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  • Hi Ran, Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, we currently do not offer further reference implementations for other devices. However, since adapting the provided sample code for other devices basically is just exchanging one hardware timer for another, doing so shouldn't cause much trouble. Still, in case you unexpectedly encounter any problems while adapting our code for your chosen device, please feel free to contact us with a detailed problem description - we will then gladly assist you whe…

  • Hello kkmspb, OS_ERR_SYS_STACK indicates an overflow of the System Stack. Can you increase the stack size and repeat your test? Does the issue persist? The reason the application "works" in release is that embOS will not perform stack checking in release configurations. Thus it will not call OS_Error(). But the stack could still have overflown in release as well, which may still result in a faulty application. Hence, we typically advise to develop in debug configurations and move to release only…

  • The reported issue was resolved via our support ticket system. This thread will therefore be closed now.

  • Hi Bar, When OS_MAILBOX_Put() results in a call to OS_Error(), that indicates that the mailbox structure passed as parameter was not previously initialized by a call to OS_MAILBOX_Create(). The error code in that case should be OS_ERR_INV_MAILBOX. Can you confirm this is the error code you're facing as well? If so, it seems "MyMailbox" was declared twice, which in turn would indicate that the extern declaration was implemented erroneously. You may check if MyMailbox was declared twice by searchi…

  • Hi Bar, Just add it to the project options as shown below:…2dba35824f685c42b8e88fb84 Best regards, Martin

  • Hi Bar, Thanks for your inquiry. Investigation of task states, semaphores, mutexes, etc. is possible with the embOS plug-in for Embedded Studio. All projects shipped by us will by default use that plug-in. It also is described in more detail inside the embOS manual UM01061_embOS_CortexM_ES.pdf (Chapter 10, "embOS Thread Script"), which is part your shipment as well, or alternatively, also is available online. Please let me know if I can be of any further help. Best regards, Martin

  • Hi Audrey, Quote from AudreyD: “Don't you think there could be a problem with the region counter ? ” From your description and screenshots, I'm afraid I cannot see how this would be related to the region counter. Also, as til had mentioned previously, embOS RX IAR is used in a lot of products without any issues. Still, we'd of course ike to be able to reproduce the observed problem for a better understanding of what actually happens with your application. A screenshot of the call stack once insi…

  • Hi Audrey, I've quickly tried to reproduce the observed issue, but to no avail. Does your application utilize ISP or USP when the SystemView init function is called? This is for the reason that, generally speaking, OS_ERR_ILLEGAL_IN_ISR will only be issued when an embOS API function that mustn't be called from an ISR was called from an ISR. However, main() will initially utilize the interrupt stack as well, which may have resulted in a false-positive detection if any embOS API function was calle…

  • Hi Audrey, Okay, so it's not embOSView but SystemView that fails to start. This, however, is somewhat expected: Auto-detection of the RTT control block will typically search through internal memory only, since J-Link cannot know the exact layout of your external memory. Hence, if the control block is located in external memory, its adress needs to be explicitly specified in the connection dialog, e.g.:…2dba35824f685c42b8e88fb84 If you don't know the adress of the R…

  • Hi Audrey, Generally, no additional configuration is required even when part of the code is stored in external memory. Can you tell in more detail which problems do occur? Are you using J-Link as communications interface between target and host, or are you e.g. using UART instead? Does the embOSView log ("View" -> "Log" from the menu) show any error conditions? Best regards, Martin

  • Hi bar, Sorry for the delay in reply, unfrotunately I haven't been in office for a few days. If "Edit section placement" is not shown in the context menu, that typcially indicates no valid placement file was found or, alternatively, no placement file was specified at all. Therefore, could you please check if the path and file name in "Project options -> Code -> Linker -> Section Placement File" do specify a valid placement file? Best regards, Martin

