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  • Ozone starts, load my project & uploads my binary, breaks in, but after I left it go / Run, it hard locks and becomes un-responsive .... Window becomes blurry / fonts go , unresponsive. Some snooping around, it seems stuck on some condition with no timeout: Source Code (19 lines)And then i have to kill it. Whats interesting same binary/target same J-Link but connecting with CCS does not do it, and runs Ok. I'm very sad about my Ozone ..

  • Yes, it was bad of me not to check - I found details in the manual , just now need to try make the script changes. I'm all sorted, adjusted the register reading out per context save from my rtos port !

  • @Alex Hi, there is a sort of 'free' plugin from WITTENSTEIN, at least you get task, queue, timers lists & stack & ticks info. But can I ask you to understand how it works whats needed for tasks stack call frames to work? Say assuming I go with JLinkGDBServer, and a GDB client which supports threads already -i.e you should be able to list threads ID"s and set current ID internally inside GDB console. If I load JLinkGDBServer with the -rtos switch, specifying the FreeRTOS plugin, so/dll, shouldn't…

  • Is it possible to switch task's call stack frame when debugging in TI's CCSv10 with the J-Llink ..? Same as you can it seems do with Ozone: You can click on a task in FreeRTOS window, and it should display different callstack matching it.

  • First wanted to verify what the FreeRTOSPlugin_CM4 displays for stack Info: Source Code (12 lines)So if I see <nnnn> / N/A, does this mean <nnn> == Is calculated Free stack space, and N/A for the unknown total stack size .? And, how can I expand the row with task info columns if I want to? For example, add stack watermark I could possibly add to same column, but what if I want to add another column for each task, how do I do it?

  • The old / previous release has / had no such issue, as tested: SystemView_Linux_V320_x86_64.rpm Last metadata expiration check: 1:11:03 ago on Thu 25 Mar 2021 01:32:50 PM AEDT. Dependencies resolved. ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= Package Architecture Version Repository Size =====…

  • Got latest rpm downloaded, sudo dnf install SystemView_Linux_V330_x86_64.rpm Last metadata expiration check: 1:06:06 ago on Thu 25 Mar 2021 01:32:50 PM AEDT. Dependencies resolved. ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= Package Architecture Version Repository Size ========================…

  • Picking on someone's thread from few years back, I want to ask if Segger did anything about it : [SOLVED] MIPI ETM connector for J-Trace Cortex Pro I have 2 - 3 Ti boards with such connector with trace capability from Cortex Rx core (ETM), and I'm interested to know if I can use J-Trace for this (as I have .. ) and trying it out. E.g.: I see no adapter for this anywhere on Segger website.... Anyone makes such adapter .. ? I wouldn't want to dump J-Trace probe and move …

  • Hello Fabian, This excellently does what I want. Thank you! About piece of information: Please understand, I did not want to open a thread / start a new post on Segger forum asking about a TI CCS question. Asking about Segger's GUI / Segger config options made more sense (which in the end it is : JLink script file is not CCS, it's Segger specific init /config file) (Or , more polite way around , rather than asking straight how to setup my CCS ..) Thanks again.

  • Hi Fabian, No, not quite. Yes, it is over IP. But, I do not believe its GDB, it's whatever debugger TI's CCS is using. CCS invokes JLink through dll/ so library, and I cannot pass anything to JLink through CCS interface, which then results in Segger's GUI popping up when it cannot find a USB device connected, asking for ID or IP of the JLink (wow, this is first time I'm actually glad that that Segger's GUI window exists, else I prob wouldn't be able to use JLink over IP at all. I usually always …

  • There is a GUI which pops up on start-up / connect attempt, when JLink cannot open the probe, it's asking for probe id , or IP address , or serial etc.. When invoking JLinkExe you sort of can disable GUI, and you can pass on command line where you want to connect, which probe. But if JLink gets invoked through dll/ so, by an IDE, is it possible to pre-configure / save JLink params somewhere, like local init file? I need to insert an IP address of the probe, so I do not have to insert it every ti…

  • Thank you I will check this updated file. Im on Linux Fedora, and so using RPM. I used RPM for at least N years. (note: this is the test bed for corporate RH, so I really think it's a good distro to support) I do try to update Segger packages about say every 6 months or more often if something looks broken, directly downloading from your site. On this Linux image, i see from package log install JLink_Linux_V682 | 2020-07-25 11:18 | Upgrade . So that probably , should have your update mentioned. …

  • ANSWER : Segger needs to add this line to their 99-link.rules in the installation package: ATTR{idProduct}=="1020", ATTR{idVendor}=="1366", MODE="666"' This then solves it.

  • Bizarre issue : JLink soft doens't allow me to access J-Trace as normal user, but allows to access J-Link. Source Code (37 lines)So why ? . Means , rest of my Apps like IDE's cannot access J-Trace. Why would "DLL" be accessible for J-Link , but not J-Trace .. ? Presumably , it's same DLL / shared object file, so is there something in USB connect : do I need special udev rules, 99-link.rules ? Shouldn't this be already handled by the Segger's J-Link installer ?

  • Hi Fabian, It would be great to first receive any update on similar issue I've reported I think year ago, and, which I waited on, but you never got back to me. The issue is, as I'm aware, still open, and I haven't received any update from you on. (I was also exchanging messages directly with you, but you havent' replied). See here free rtos can't continue after svc on a ti mcu .. (you know, a bit frustrating there was no update from you on it ..) For that board/setup, I have fully described it, …

  • I see, well I could use jumpers for now, may be buy dedicated adapter later. Could you recommend supplier that does stock these, I tried local Mouser and they do have stock, and don't plan to unless someone orders, Which means I would wait > month or so .

  • Need this adapter for a TI target,…apters/14-pin-ti-adapter/ But I'm wondering why is it so expensive - EUR 49 before shipping & tax - and locally it's not stocked either. What is so special , what is on it , beyond routing the right line to right pin on target connector? Are there any other components mounted that I cannot see? So happens I already have this connector form Segger :…mil-10-pin-patch-adapter/ Can I just use this, and j…

  • Yea I can't pretty much like camel case either, but Segger been using those names for a long while. May be, if you provide a post-install script that Segger could include into their packages, which basically symlinks to their default file names, that would make others happy .

  • Currently, connected to same target / same code using J-Trace , over Ethernet, and I do not observe the same behavior.