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  • Alex, thanks for reply, I will probably think about your solution too.

  • I already solved this problem!!! There is undocumented internal EmWin message 0x240 (576), that is used for MENU collapse - you should use "break" for this message inside your callback.

  • Hello. There was a following task with special MENU behaviour: If I select the menu-item that is "endpoint" (not a submenu), and press Enter, then new dialog-window should appear, but the entire menu should not collapsed. After closing dialog-window I should return to last selected menu-item. For that I wrote the special MENU-callback (see pictures). This works well on our device with a HW-keyboard (without a mouse). But now we intend to use a new device with touch screen. To prevent a reaction …

  • Hello. 1. How to check if the window is modal? 2. How to get a handle of parent dialog window by a handle of its child widget?

  • Quote from LexaGb: “Hello, yes, I think it is the good way, but in case your LISTBOXes' default callbacks are changed by custom callbacks, also be sure to check these callbacks. Alex. ” Yes, I already did so, I check both callbacks for DROPDOWN - original and my own. There is no redefined callbacks for LISTBOXes in my project.

  • Quote from LexaGb: “Hello, maybe something like this C Source Code (108 lines)In case you want just to focus on dropdown in closed state there you can do easier: if (focusedWindow == DROPDOWN_GetListbox(hDropdown)) focusedWindow = hDropdown; without using fw_is_listbox variable. Alex. ” Hello, Alex. I have many dialog windows in my project each of them may contain DROPDOWN-widget or not. Also I have a popup window (also dialog-window), that can appear at any time if some non-GUI issue occurs, wi…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Schoenen: “Hi, I gave it a try, but on my end it is working. Which emWin version are you using? Regards, Sven ” It works well since 5.4x, if lower (5.38) then it has above mentioned wrong behaviour.

  • Hello. Very usual conditions: There is a FrameWindow with some widgets, one of them is DROPDOWN (in attached sample there is only a single DROPDOWN - for simplify). And there is a dedicated key (in attached sample it is SHIFT-key) for calling another window (for example MessageBox). If this window being closed then the control and focus should return to the widget, from which this window was called. So, if press a key while a DROPDOWN-widget is in opened state (opened by SPACE-key), then after r…

  • Quote from LexaGb: “Hello, try this code. It is for 800x600 screen example. C Source Code (35 lines)Alex. ” LexaGb, you are simply the best. These three lines of code give so elegant solution of this problem, that I have no words. It is the best solution of this issue without using any callbacks and so on. Thank you very much.

  • Quote from MikeFlyersFan: “Sven had told me in another thread I opened to try this (although at the time I was trying to use both hardware layers of the lcd controller in my mcu, but I put that aside for now) Add a callback function to your frame window, see if it works? Source Code (8 lines)” I already tried this way, it gives black background, but not transparent. I tested it on simulator. P.S. There is a way presented by SEGGER, see file ALPHA_TransparentDialog.c (folder Sample\Tutorial), but…

  • MULTIPAGE - Change Tab Color?

    volodymyr - - emWin related


  • Hello. How to make transparent dialog box (transparent background of client window), created by GUI_CreateDialogBox? I used for it the functions WM_SetTransState and WM_SetHasTrans but they give no effect. C Source Code (18 lines)Should I do something in callback-function of FrameWindow? I succeeded to create a window with the transparent background only via WM_CreateWindowAsChild , but I need dialog window (with key TAB).

  • MULTIPAGE - Change Tab Color?

    volodymyr - - emWin related


    Quote from MikeFlyersFan: “Hi, Is there a way to change the background color of the MULTIPAGE tab? I'm able to change the tab font without issues, and the background color of the dialog box attached to the tab... but the tab itself always has a white background? (see the attached picture) ” Hello. I already solved this. I wrote callback-function for multipage like this: Source Code (22 lines)

  • Quote from LexaGb: “Hello, check the attached code. There are two checkboxes in a window (320 * 240), and one of them changes its skin frame and gradient colors when got the focus and returns default skin colors when lost the focus. Simply call CreateWindowChckBx() from your main() or whatever you are using. Alex. ” Thanks, Alex, your sample is perfect and solves my problem.

  • Hello. I have dialog window (FRAMEWIN) with a set of widgets on it, there are BUTTON's, EDITBOX'es, also there are some CHECKBOX widgets. For navigate between widgets TAB-key is used. I would like to do following: If one of CHECKBOX-widgets got focus (is selected), I would like to change skin of it - change gradient colors of its box for better visual perception that it has got focus, and return back old skin if it has lost focus. But for this purpose there is no appropriate function, there is o…

  • Hello. I write an application with many dialog windows, some of them have nested dialog windows etc. Every such window has the own callback function to react on some keys. Also this application should have a general menu, that should be called by pressing a dedicated hardware-key (for examble GUI_KEY_BACKSPACE) from everywhere, independent of currently opened window or its sub-window. One way is to add to every callback-function of correspondent window a code of reacting to this GUI_KEY_BACKSPAC…

  • Hello. 1) I have converted TTF-font for visualisation of cyrillic symbols (UTF-codepage). Also I used at program start a routine GUI_UC_SetEncodeUTF8() for correct visualisation of cyrillic symbols. It works well. But if I use "input text" widgets EDIT or MULTIEDIT then after switching MS-Windows to cyrillic keyboard layout they both show extended ASCII-letters instead of cyrillic, despite that font table does contain cyrillic letters. See picture for understand the problem. Starting text at lef…

  • Hello. In the documentation (ch. 19.1.4) is described: Default configuration All widgets also have one or more configuration macros which define various default settings such as fonts and colors used. The available configuration options are listed for each widget in their respective sections later in the chapter. And for each widget there is a table named "Configuration options", where are described default values for various macro. For example (19.7.1): * Type * Macro * Default * Description * …

  • Hello. How to get info if the DROPDOWN-widget is in open state? I need it for handle various behaviour after pressing GUI_KEY_ENTER in closed or open state. Regards, Volodymyr.