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  • I made similar observations (win10, ozone 3.36, j-link ultra+ v5.1). quick example: I have these variables: C Source Code (19 lines)I want to sample D7.dbga[1-3] or dbgb[1-3] or dbgc[1-3] All variables are in the same memory (DTCM of a STM32H745 in this case) Sampling with max frequency results in requests send every ~20us on the SWD lines running at 25MHz. observations: sampling D7.dbga[1-3] =>GUI very laggy, many sample points missing…c967d9119d695fe783b7396d1 sa…

  • It says 1us@200MHz per event. For an ISR with 100 kHz, that means 20% of CPU load is only for SystemView events, that may be too much. Reproduce 1: - Start debug session with J-Link Edu - Enable power sampling (if not already enabled) - (there is no info that power sampling is not usable. there only may be a warning if the sampling frequency is set to anything >1kHz) - halt target - the X-axis (not Y, sorry, typo) cannot be moved to the right (manually by dragging or mouse wheel up, or automatic…

  • [SOLVED] live tracing - timeline

    fraengers - - Ozone related


    Too bad. SystemView may be too much overhead. Playing around with tracebuffer and a J-Link Edu V11 I noticed two things. Both happen when power sampling is enabled. If you choose to not support power sampling for J-Link Edu/Base/Plus, please at least make in a way it is not disturbing normal operation (or just allow it with a limited sampling rate) And yes, I know (now) if I set sampling to “off”, it “solves” this problem. But since I didn't turn it on, or even use the power pane, this was not t…

  • I was not asking about the visuals in Ozone. But since you mentioned it, I don't think the round corners are a good idea and make it more difficult to read. I was wondering if only interrupt entries and exits can be viewed. To reduce data so a longer period of time can be displayed. I don't care what functions a called inside the interrupts or in the main loop. I'm more interested in the timing of the ISRs (when, how long, priority handling). With other debuggers I saw options like exception tra…

  • I there any way I can use Ozone or a J-Link/Trace to visualize interrupt entrys and exits (I don't have a RTOS)? Live or afterwards (if I can record for a few minutes). Or is there anything at all, that a J-Trace can do, to get me more live informations. (Besides profiling)

  • Hello, I'm curently testing J-Trace with Ozone. As I already found out, there is only a limited amount of traced data visible in the timeline. And while the MCU is running, no data is visible at all. Can (a limited amount of) data be shown while the MCU is running? This is my use case: I want to record and analyse / display in the timeline, what my code is doing for a longer period of time, e.g. a few minutes. I cannot halt the MCU during this time. Is this possible at all?

  • Debugging STM32H745

    fraengers - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello, I have a few questions regarding the debugging of a STM32H745 dual core controller. 1. Is simultaneous debugging of both cores fully supported/possible? It works, more or less, but I noticed some problems: e.g. sampling a variable for the timeline data graph with one Ozone instance connected to CM7, while another Ozone instance is connected to CM4, will result in zeros in the graph, and even worse, it will zero the sampled variable in memory. In the image you can see how "dwtval_avg" (on-…

  • [SOLVED] GUI issues

    fraengers - - Ozone related


    2. see attached gif. it is this scrollbar behaviour, the jumping thumb, that makes it hard to use. I don't see how this is expected.…c967d9119d695fe783b7396d1

  • [SOLVED] GUI issues

    fraengers - - Ozone related


    Hi, some issues with the GUI: 1. copying data from memory window may not work correctly: reproduce: a. right click on a variable => show data (Ctrl + T), memory in memory window is selected in gray b. right click into gray area in memory window, gray selection turns blue (i.e. selected), context menu opens - x Copy (Ctrl + C) does not copy the selected data, but the first line of memory (i.e. 16B from 0x00000000) - x Copy Special => Copy Hex does the same - x Copy Special => Copy Text does the s…

