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  • Quote: “"Did you approach Atmel regarding this issue?" ” Lastly Atmel support on website is suspended... maybe Microchip knows something I'm trying to uninstall/reinstall Atmel Studio 7 entirely. In the past, I never tried to use J-Link with AS7 (only AS6.2), so I don't know if something happened recently. Anyway I remember JTAGICE3 (another tool from Atmel) did work with AS7, but now it doesn't work anymore too. The list of available tools in AS7 is always completely empty.

  • I have issues with J-Link debugger/programmer and new Atmel Studio 7.0. J-Link is well recognized in Windows and I can see the device (Cortex-M0+ Atmel SAMC21J18) on the target board (see Clipboard01.png image attached). The problem is in Atmel Studio 7. The IDE can't detect the J-Link tool. During J-Link software installation (v6.00e) I confirmed to copy the dll to Atmel Studio 7 folder. I check in C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Studio\7.0\atbackend and the correct JLinkArm.dll is present. I rebo…

  • Yes, the current Segger software was installed. I don't know exactly which operations, among several I tried (including the one you suggested), has been the right one. Anyway now it works.

  • I already have a J-Link that works well on two PCs. I have an ev-board from Atmel, SAMD21 Xplained Pro that implements Atmel EDBG on-board debugger/programmer. I noticed Segger released a firmware for EDBG that transforms EDBG into J-Link OB debugger. I uploaded the firmware released by Segger in the board and it works well on one PC. On a second PC I have problems related to driver. When I connect the board, Windows tries to find and install a driver without success. In Peripherals window there…

  • GUI_GetStringDistX() returns a number greater of 1 from the value returned by GUI_GetTextExtend(), in the x1 member of rect. Why is there the difference?

  • After some investigations, I found that the strange behaviour I noticed in version 5.30 is present in 5.24 too, but it is slightly different. I will try to explain. I create two buttons and set a custom skin named skinButtonFlat (see at the bottom of the post for source code). Just for debug, I added a printf() in the skin function that shows the handle of the button and the command of pDrawItemInfo. Now what happens with the old versione 5.24. When I press first button and last pressed button w…

  • Download old evaluation version

    giusloq - - emWin related


    I'm using emWin libraries released by NXP. Unfortunately NXP doesn't distribute .a library for mingw compiler (that I use for simulation under Windows OS). However I noticed Segger include .a library in the evaluation version. Actually NXP is releasing emWin v5.30c, but Segger is releasing evaluation for newer version v5.32. Is it possible to access to older evaluation version, so I can use the same version for simulation and target platform? Thank you.

  • I'm using pre-compiled emWin libraries from NXP. In my project, I was using emWin version 5.24 and now I'd like to upgrade to the latest version distributed from NXP that is 5.30c. I have some problems with new version. The project is compiled in LPCXpresso and runs in LPC1778 MCU. The touchscreen display is based on ILI9341 controller connected to the MCU through a 16-bits parallel bus. It seems the new version redraws some parts of the screen, even if it isn't necessary. This produces a bad fl…

  • I'm using the following initialization for a ILI9341-based LCD with 16-bits parallel interface: C Source Code (24 lines) I think I have configured a 16-bits bus width and 16-bits bits per pixel, but I'm not sure the driver is really using the controller in 16-bits mode. I called GUI_DrawBitmap() with a 1x1 pixel image with alpha-channel. The driver correctly tries to read back the pixel value from the controller, before writing the correct color. I monitored the _RD signal of controller with osc…

  • Is LCD_SetVSizeEx() needed?

    giusloq - - emWin related


    I'm working on a code that works well. Now I noticed the use of LCD_SetVSizeEx() in the following way during initialization: C Source Code (9 lines) NUM_VSCREENS is defined as one, but I don't use Virtual Screens functionality. Could I avoid to call LCD_SetVSizeEx()? I think it's possible, but if I do this, the application crashes. There is a HardFault exception after GUI__DoAlphaBlending() function. Why?

  • In LCD.h file delivered with emWin, #pragma warning macros are used. I think they are valid only for Visual Studio compiler. However they are protected with #ifdef WIN32, but WIN32 macro is defined with mingw compiler as well. In this way, mingw compiler emits a warning about unknown #pragma. Please, protect #pragma warning with a more effective macro that checks the Visual Studio compiler and not a generic Windows OS.

  • I found what is the problem. I'm using mingw compiler and winuser.h contains the following macro: C Source Code (1 line) emwin WM.h file contains: C Source Code (1 line) Of course they are the same integer value, but they are different macro definitions.

  • I'm using WM_SendMessageNoPara() function to send a message from window A to window B, when the user press a button on window A. The member hWinSrc of the received message by window B is zero. Is it normal?

  • How to draw the Euro sign

    giusloq - - emWin related


    "Here is a sample with a custom font showing the euro character:" Of course, I can't use that single-character font for drawing a full string, including euro sign.

  • During developing I noticed something strange in the behaviour of emWin libraries. Finally I resolved the problem increasing the amount of memory to emWin through GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory(). I think there were some memory allocation errors, but it wasn't clear to me. So my question: is it possible to trigger an error (such as an assertion) when a memory allocation failed?

  • How to draw the Euro sign

    giusloq - - emWin related


    I'm using standard fonts to write some texts on the display, but I think it's impossible to draw Euro sign, because the emWin fonts lack that character. Right? Is it possible to embed the Euro sign in a standard font? Do I need to create a custom font?

  • Quote: “ Because the defines are exactly the same the compiler should not show a warning here.” I don't know what is your compiler, but gcc emits this kind of warning, even if the value of macro is the same. Have you tried gcc under Windows for simulation? Of course, without suppressing all the warnings.

  • I'm trying to arrange a simulation under Windows. I started from the example downloaded from emWin evaluation package. If I include both (from Windows OS) and "WM.h" (from emWin), I have some warnings about macros redeclarations: C Source Code (1 line) Of course, those macros are used in Windows libraries too. I found the example in the emWin evaluation package add -w option to gcc compiler. It inhibits all the warnings from compiler, and this isn't an ideal setup. Is there a method to include b…

  • While waiting for some suggestions how to solve the issues in debugging with GNU ARM Eclipse Plugin, I switched back to generic GDB Hardware Debugging plug-in. It worked well before installing and configuring GNU ARM Eclipse Plugin. But now, after starting a debug session, I see the small window that shows the comparing/erasing/programming/verifying of MCU internal memory, then I see the same error X( Error in final launch sequence Error executing step execute method: stepStartTrackingBreakpoint…

  • I tried to follow the instructions, but most probably I made some errors: the debug session can't be initiated. First problem: the Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings window doesn't have the Device tab. Anyway I selected the correct device (LPC1778) in the Debug Configuration window. Second problem: the default GDB Client executable ({cross_prefix}gdb{cross_suffix}) doesn't work (I added cross_prefix string substitution), so I write the full path C:\nxp\LPCXpresso_7.5.0_254\lpcxpresso\too…