, it calls MYWIDGET_Create() which in turns send the MESSAGE_DATA_SET, but the callback refers to specialized custom widget (MYWIDGETSPEC_Callback() is invoked), so at the time MESSAGE_DATA_SET is triggered for the first time only MYWIDGET_Obj is populated, whereas MYWIDGETGETSPEC_Obj still not, but MYWIDGETSPEC_Callback() expects…

  • I would need an explanation about the destination of the messages. The WM_MESSAGE structure has the hWin field described as "Destination window": C Source Code (10 lines) Also, the functions for sending messages (e. g. WM_SendMessage) have the hWin parameter used to indicate the target window (or at least that's what I understood). Could you give me an example in which the hWin field of the structure and the hWin parameter of the functions are populated differently? When can such a case be usefu…

  • I would need a message triggered when calling the WM_HideWindow() or WM_ShowWindow() functions. I found out that a message is actually triggered: this is WM_NOTIFY_VIS_CHANGED. Unfortunately, this message is also triggered for many other reasons. How can I understand when it is triggered for a show/hide of a window? best regards Max

  • I use emWin 5.40 (STemWin provided by ST) I tried this in the simulator: C Source Code (65 lines) the result is: [img][/img] and inside the dubugger rectangles are: [img][/img] Why, when I set the WM_CF_HASTRANS flag, does the window I created seem to have the wrong size? best regards Max

  • specialize a custom widget

    mastupristi - - emWin related


    Suppose to start from the custom widget described in AN03002 Now suppose that you want to specialize in this widget, that you want to extend its functionality. you could write something like that: C Source Code (110 lines) in the application code if you create this widget without specifing callback: C Source Code (1 line) what happens is that a widget of the type MYWIDGET is created with callback MYWIDGETSPEC_Callback. At line 11 there is a call to the MYWIDGET_GetUserData function which, in tur…