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  • The inner text widget was placed outside its parent area. I apologise for my haste in writing the previous post. best regards Max

  • TEXT widget does not draw text

    mastupristi - - emWin related


    ho have a custom widget that is a window whit a TEXT widget child. here is the source code: C Source Code (133 lines) I tried this : C Source Code (35 lines) the result is: [img][/img] I cannot figure out why the TEXT widget called directly works, and, instead, the one nested into anothe window does not. It seems that WM_PAINT for the inner TEXT widget is never send. Where am I wrong? How to make it works? best regards Max

  • How can I get the selected item of a LISTWHEEL item to have a semi-transparent background color? I tried this: C Source Code (33 lines) and the result is: [img][/img] instead, I can get the text semi-transparent if I try to get it. best regards Max

  • Hallo, How to get the position of a child window in its parent window coordinates? best regards MAx

  • I need to know the width in pixel of a TEXT widget text from inside the (overridden) callback. I tried to use GUI_GetStringDistX () but it seems that the font it uses to calculate the width is different from the one user by TEXT widget to render the text. I have a small slice of code: C Source Code (50 lines) the result is: [img][/img] As you can see 24 is the whidth of the text rendered by GUI_DispStringAt () and not by TEXT widget. best regards M…

  • I need a custom widget. I read "AN03002 Custom Widget Type Creation Guide". Since my custom widgets are made up of several child widgets I used the message WM_CREATE in the callback, as described in "UM03001 User & Reference Guide for emWin V5.40" 18.6.2: [img][/img] The problem is that my widget must be parameterized. For example, depending on the value of a parameter my wigdet can have 2 or 4 child widgets. How can I pass these paramete…

  • I have a parent window called P that has child window called C. The WM_PAINT handler for P has to draw some graphical element into P and also into C. I cannot select C windows into WM_PAINT handler, so how can I do it? best regards Max

  • I have some TEXT widget with Transparent background and White text. Some of them doesn't display any text. If I try to set an opaque Backgoung (such as GUI_DARKGREEN) I can see white text on dark green background. What are the reasons why a transparent background does not make the text invisible? best regads Max

  • LCD has an offset

    mastupristi - - emWin related


    We have STM32F412VE on a custom board, 128x160 LCD based on Ilitek ILI9163V. hw interface is Intel 8080 8 bit. The controller seems to be configured as 132x162 (pins GM[1-3]) although the display is 128x160. I deduce this from the fact that in order to draw the pixel in the top left corner it is necessary to index the pixel (2,1) and the pixel in the lower right corner and at the position (129,160). Can I configure emWin with this offset? best regards Max

  • GUIDRV_Lin examples

    mastupristi - - emWin related


    Where can I find some example of how to use GUIDRV_Lin driver? I use STM32F412 with STemWin. I want to make STemWin handle only one framebuffer in ram. then I will transfer the contents of the framebuffer to the LCD. I have this: C Source Code (21 lines) C Source Code (12 lines) after call to GUI_DrawPolygon() I check framebuffer conetent with debugger, and all is 0x00. It seems that the library has not modified the contents of the framebuffer. Where am I wrong? what is missing in initialization…

  • running modified script as you suggest: Source Code (160 lines) first time the ram is read (after loadfile) it is read correctly. then the verifybin command fails. FW still doesn't run best regards Max

  • Quote from SEGGER - Niklas: “You cannot verify the image after you activated the security (well that is the point of the security, nobody should be able to read it back). Therefore, when connecting while the security is set, the device will be unlocked and therefore mass-erased by the J-Link, as it is said by J-Link Commander: ” That's true after a power cycle (you suggested it). If I run the script: Source Code (14 lines) the result is: Source Code (141 lines) You can see that I can read the fl…

  • When I write FW using "MK64FN1M0XXX12 (allow security)", the verify stage is successful, but FW doesn't work, it seems that it doesn't run. Instead if I write FW using "MK64FN1M0XXX12", the verify stage will fail. FW is not protected from further reads through JTAG/SWD, but it runs and works correctly. There is something else I need to know? best regards Max

  • if I do a power cycle, and execute only the verify with this script: Source Code (5 lines) the verify fails, as expected: Source Code (51 lines) best regards Max

  • tryed your script and new version of Jlink Source Code (138 lines) tomorrow I will do other test best regards max

  • With "MK64FN1M0XXX12 (allow security)", I can Program and Verify. And I wonder how, since the FW should be unreadable from debug port. the script wr-fw.jlink is: Source Code (9 lines) and I run: Source Code (1 line) the output is: Source Code (122 lines) So how the verify step can be successful if the FW is unreadable? best regards Max

  • I need to write a secured FW on Kinetis. J-Link write this: Source Code (9 lines) So it writes an unprotected FW, infact when I verify the FW: Source Code (4 lines) Is it possible to write a protected FW? How? best regards Max

  • Hi, I have a J-Link Ultra+ and I can successfully write the flash and debug an application on NXP Kinetis K64. The problem is accessing registers of some peripheral like FTM0, while other peripheral like PIT can be read. The trace of J-Link Commander is Source Code (48 lines) I can read address 0x40037000 (MCR register of PIT peripheral) but I cannot read 0x40038000 (SC register of FTM0 peripheral) How can I solve this issue? best regards MAx