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  • Hello- changed optimizations from "none" (project default) to "0" and things seem fine. Thanks!

  • I'm having a hard time understanding the rules for when SES does and does not provide information on variables. The attached screenshot shows that variable 'ptr' correctly loaded a value from 'result.value.v_voidPtr', so why is this value not showing in the union for 'result'? Variables also keep appearing and disappearing from the listings of 'locals' and 'autos' even when they are still in scope. Are there some kind of additional settings I need to enable?

  • The STM32L0xx CPU Support Package v2.06 is not generating a correct register XML file for the STM32L062 family (and presumably others). The XML file is placing the DBG_TIM22_STOP bit in register DBG_APB2_FZ as bit 6, but according to the ST datasheet (Reference manual for Ultra-low-power STM32L0x2 advanced Arm®-based 32-bit MCUs RM0376 Rev 7, page 935) this is bit 5. See attached image.

  • Further review indicates that I failed to have the STM32L0 BOOT0 pin wired correctly on the board. With this grounded out (== boot from flash) the code executed correctly after using the "no option byte" HEX file generated by SES and programmed with J-Flash Lite. This issue can be marked as closed/solved.

  • Thank you for the somewhat condescending reply. I will check into the points raised and provide an update on my success.

  • Not sure if this needs to be in the SES or J-Link forums since it isn't clear what part of the process is failing. Using SES 6.32 I am creating an application for the STM32L062K8U6 on a custom PCB. I have code that works correctly when I do "Build->Build and Run". The output window says that it is downloading the ELF file, which is 57kb. In the project options Common->Linker setting I have the HEX file enabled as an additional output. In contrast to the 57kb ELF file the HEX file is 5kb which is…

  • Solved : the issue turned out to be preprocessor directives not being set correctly so the code itself in the file was not flagged to be compiled.

  • Hello- I right-click on both "Project RTOS_Testing" and "Source Files" and pick "Add Existing File", but with either method the file doesn't compile. I have tried removing and adding it many times. No clue why this problem is only happening with this file in particular. This also doesn't compile even if I pick "Rebuild Solution". Screenshot of the project window attached.

  • Hello- just started a new project with SES 6.32. I have project folder 'A' where I created a default project using the built-in wizards. At the same directory level as 'A' is folder 'B'. 'B' contains source files as well as a whole tree of other directories and sources. So I added 'B\C\D\my_source.c' to the project, but it doesn't get compiled. Instead I get linker errors that the symbols present in my_source are undefined and the project view doesn't show any memory taken up by the code in my_s…

  • Hello- Please confirm if the 2x5 header pins on the J-Link EDU mini (8.08.91) are .05" pitch and not the more breadboard-friendly .1" pitch.

  • By default SES uses the GCC for compilation. In all of the Segger documentation and the GCC website, I can't find any discussion of what processor registers are used to store function parameters and return values when compiling for the Cortex-M4. I had thought I had seen in print that R3 was used for the return value, but I can't find what resource I had seen that in. Looking at compiled code, return values get copied between R0 and R3, so it is not clear which register is supposed to be the off…

  • Thanks to everyone that helped. As guessed by Johannes, the problem is Timer6. This particular timer on the STM32F429 board always runs once enabled, even when the processor is halted in the debugger. So, if a break point occurs too early in the code, the Timer6 ISR immediately launches afterwards before key system variables have been properly set up. When I used this same set of code on the TI Launchpad with the TM4C123G chip, the timer I was using would halt when the debugger halted, so these …

  • Hello- I have downloaded the recommended document and followed its advice. When I do the simple hard fault handler: C Source Code (9 lines) the document says "If you step out of the Hard Fault handler, you will reach the first instruction after the instruction which caused the hard fault." However, this is not what happens to me. Instead, execution immediately goes back to the hard fault handler, even when I step through in disassembly mode. When I add in the more detailed code, these are the no…

  • I might be closer to an answer, although the exact nature of the problem eludes me. My project has several versions of the code base. In versions n and n-1, I can compile and run the code just fine, and even pause and step into it. However, if I place a break point into the system, I get a hard fault the moment I move past the break point. After some trial and error, I isolated the issue to this line of code: Source Code (1 line) This function call is created in one of the default files auto-gen…

  • So I am using SES v2.20 on Ubuntu 16.04 and running into some issues with a project for the STM32F429ZI Cortex-M4. I had a working set of files from a project that I copied into a new project so I could make some modifications. After completing the modifications, the project compiles but does not execute correctly. On SES v2.20 the debugger just halts with a message saying something about ending due to a vector catch but provides no specifics. So I tried to upgrade to SES 3.10. This time, instea…

  • Hello- We were able to resolve the issue, so I am giving an update here to help future users. On systems where the device can't be detected on SES, the drop-down menu to select the J-Link is completely blank. You can manually type in `USB` or `USB0` into the selection box, but the device still won't connect. After a phone call with the Segger office in the U.S., I was able to track down the issue to the jlink_6.0.7_x86_64.deb driver. On our Ubuntu 16.0.04 systems, trying to run the driver takes …

  • Upgraded to version 3.10b from version 2.20, and the same issue persists.

  • In a small classroom environment I am attempting to develop under Linux for the STM32F429 discovery board. I have 10 sets of equipment c/o a 32Gb SanDisk Cruzer Guide with a full install of Ubuntu 16.0.04 (so, NOT running as a Live CD), mini-USB cable, and STM32F429 Discovery Board. The ST-Link software on the STM32 has been replaced with the J-Link software. All of the flash drives are bit-level clones of a single source drive. On each drive, SES has been installed from the segger_embedded_stud…