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  • Dear Kenny, Quote: “With LIBMODE_D I cannot see the run count or stack information but I thought this build had all the debug options turned on? The _DP build works fine.” I could not reproduce this with our start projects, in which both libmodes work fine. To ask for further details on your setup, however, I will contact you via email in a few minutes. Quote: “Found the option to enable build output in a pull-down in the output window. Also under the Tools menu Options... . ” Yes, that's correc…

  • Dear Kenny, Quote from Kenny: “I also use C++ and have my own classes for the peripherals including the NVIC. Generally defining SysTick_Handler and OSHW_Init() are pretty straight forward but I also remove many of the very sparse comments and macro definitions and anything unnecessary for my specific port for maintainability. The many macro if/else make the code very difficult to read and I try to minimize this. I understand that you probably do have to keep all of this in here to avoid code re…

  • Dear Kenny, To hopefully avoid any misunderstanding: As Niklas said, J-Mem is a tool for Windows and pretty much a standalone memory window. More information on it can be found at: JLinkMEM on the other hand, as you have probably encountered it in our RTOSInit files, is a data handler used for ARM J-Link communication over memory, and as such can be used for communcation between embOS on your target hardware and embOSView on your computer via JLink. This, by the way, is its only purpo…

  • Dear Kenny, Thank you for pointing us towards this. Your objection is basically correct: While we do not re-define any symbols already defined inside the CMSIS header, we do use "MPU" as a name for a structure member inside RTOS.h. This results in the observed problem with embOS-MPU (but not embOS) when both core_cm4.h and RTOS.h are included in that exact order. We will address this and likely change the member's name in future releases. In the meantime, however, a possible workaround is to inc…

  • embOS V4.16 has now been released for Cortex-M and Keil MDK. Please kindly excuse any inconvenience caused. Best regards, Martin

  • embOS and STM32 CubeMX

    SEGGER - Martin - - embOS related


    Dear Stefan, The latest release of embOS for Cortex-M and Rowley did include the "User & Reference Guide for embOS". Chapter 24.2 of that guide (starting on page 381) displays a table of each possible error code together with a short explanation. If you feel any of these descriptions is unclear or insufficient, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. Best regards, Martin

  • RE: Task priority

    SEGGER - Martin - - embOS related


    Dear Rebel, Quote from Rebel: “Lets say TaskA is on line "Log.Error = "No money"; " Can be TaskB now become active?” The scheduler will activate the task that has the highest priority of all tasks in the READY state. Hence, if Task B becomes ready while Task A is being executed, Task A gets preempted and Task B will become active. Further information may also be found inside our User & Reference Guide for embOS, chapter 2.4 ("Scheduling"). Quote from Rebel: “TaskB call same function with differe…

  • OS_InitHW() - manul

    SEGGER - Martin - - embOS related


    Dear Rebel, Quote from Rebel: “I would like to how to integrate embOS to any system. Do you provide OS_InitHW()? Or is this done by manufacturer of processor?” Yes, OS_InitHW() usually is provided by SEGGER. If you want to run embOS on a target for which we do not provide a start project, however, you may also edit OS_InitHW() by yourself. Generally speaking, the mandatory changes for this purpose are the initialization of the hardware timer to use with your device, and possibly some changes to …

  • OS_InitHW() - manul

    SEGGER - Martin - - embOS related


    Dear Rebel, OS_InitHW() is part of the target system configuration, which is described in chapter "Configuration of target system" of the generic embOS manual. With the most recent revision of that manual (available for Download), this chapter starts on page 345. However, you may also ask your specific questions regarding OS_InitHW() for us to answer them. Best regards, Martin

  • Dear Harsh, Quote from techharsh: “ We have been assigned a project which is compiling in debug mode. In debug mode, library used is "osRxfll_FDP.a". Which .a file should be used for release mode? ” That would be "osRxfll_FR.a". You may find more information on embOS library modes in the specific embOS RX IAR user manual, chapter "Naming conventions for prebuilt libraries". Quote from techharsh: “ Further implementation in software is implementation of low power modes, as project is battery oper…

  • Dear kugger, This error indicates an insufficient size of the system stack. Depending on the IDE in use and the architecture of the target, there are different ways to increase stack size: With Segger Embedded Studio, for example, the stack size for a Cortex-M target may be configured through the project option "Main stack size". For an ARM7/9/11 target, however, the appropiate option in SES is called "Stack Size (User/System mode)" instead. When using IAR, on the other hand, stack size is confi…