  • Hi bar, If all source files, librararies and include paths from the Nordic project are added to your project, there should be no unresolved references to Nordic API functions. In addition, you'd need to merge the flash_placement.xml and possibly the nRF52840_xxAA_MemoryMap.xml. To do so, please right-click on the project and select "Edit section placement" or "Edit Memory Map", respectively, and manually edit the files:…2dba35824f685c42b8e88fb84 nrf52840_Registers.…

  • Hi bar, __start_nrf_section should be defined in the flash_placement.xml of the original Nordic project. Apparently, you're not using that in your combined project (i.e. did not merge the placement files from both projects). The same applies to other symbols, e.g. __end_nrf_sections_run, __stop_log_const_data, __start_log_const_data, __start_log_dynamic_data, or __start_pwr_mgmt_data: they, too, are defined in Nordic's placement file. Other undefined references include functions like ble_nus_dat…

  • Hi bar, The embOS for Cortex-M and IAR project you're referring to probably is the generic CMSIS project. Such generic project, of course, is available with embOS for Cortex-M and ES, too. Please find it at $ROOT$/Start/BoardSupport/CMSIS/Generic/Start_CMSIS_Generic.emProject within our most recent embOS for Cortex-M and ES trial and/or regular shipment. However, it's also possible to sort out the multiple definition problems by merely excluding the files contained in the folder DeviceSupport of…

  • Hi Audrey, Please understand we can't give support on a customized embOS. However, we do offer an official embOS port for RX and IAR compiler as well. Please refer to our website for further information. If you're interested in obtaining that port, please let me know and I will ask my sales colleagues to provide you with an official quote. Best regards, Martin

  • Hi Audrey, Thanks for providing further information. Quote from AudreyD: “The device we use is R5F563NE in OS_LIBMODE_DP. The compiler we use is IAR C/C++ Compiler for RX v1.09, in IAR Embedded Workbench IDE - RX 3.10.6. ” Could you please confirm that it's actually IAR? I'm afraid I can't find a license for your company for embOS for RX and IAR in our database, but for embOS for RX and CCRX only. Or, are you currently using the CCRX port with IAR? Best regards, Martin

  • Hello Audrey, Thanks for your inquiry. While we're not aware of any issues with embOS V4.02a for RX and CCRX, we of course would like to assist you in finding the root cause for the observed problem. Quote from AudreyD: “In which cases the region counter could be equal to zero, since before OS_ChangeTask() is called, the counter is either incremented, either set to 1. What could be the "other internal error" ? ” With embOS V4.02a, OS_ERR_INTERNAL is issued exclusively when the region counter is …

  • Hello bar, Quote from bar: “1.In my embOS I fond this file RTOSInit_nRF5x.c Is this is the right one? ” Yes, that's the right one. Quote from bar: “2. for the _WFI I found this function void OS_Idle(void) { // Idle loop: No task is ready to execute while (1) { // Nothing to do ... wait for interrupt #if ((OS_VIEW_IFSELECT != OS_VIEW_IF_JLINK) && (OS_DEBUG == 0)) //__WFI(); // Switch CPU into sleep mode #endif } } _WFI all ready close. Is this the right function? ” Yes, that's the right one as we…

  • Hello bar, and thanks for your inquiry, Unfortunately, there's no automated way to merge the projects: You'd have to manually add the files to your project tree and subsequently add the include paths as well. Once done, you'd also need to perform 3 minor modifications to the board support package that was shipped with embOS to work with the BLE. That is, first, the embOS BSP file RTOSInit.c will typically include a line to set the Vector table offset register. This can't be done when utilizing B…

  • Hi Ran, Quote from wrani: “Note that I see those symbols in ses_startup_nrd52840.s :"_vectors: .word __stack_end__" but not in ses_startup_nrd52840.s which is used when building from "armgcc" ” This is correct. With the armcc startup code, __initial_sp is used instead of __stack_end__. Hence, you will find a line like Source Code (1 line) in the armcc startup. Yet, both __initial_sp and __stack_end__ are linker created symbols, respectively. Since embOS for Cortex-M and Embedded Studio does rely…