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  • Hi, Please excuse the delay in response. It is not possible to use SystemView with variable timestamp frequency, so you will need to provide a fixed frequency for the timestamp even when the CPU speed changes. In SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf.h SEGGER_SYSVIEW_GET_TIMESTAMP() is defined as simply returning the Cortex-M cycle counter. You can change this to call SEGGER_SYSVIEW_X_GetTimestamp() instead and implement this function in your application. You can for example use the SysTick timer as shown in SEGG…

  • Hi, Thanks for the positive feedback, please excuse the delay. The interrupt ID used by SystemView is for Cortex-M devices the interrupt vector index, as read from the ICSR. Refer to SEGGER_SYSVIEW_GET_INTERRUPT_ID in SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf.h The first 16 indices are the generic Cortex-M vectors, followed by the target-specific vectors. So it is correct that device-specific interrupt 3 is recorded as 19. If SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RecordEnterISR() is called from the application code no interrupt is active, …

  • Hi, Thanks for the positive feedback. You are right, in the SystemView FreeRTOS interface task information is only added or updated, but not removed. We will add this to the interface. find attached a preliminary version. Does this work for you? Regarding timestamps, the only reason why timestamps could be 0 is, when the timestamp configuration is not part of the recording. In the SystemView configuration make sure that SEGGER_SYSVIEW_SYNC_PERIOD_SHIFT fits with your SystemView buffer size. Try …

  • Hi, If you select just a generic core, such as Cortex-M3, J-Link will usually be able to connect to your device. But to auto-detect the RTT Control Block, J-Link needs to know where the RAM is located. Therefore you need to either select your specific device (recommended) or specify the control block address or search range. For flash programming the same applies, the J-Link needs to know which device it is connected to. And for some devices special handling is necessary. So overall it is always…

  • Hello, Thank you for the report. You are right, SystemView V2.50 currently needs the J-Link library to check for SystemView PRO licenses on connected J-Links. Since it should not be required to have the J-Link software installed, we will add a check for library presence before the license check. So with the upcoming version you should be able to use SystemView again without the J-Link Software. Best regards Johannes

  • Hi Maxime, Thanks for the feedback. Ozone should save window size and location and in general this does work. Which Linux do you use? Is ~/.config/SEGGER/Ozone.conf present on your system? Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, We tested this and everything works fine. Could it be possible that you have another somewhere on your machine? (i.e. from a manually extracted dmg) In this case macOS will overwrite this one instead of installing it in the given location. Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, The compiler probably added some preface (additional instructions) to the constructor without source information. If you continue stepping you should end up in the constructor in source and disassembly. Could you provide the disassembly Embedded STudio steps into, the call of the constructor and the constructor? Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, Quote: “Thanks. Second question - is it possible to invoke the completion suggestion with some keyboard shortcut? ” Yes, as the description of the option says it is Ctrl+J. I do not see what the "actual problem" is if it's not the performance issue. Regards Johannes

  • Hi, To prevent this error you will need to remove the compiler warning option -Wstrict-prototypes instead of negating it with -Wnostrict-prototypes The option is most commonly set on sloution level or project level in your project in the option Additional C/C++ Compiler Options. Once you removed the option you can re-add it to the Additional C Compiler Only Options Best regards Johannes

  • Hi Jan, To use an external standard library, such as newlib, you can disable the use of the Embedded Studio libraries in the the project options at Linker -> Library. The C++ STL functionality of STLPort 5.1.0 is provided in SEGGER Embedded Studio. To use STLPort you must put $(StudioDir)/include/stlport as the first entry in the User Include Directories project property. The STLPort is configured to not support long doubles and iostreams. Since STLPort is kindof old now and not well maintained …

  • Hi, There will be an update to the Kinetis KE Support Package, soon. For now you can create a simple generic project for the MKE18Fxxx and add the system files you would need for example from the CMSIS-Pack. Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, Thanks for the feedback. Ozone is not ported to Qt5 but uses Qt4. But we will check what could be improved for HiDPI screens. Yes, some colours might be hard-coded, we will check again and change it to theme colours. Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, You can disable the code completion in the general options (Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Programmer Assistance -> Display code Completion Suggestions While Typing). Best regards Johannes

  • Quote: “(gdb) target remote :3333 Remote debugging using :3333 0x00000000 in ?? ()” The last line should tell that the target is halted (at 0 in this case, which is in an unknown function) But since your variable gpTC1->TC_CV changes, it seems that your target is still running. Correct? This shows that OpenOCD does not behave "correct" but seems to fake the current target status and probably the register read, too. Since J-Link GDB Server is used by various IDEs which rely on a correct target st…

  • Hi, You are right, currently SystemView shows only one context for all software timers and the timer ID is only displayed in the Timer Enter event. We will see if we can improve this to display each timer in a separate context, with ID or name like interrupts. The SystemView API is described in the SystemView User Manual. Which SystemView API function is called by which FreeRTOS trace hooks, can be found in the SystemView FreeRTOS interface files. The SystemView functions for timer execution are…

  • Moved from SEGGER SystemView related to J-Link/Flasher related.

  • Quote: “Therefore I am not sure as to how this relates to your post concerning "After GDB is connected to GDB Server, the GDB Server will not do anything with the target". ” This means, the J-Link GDB Server sets up the connection to J-Link and target, and waits for the GDB connection. When GDB Server is started with -noir -nohalt, the target will still be running. When GDB connects to GDB Server, the target is still running, but the first thing GDB tries to do, is to read all CPU registers. To …

  • Hi, The bugs in SystemView have been fixed in the new release V2.40e. Thanks again for noticing. Best regards Johannes

  • Hi, This does not seem to be related to SystemView or event recording. Might it be possible that there is an issue with your RTOS? Maybe a further analysis in the HardFault Handler might help. (…ngHardFaultsOnCortexM.pdf) Regards Johannes