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  • Quote from rabbitlennon: “arm-none-eabi-objcopy -v -O binary XXX.axf XXX.bin Then flash XXX.bin. ” Thanks.. it helps

  • Hi, I am working on ARM Cortex M4 development board and using keil IDE for generating .axf output file. Instead of using using keil for flashing the generated outpu file(axf), i would like to use j-link commander. But whenever i try to program the M4 with the j-link commander(SWD) using loadfile, i am getting error as "File is of unknown/supported format". I understood that using J-link commander with loadfile, we can only program .hex, .bin, .mot,.srec. Is there any tool available to program th…

  • Hi Fabian, 1) I did not set my connections to "existing session'' + "auto reconnect". refer to the below image for my current settings…edc531dd7f84800b0c72c77f3 2) when I tried to use "existing session" + "auto reconnect", I am getting an error stating "J-link DLL did not send welcome string in time"…edc531dd7f84800b0c72c77f3 3) Please check the attachment for the RTT viewer's log report when I connect with USB.…

  • Hi Fabian, I have updated the J-link software including DLL. But still the problem persists and after update the freezing of keil is happening more often compared to earlier version of J-link software 1) I am using the evaluation board which is VA41630 2) Find the attachments of J-link log file

  • Hi, I am working on ARM Cortex M4 development board provided by Vorago technologies. I am using keil IDE and connecting the target via J-link OB. At some instances of flashing the program/Entering into debug mode, the keil is becoming unresponsive. Currently "Run application at startup" is unchecked. Also under 'connect & reset options', connect is "Normal" , Reset is "Normal". Reset after connect is checked Also I have tried other 'connect & Reset options' Thanks

  • Hi Nino, Thank you for the solution. Will the external J-*link or J-trace PRO be helpful to get trace features even if the Cortex-M4F does not have ITM, DWT and TPIU ports? Regards, Satheesh

  • Hi, I am working on ARM Cortex M4 development board provided by Vorago technologies. I am using keil IDE with "debug Jlink/J-trace Cortex". In the driver setup setting, there is no IDCODE getting detected and when I try to flash there is an error popping up with "No Cortex-M SW Device found". I tried running RTT viewer, the error in RTT is viewer is "Could not connect to target" When I try to connect to using j-link commander, I can see that device is powered (VTref=3.3V) but still when the try …

  • Hi, I am working on ARM Cortex M4 development board provided by Vorago technologies. I am using keil IDE with Jlink/J-trace Cortex. When I enable the "Trace"(look in attachement for settings), the debugging session is getting terminated with an error "Trace HW not present" followed by "Error: Target DLL has been cancelled. Debugger Aborted!". Also, find the j-link log file in the attachment

  • Hi Nino, Thanks for the suggestion. I made the changes in ''Run time environment'. After making the additional changes at 'Public const' and '_sys_exit' (can refer to attachments), still i am getting the follwing errors *** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 6 (build 750)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin' Build target 'Hello' linking... .\Objects\Hello World.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol HAL_ADC_Init (referred from .\objects\main.o). .\Objects\Hello World.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol…

  • Hi, I am working on ARM Cortex M4 processor with Keil MDK. While compiling the project, I am getting the following error. From the Error I understood that there is a multiple definition and I need to get rid of one. Can someone please tell me what is the possible solution for the error and how to implement it. Build started: Project: Hello World *** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 6 (build 750)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin' Build target 'Hello' linking... .\Objects\Hello World.axf: Error: L6…