  • New Project Wizard => STM32H743VI => use attached elf file => apply suggested freertos plugin addition Console shows CM4 plugin was loaded. While you have already loaded the elf file, please observe the global variables view having a problem with structs/unions and bitfields and add it to your list, if this is not already there. (see image attached) Source Code (33 lines) PS: This board has problems too: timeouts, unknown errors with the file upload. Also I posted this answer already yesterday, …

  • I want to suggest a more clear naming of the stack info column of the freeRTOS plugin or a change of the shown data, to avoid misconception. Right now it shows free stack / total stack, as I found out after too long of time. I expected it to show used space / total space. Personally I would prefer it to show stack usage instead of free space. At least it should have a properly named title. On a side note, a minor bug: While creating a new CM7 project (I didn’t test, if this is processor specific…

  • ...I missed the logic of the default STM32Cube code. M7 will timeout until I am able to start the second debug session and M4 will end up in stop-mode. After fixing that, now both cores are running, but halting the CPU on either Ozone instance will only stop the M4, the M7 keeps running. How can I halt the M7 or both at once?

  • Hello, I am trying to debug a dual core STM32H745 with Ozone V3.30d. While I can flash and step thought the code on the M7, it does not work on the M4. Flashing works, but I cannot debug. Console output after clicking Resume: Source Code (1 line)Subsequent Resumes result in the same message. Is this essentially possible with Ozone? What am I missing?

  • Quote from SEGGER - AlexD: “22. If you modify an expression at runtime Ozone needs to dump the data already sampled anyway because the data sampled for the previous expression does not fit to the new expression. There is a technical limitation which does not allow Ozone to change parts of the addresses sampled during data sampling - only the whole set of addresses can be changed. Since adding a new expression may change the addresses to be sampled the whole data needs be reset, the new set of ad…

  • 13. expressions again (in watched data): broken operators:…c967d9119d695fe783b7396d1 expressions are not saved/loaded properly. after I close and reopen ozone, it looks like this:…c967d9119d695fe783b7396d1

  • Quote from SEGGER - AlexD: “What's wrong with Y-Axis adapting to values growing into the negative? This is intended. ” Then I don't understand your intentions. Why adapt it with negative growing values but not with positive growing values? Don't change it at all, unless I enable Auto Fit Height or something. Quote from SEGGER - AlexD: “Same goes for the connection between data sampling window and timeline window: This is intended, as you can see in the Ozone user's manual, section 4.6.7. Since y…

  • Is this also the solution for the still not working watched data expressions? Just calculate it on the target ?! This is exactly what I don’t want or can’t do, because it costs time. My time to code and flash it every time I want to change the calculation and the time for the calculation itself needed on the target, which I possibly don’t have, e.g. on a small Cortex M0 w/o FPU. That is what I have a capable debugger for, or at least that is what I thought. Reminder for problems with watched dat…

  • A few comments on the UI: + thumbs up for optional names at cursor, thicker boarder and better default colors. - long expressions are problematic, because the color boxes may end up far away from the shorter names. I suggest moving them to the right next to the checkboxes or something like that. And/or allow me to choose my own names. In this example "Vbat" would be a much better, and shorter(!), description for what I want to plot, instead of the long expression. Would keep the legend smaller t…

  • 19. changing the sampling frequency with power sampling is sometimes useful to reduce the noise 2. to reproduce just try sampling the values from the image, e.g.: (tested with XMC4500, if relevant) Source Code (3 lines)Fit height will result in a scale with numbers ending in 'P' like in the image. I just realized that means peta, so this it probably working. edit: no, only partially, see the following example:…c967d9119d695fe783b7396d1 So fit height works for the g…

  • 2. I already mentioned this 6 month ago. Y-axis behaviour is terrible. I'm not talking about the missing y-axis zoom (e.g. with alt + mouse wheel) but that the scale breaks. Sometimes wrong i.e. very big or very small numbers may appear, probably due to EMI. What should normally only result in spikes, results in unuseability: Y-axis shows a strange scale, auto scale doesn't work, but even a manual y-axis range can't be set. Please fix your timeline.…c967d9119d695fe…