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  • Hello techEmbedded, Could you please tell me which format you used to save the image as c file? Thank you. Best regards, Adrian

  • Hello techEmbedded, This might have different reasons. The way your PNG image is shown on the display in the end depends on the original file, the actions which were done with the Bitmap Converter (e.g. "ConvertInto..."-functions, scaling) and the exact format which was used to store it as c file. Could you please send me the PNG file you use and a detailed description of what is done using the Bitmap Converter? I would like to reproduce the problem. Thank you in advance. Best regards, Adrian

  • Hello ayman hendawy, emWin supports output of bidirectional texts. This is activated with the following function call: Source Code (1 line) For detailed information about bidirectional texts, please refer to the chapter 28 "Foreign Language Support" in the emWin documentation. You can also find the file FONT_Arabic.c in the "Sample"-folder of your emWin package, which shows how this can be implemented. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Best regards, Adrian

  • ARM11 6410 solutions

    SEGGER - Adrian - - emWin related


    Hello tomwu, Please understand that I can not recommend an evaluation board for your purpose. If you have any questions regarding emWin, please let me know. Best regards, Adrian

  • Create fonts for emWin

    SEGGER - Adrian - - emWin related


    Hello Chris, Since you received your emWin libraries from NXP, could you please contact NXP in this regard, too? Thank you in advance. Best regards, Adrian

  • Hello JuergenL, Using WM_SetHasTrans() causes the window manager to redraw the background of the button in order to have the transparent parts updated before the actual button is drawn. So the behavior you experience is correct in the first step. The disadvantage is of course that the drawing (flickering) might be visible depending on the used hardware. To avoid this using Memory Devices is a good option. In fact the following function call makes the Window Manager use Memory Devices automatical…

  • Hello Engin, the file LCD_X_6800.c should be placed in the folder "Sample\LCD_X\" of your emWin shipment. If it is not, please contact SEGGER support. You should also be able to find the emWin display driver GUIDRV_Template in the folder "Start\GUI\DisplayDriver\", which may be used as starting point to write a custom driver. For further information, please refer to the section "Display driver" -> "GUIDRV_Template - Template for a new driver" in the emWin documentation. Please note that the KS01…

  • Hello Patrick, Please understand, that NXP has created this package of emWin and therefore is responsible for first-level-support. Please contact support at NXP for assistance regarding libraries offered at LPCWare. Thank you. Best regards, Adrian

  • Hello John, I am sorry we currently do not have a project for Rowley. We are willing to create one, but at the time it is not scheduled. Anyway, please feel free to send a request for this project to Best regards, Adrian

  • C stream

    SEGGER - Adrian - - emWin related


    Hello Eyeals, 1. Since you intend to store the data in non-addressable memory the GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap...Ex() functions should be used. Please note that the ...Ex()-functions need an according GetData()-function to be implemented. If you decide to just store the BMP-data the function GUI_BMP_DrawEx() (non-addressable memory) should be used. 2. Yes, using the Bitmap Converter to convert PNG-images to c stream makes sense for exactly the reason you already mentioned. This way RAM is saved, but o…

  • GRAPH YT Zoom

    SEGGER - Adrian - - emWin related


    Hello ToneL, Currently there is no possibility to rescale the x-axis without having to rewrite the necessary elements. We intend to make the GRAPH widget allow fast scaling of the x-axis, but this is actually not fixed in the schedule yet, so I am afraid I can not tell you when it is going to be available. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Best regards, Adrian

  • Hello EAV, Is there a chance to get detailed information about what was done so far? I am afraid I am not able to tell what goes wrong by having a look at the screenshot. I recommend setting up the display driver as it is described in the chapter "Display drivers" in the emWin documentation. If you have further questions, please let me know. Best regards, Adrian

  • Hello Sallen, Using emWin V3.96 you will have to reconfigure the linker in order to make it store data in external RAM. If you want to let the emWin memory management use external RAM without having to reconfigure your linker, please consider updating emWin to a newer version. Best regards, Adrian

  • Double Click -ListBox

    SEGGER - Adrian - - emWin related


    Hello Smok, Yes, it is possible. This can be implemented by overwriting the callback function of the parent window. Just react on the WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED and store the current time. If WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED is sent a second time within the maximum time a double click shall be considered, the according action can be executed. Best regards, Adrian

  • Dear Rahul, Please have a look at Custom background image in emWin simulation?. I believe this thread will answer your questions. Best regards, Adrian

  • Hello Rick, emWin does not offer a ready-to-use function to manage a video stream. Best regards, Adrian

  • 1. Could you please give more precise information about what happens? 2. Is this problem caused by emWin? Could you please make it clear to me? -- Adrian

  • Dear Raúl, I have tested your code and I have to tell you that this behavior is not a bug in emWin. Unfortunately there is no advice I could give you at this point. Maybe it would be a good idea to update emWin to the new version, so you would be able to use the WM_PRE_PAINT and the WM_POST_PAINT message. Best regards, Adrian

  • Dear Florian, You are right. Both ways of including device bitmaps are possible, but the resource bitmaps are always embedded. External bitmaps are only used, if they are found in the same folder the executable is located in. I would suspect the according include path to be missing in your project settings. Maybe it would be a good idea to have a look at your project. Could you please check the project settings once again and then send me a small example project which shows the problem? You can …

  • Dear SelecControls, Please find a simple example for using the function GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap() attached to this post. To use the extended function GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapEx(), you need to define a custom 'GetData' function which should be declared as follows: C Source Code (1 line) I hope I could help you with this sample. Unfortunately we do not have further examples for this. Best regards, Adrian