  • Hi Martin, Quote from Martin: “The SystemView documentation says that it will work with embOS since V4.12 but that seams to be wrong. Do I need a newer version of embOS (which is not released for Keil at the moment!).” You're correct, a more recent embOS version is required. While SystemView support was in deed implemented with embOS V4.12, recent versions of SystemView require V4.12a of embOS. We expect to release an updated version of embOS for Cortex-M and KEIL MDK within the next week, which…

  • Hi JLuc, Quote from JLuc: “Dear Martin, finally it works ! The problem is in the RTT connection. When in AUTO mode, RTT can't find the buffers, even in range mode. I've to fill the address manually, in address mode.” Glad to hear it is finally working! I'll push the devs to release V2.30 soon. Regards, Martin

  • Hi JLuc, Quote from JLuc: “ Let me know what should I configure. TODO: add a paragraph in the manual regarding JLink connection.” I have forwarded your request to the developers assigned with SystemView. They'll add the requested information to upcoming releases. Quote from JLuc: “ Here's the parameters in the connection to JLink window: Connection to JLINK : USB Target Device: Unspecified Target Interface & Speed = SWD @2000kHz (same as EmbOSView, works fine) RTT Control block detection : Auto …

  • Hello JLuc, Quote from JLuc: “ outch ! In SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf.h, (1) parenthesis is missing in line 74, (2) definitions SEGGER_SYSVIEW_CORE_M3 & SEGGER_SYSVIEW_CORE_M0 are not correct: they should be SEGGER_SYSVIEW_CORE_CM3 & SEGGER_SYSVIEW_CORE_CM0 as defined at the top of the file. ” Thanks for pointing this out! We'll apply the appropiate fixes for the next release of the software. Quote from JLuc: “ The firmware is now running, but I can't get trace in SystemView It fails at connection: Cann…

  • Dear JLuc, This is a known issue with SystemView V2.10, which is missing a check for the embOS version in use, thus resulting in the observed incompatibility. However, this was already fixed with SystemView V2.20, which is available for download at: . Please kindly excuse any inconvenience caused. Best regards, Martin

  • embOS View - sysRun

    SEGGER - Martin - - embOS related


    Dear pszemol, Quote from pszemol: “But going back to my original assumptions - how do I see CPU time spent in the interrupts? If a task is heavy in processing stuff in the ISR and wakes itself only at the end of the data acquisition, is the time of CPU spent the such ISR assigned to the task line in the embOS View Task list?” Interrupt execution time is not tracked explicitly with embOSView. If an interrupt occurs during task execution, it's execution time is assigned to the execution time of th…

  • RE: embOS View - sysRun

    SEGGER - Martin - - embOS related


    Hello pszemol, The keyword "sysRun" is not being used in embOS or embOSView itself. Can you provide more details on where the keyword occured, e.g. provide a screenshot of embOSView? If desired, you may also contact us via Email. Thanks and best regards, Martin

  • Dear Markus, Quote from mmvisual: “ When I compile comes this errors: /embOS/GenOSSrc/OSTrace.c(189) : undefined reference to `OS_COM_StoreOutU8' /embOS/GenOSSrc/OSTrace.c(272) : undefined reference to `OS_COM_GetInU16' /embOS/GenOSSrc/OSTrace.c(173) : undefined reference to `OS_COM_StoreOutU16' /embOS/GenOSSrc/OSTrace.c(180) : undefined reference to `OS_COM_StoreOutU32' ” These routines are implemented in a seperate module, OSCom.c. If you kept the structure of the shipping, OSCom.c should be l…

  • Dear likeitlowlevel, Quote: “1.It does not look like DHCP is on, No host with the MAC address listed in IP_Init_X() defined requested an IP from my DHCP server. ** Then I Noticed in SeggerDemo.c where INCLUDED_IP, the next line is grayed out even though in SysConf.h it is defined as 1. And the same things happened for INCLUDED_WEBSERVER.” Having INCLUDE_IP set to 1 in SysConf.h is all you need to include embOS/IP into the Seggerdemo application sample; the eval software package uses DHCP by defa…