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  • Hello Andres, Your configuration looks good so far. You enabled post-mortem mode and configured syncs to be sent every 4th event. Could you check if _SendSyncInfo() in SEGGER_SYSVIEW.c is called? If so, could you provide a read-out buffer from a longer run and one from a short run? Best regards Johannes

  • Ozone, is it a bug ?

    SEGGER - Johannes - - General


    Hi, We are not aware of any problems with stepping and were not able to reproduce the issue. Would it be possible to provide a project which shows this issue? What happens when you continue (and set a breakpoint in the if) instead of a single step in step 6? Does the behaviour change when you edit R4 in the registers window directly instead of tTK in the watches window? Best regards Johannes

  • Ozone, suggestions

    SEGGER - Johannes - - General


    Hi, Thanks for the feedback. In the memory window you might want to view your flash at 0x00000000, your RAM at 0x20000000, and maybe SFRs at 0xE0000000, this is why the whole address space is available. To move within one range (e.g. the flash), you may use the mouse wheel or keyboard. Additionally you can go to any address using the context menu or the toolbar of the memory window. We will also put the memory window interface on our list for improvements. Source Code block detection and/or coll…

  • Hi, NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIM6_IRQ); enables the TIM6 interrupt, which seems to be your system/kernel timer. If you do not call this function your OS probably won't run with multiple tasks. When you step (on source or instruction level) interrupts are usually disabled. When you let your application run interrupts are enabled. So it might be possible that there is a problem in your TIM6 ISR. Set a breakpoint in the ISR and check if the hard fault happens there. Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, There has been an issue with SWO trace which did not completely configure the target. This has been fixed in the new V3.10g. Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, Glad to read this is solved. Adding Project.SetRootPath("...") to OnProjectLoad is the right way. Some information about the file paths: Your application seems to be built with relative path names, relative to the makefile execution path. In the elf file, source file and path information are spread across different sections and entries. With the information from objdump or readelf you can reconstruct the full path with the additional fields of the file description, this is what Ozone does as…

  • Hi, You might want to have a look at our Application Note for more analysis possibilities of Hard Faults: There might be different reasons for hard faults, especially in "multi-tasking" applications. The hardfault handler might help you to find it. Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, Yes, Kenny is right. In the default configuration J-Link does not supply power on pin 19. You can either switch it on permanently with J-Link commander and the command "power on perm" or until the next disconnect with "power on". Best regards Johannes

  • Hi Pawel, This is something which is currently not possible in Embedded Studio but already on out ToDo, so it will be available with a future version. Best regards Johannes

  • Ozone, loading a project

    SEGGER - Johannes - - General


    Hi, It looks like Ozone has not been able to open the elf file after reloading the project. Could you provide the Ozone project file (jlink.jdebug) and the complete output of the Console Window after laoding the project and starting the debug session? Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, It looks like your elf-file includes insufficient source information or relative source file paths which are not relative to the output file. For these cases you can use File Path Resolution functions in Ozone, via the Console Window or in your project file. With these functions you can set the root for relative files, add additional search directories and substitute parts of absolute paths. For more information have a look at Chapter 6.3 "File Path Resolution" of the Ozone User Manual. Best…

  • Hi, Ozone ships with some Qt Libraries. Could you remove them from your installation and run Ozone again? The libs can be found in /opt/SEGGER/ozone/2.20.8/Lib Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, The issue has been resolved with the last update V2.20i, which has been released yesterday. Best regards Johannes

  • The issue has been resolved and the fix will be included in the upcoming version of Embedded Studio. Regards Johannes

  • Hi, These are left-over output files from the compiler which should have been removed. The upcoming version will improve the handling, create non-random names and make sure they are removed. Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, Yes, __ARMVFP__ is a preprocessor define which is set by the IAR compiler. These defines are set by Embedded Studio / GCC, based on the project configuration: __ARM_ARCH_VFP__ __ARM_ARCH_VFP3_D32__ __ARM_ARCH_VFP3_D16__ __ARM_ARCH_VFP4_D32__ __ARM_ARCH_VFP4_D16__ __ARM_ARCH_FPV4_SP_D16__ __ARM_ARCH_FPV5_SP_D16__ __ARM_ARCH_FPV5_D16__ Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, The SystemView buffer is a ring buffer implementation. The newest data is written at WrOff, counted from the start of buffer memory, and wraps around at the end of the buffer. RdOff marks the start position to read valid data. Data can be read up to WrOff-1, and the wrap-around needs to be handled. With post-mortem mode it is assumed, that the target ran for longer time and the SystemView buffer is completely filled. In this case RdOff is WrOff+1. When the buffer is not completely filled, wh…

  • Hi Lukasz, Thanks for sharing your function. It is a good solution to make sure you record the start of a system without adding a system specific delay or loop. Note: This function cannot be used in release code, as the system will endlessly wait for the SystemView connection. We might add it to the official version as well. Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, The full details are not fixed, yet. It will feature the "unlimited" recording, as well as more advanced search and filter options for events. Feel free to subscribe to the Notification List to get an update when this version is available. Best regards Johannes

  • Hi Torsten, Could you also create a support report (Help -> Create Support Report...) from your Embedded Studio? Thanks, Johannes