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  • 2. I already mentioned this 6 month ago. Y-axis behaviour is terrible. I'm not talking about the missing y-axis zoom (e.g. with alt + mouse wheel) but that the scale breaks. Sometimes wrong i.e. very big or very small numbers may appear, probably due to EMI. What should normally only result in spikes, results in unuseability: Y-axis shows a strange scale, auto scale doesn't work, but even a manual y-axis range can't be set. Please fix your timeline.…08d591e44abde5f…

  • Hello, I just calibrated the current measurement of my J-Link Ultra+ while having nothing connected Source Code (6 lines)So far so good. Then same with just a 5V to 3.3V LDO connected, so that its quiescent current will not be part of the measurement. Source Code (6 lines)Numbers are a bit high?, but ok ... after that the current in Ozone was always 0mA (in reality it should be around 1..13mA). With a bit more load, so I get 20..33mA,I can see the measurements again but as 4..17mA so I calibrate…

  • [SOLVED] SWO trace

    fraengers - - Ozone related


    Hello, I'm trying to figur out tracing. Since I only have a J-Link Ultra+, 4-bit tracing is not possible (also the pins are usally not available on my controller) but SWO is available. Now I found this old thread: [SOLVED] Ozone SWO tracing saying there is no SWO tracing. But in the trace settings I can set the trace source to SWO, but that doesn't seem to do much. So before I waste more time, please tell me: Is the only thing Ozone can do with with the SWO-pin print text to terminal?

  • See also:…nd-possible-improvements/…-possible-improvements-2/ 1. again: why a start/stop button would be a good idea and add value (i.e. make the sampling feature usable): Here is a gif, so you can see the problem (besides the big inconvenience that this procedure is); the timelines will be out of sync: edit: the bigger issue here is that power and data timelines are not correctly synced.…08d591e44abde5f…

  • 11. I experience it one three different machines (all Win10 and Ozone 3.28c) 13. It seems to be a problem with floats, ints work. Test code for XMC4500 Relax V1: C Source Code (18 lines)In this test it evaluates to 0. Better, because the timeline graph is still usable, but still wrong.…08d591e44abde5f7ce0475a61…08d591e44abde5f7ce0475a61

  • 13. Expressions are broken (or working as intended? I'm not sure anymore...) - In Watched Data any expression, that is not just a variable, will only be evaluated when halted, auto referesh does not work. - in Data Sampling something like "(var1 - var2)" works, but "(var1 - var2)*1" will result in values like -2.07691874e+34.

  • 11. I cannot reproduce it consistently, it is happening pretty much all the time (but sometimes it's working correctly or it's less noticeable). I also tested it on a new installation and empty project. It is happinging without data too. It doesn't matter if the time scale is set to continuous or e.g. ms/div. Changing the window size seems to influence this behaviour. I made a short clip, so you can see what I mean. Observe the time origin line jumping when I move the cursor after zooming. Reall…

  • 10. the auto reload of ELF will not work if the "Target Connection Lost" error window (maybe also other message windows) is present. Common scenario for me: Debugger is running to examine errors if needed, I'm testing my setup, an error occurs, I turn off the power supply (=>debugger connection lost) to restart everything, I turn the power on again, I do more tests (debugger not needed at this point), I go the my IDE, make some changes, compile, do other stuff to prepare the next test run, then …

  • The main problem is that I cannot get to the "time to do a single memcopy" speed. Or worded differently: my memcpy is slow. here are some results: Source Code (12 lines)Are you using a special memcpy function? (I'm not a software engineer so I can't confidently tell from the code) - If so, why is it not as fast as in your test? The mepcpy32 function shows that it can be fast. - If not, why is it RTT still faster than calling memcpy manually?

  • 2. (from here) and another additional point for the a-great-idea-but-annoying-to-use feature (data sampling): - checkboxes in the data sampling setup panel, where I can select the expressions I want to sample without having to remove the ones I don't want to sample. 7. But please fix it as in: make it work and not as in: remove it. Even if the sampling rate and resolution is not as good as with the intended probes and with that useless for in-depth profiling, it is still a nice feature to see lo…

  • 2. (from here) additional points: - after zooming in the timeline with 'ctrl + mouse wheel' the zoom works as intended, but when you move the mouse afterwards, the timescale moves, so the waveforms jump right or left - there should be some kind of indication what sampling rate is possible with the current settings (SWD frequency, number of variables to sample etc.) and debug probe.

  • 1. (from here) another vote for the Start/Stop button, so I can start/stop both data and power sampling (also tracing? no experience with that) at the same time without having to change (and remember the current setting) of two frequency settings. 7. Seggers information is really unclear on this. Power profiling is specifically advertised with 200kSa/s for high end models (Pro, Ultra+). But it is also advertised for J-Link Plus as a feature of Ozone (with 1kHz rate limit I would assume). Since E…

  • Since I recently bought a J-Link Edu I tried Ozone again. So I'm continuing my thread from here: 7. power sampling with J-Link Edu (Everything was tested while connected to a STM32L011F4P6 with 4MHz SWD, 5V pin of debugger was loaded with a potentiometer.) - First I calibrated with J-Link commander and no load: - On the J-Link Web control panel it seems ok: it shows 0mA (5.45mA peak) - Ozone on the other hand only outputs the values 5.000mA or 4294959.000mA - with load - I get some reasonable va…

  • I tested two versions, 6.40 and 7.80a: V6.40 has #define USE_RTT_ASM 1 in SEGGER_RTT_Conf.h, but this has no effect. In both versions the presence of SEGGER_RTT_ASM_ARMv7M.S does not change the output. Not using SEGGER_RTT.c results in errors. Since the times for writing 82 chars are far away from what is claimed on the website (<= 1us @ 168MHz Cortex M4), I did a bit of testing. I'm only running at 120MHz, so my times should be slower by a factor of 1.4. But the best I could do was 3.5 us. The …

  • Hi, can you please tell me why and how to use SEGGER_RTT_ASM_ARMv7M.S, there is not much info on that. 1. What is the advantage, is it faster? 2. How do I use it? just setting #define USE_RTT_ASM (1) in SEGGER_RTT_Conf.h doesn't do much as far as I can tell I am working with Dave IDE (gcc) with XMC4400 (Cortex M4)

  • Now I have a screenshot of the problem I was originally talking about. And I could solve it by creating a new project.

  • 1. Start/Stop button for data sampling like in J-Scope otherwise, it is difficult to look at the data, without stopping the target. Disabling auto scroll is not sufficient, because when the data buffer is full, the data will move. edit: setting the sampling frequency to off works, still not the most intuitive solution 2. Better Timeline / Sampling performance - Sampling several variables with max frequency results in slow response of Ozone (i.e. makes it unusable), especially if you use expressi…

  • Hi, J-Scope (tested with V7.70e) does not recognize volatile structs. They show up in the list, but only as a big data block. Sidenote: It would be great, if the line/dot width would be configurable

  • V4.3 and the target is XMC4400-512. I'm aware the there are no sample points in between sample points … this is not what I was asking about. Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “but sometimes the background task might get blocked more depending on the workload so the delay may be a bit higher for some data points. ” Hm, that could be the case in the screenshot (if by "sometimes" you mean every 1ms or so and by "higher delay" you mean missing)

  • I was sampling a global float variable. As I said, I am using a J-Link Ultra+ and it is not a problem with the sampling rate. It happened at 100Hz too. I cannot replicate this behaviour at the moment. It is more or less continuous right now, but there are still some missing samples every millisecond or so. So, my question is more general. Should it be possible to continuously sample data, without holes or is this* typical behaviour because of buffering or something else like RTT? * with this I n…