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  • Hello, I can confirm that version 6.85b has fixed the bug. I saw by chance that the problem had been solved. Although I sent a ticket explaining the issue, I didn't get any response. Regards

  • Hello again. I have a problem with JFLASH (V6.84) that was solved some months ago in this other thread. I want to program the serial number using the file "..._Project_Serial.txt". However, Jflash always asks for "_Project_SNList.txt", as you can see in the attached image. Although I don't use "_Project_SNList.txt", the serial number and the program are correctly saved in memory. The problem is that JFLASH returns ERRORLEVEL = 1, so my batch file fails all the time (see attached image). Regards

  • Hello Fabian, I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong, but it's not working. Every time I try to unlock the microcontroller using -setcpuidcode the ID Code verification window appears and I have to unlock it manually. Maybe I didn't understand the functionality of -setcpuidcode and -setrxidcode? Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Regarding the issue: Could you please send us a J-Link log file? How to enable: Could you please send us the whole output o…

  • Hello I want to create a batch file that unlocks one microcontroller before writing , but I'm not sure how to do it. Reading the manual I saw two options: -setcpuidcode and -setrxidcode. This is what I'm trying to do, but it's not working because JFLASH always shows the id code window: Source Code (1 line) - It's not clear to me after reading the description what the difference is between -setcpuidcode and -setrxidcode. - Does -setrxidcode go before or after -startapp? - Does the id code should …

  • Hi Fabian, I tried the new version 6.70g and it works fine. I couldn't reproduce the previous issues. Now, JFlash creates and reads the "...Serial.txt" file well, and the "...SNList.txt" is not requested all the time. Note: the following trick is no longer necessary. Quote from Hardwariano: “I solved the problem by simply deleting the "..._Serial.txt" file that was previously generated by JFLASH. It seems that, if present, JFLASH always reads the "..._Serial.txt", regardless of the "Program seri…

  • Hi Fabian, no problem, thanks for your response and for your time. Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “I suppose something was mixed up here? ” Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Since you have a <projectName>_SNList.txt (SN list file) located inside your project folder ” This issue persists in the last version V6.71b (see attached image). JFlash always says it can't find "_SNList.txt". That file is not inside my project folder because I don't want to use SNList. I would like to use "_Serial.txt" file, that …

  • Hi again Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Does this issue still persist with the newest beta release: ” The behavior is not exactly the same. ## If I mark the SN checkbox, JFLASH programs the SN well, but it sometimes says that it can't find the "...SNList.txt" (see attached image). ## If I don't mark the checkbox, there are 2 possible behaviors: 1) If I never mark the checkbox --> The ".srec" file is not updated with the SN and it is not saved in flash memory, regardless of the "...Serial.txt" file…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “What you could do alternatively is to buy our J-Link SDK:…nk/technology/j-link-sdk/ It comes with a source project (in C code) of the J-Link Commander (and more) so you could alter it to fit your needs. ” I'll take a look at it. Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Does this answer your questions? ” Yes, it's answered so this thread can be closed. Thanks again for your help. Regards.

  • Hello Fabian Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “As you can see from the example, save has a very special use case. Therefore -saveas is the go-to in 99.9% of the cases. ” It's just what I thought after doing several tests. Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Does this answer your question? ” Yes, this answers my question.Thanks. I suggest including the explanation you gave me in the next version of the manual. I have only one more question. Is it possible to store the data read with "-readrange" in a variabl…

  • Hello Fabian. I solved the problem with "-saveas": Quote from Hardwariano: “JFlash.exe -openprj%~dp0\SerialNumberDataFlash.jflash -readrange0x40100070,0x40100083 -saveas%~dp0\Data.bin ” For some reason I don't know, JFlash didn't recognize "%~dp0", which returns the current path of the .bat file. The solution was simple: Source Code (2 lines)It now works well. Regarding "-save" command I think I misunderstood the way it works . I thought it would record a different ".srec" file, but it actually …

  • Hello Fabian Quote from Hardwariano: “Then, I uncheck the "Program serial number" checkbox to prevent the serial number from being written this time. But, when I program and read back again, the address 0x40100080 has the value 133 (0x84) again. ” I solved the problem by simply deleting the "..._Serial.txt" file that was previously generated by JFLASH. It seems that, if present, JFLASH always reads the "..._Serial.txt", regardless of the "Program serial number" checkbox status. Is this the corre…

  • Hi all, I'm using the command line option readrange to get some data stored in my MCU. It works well and shows the data read as you can see in "readrange.png": Source Code (8 lines) Now, I want to save that data, but it's not working. - Save command: Source Code (1 line) This code doesn't return error, but it doesn't save the data on my hard drive. How can I tell the code where to store it? - Saveas command: Source Code (1 line) This code returns ERRORLEVEL = 1 What am I doing wrong?

  • Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “As mentioned above, you could do this with a script, so your production would only need to click a .bat or .py file ” Yes, you are right, using a .bat file is much easier. At first I didn't think of a ".bat" file, but wrote it on the command line. Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “- Get current date/time - Write date/time into a .bin file - Call J-Flash with the above command line ” This is what I have done and it works. This question is solved. Thanks for your help. Best…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Example in a production setup: JFlash.exe -openprjC:\Projects\Default.jflash -mergeTimeStamp.bin,0x12345678 -auto -exit Does this solution work for you? ” Thanks for the example Fabian. It works well and does what I want. However, I think it's a bit complicated to send it to production because of the need to use command prompt. Wouldn't there be some way to make an automatic merge without using command prompt? If not, would it be added in future versions? Regards

  • Hello Fabian, I have attached four files: 1) Log j-flash (Complete process).txt --> It Includes all readings, writings and deletions 2) Log j-link (SN checked).txt --> It only includes the Production Programming (F7) process when Serial Number checkbox y checked. 3) Log j-link (SN unchecked).txt --> It only includes the Production Programming (F7) process when Serial Number checkbox y UNchecked. 4) Serial number data flash.jflash --> j-Flash project file…131852f7b7…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Could you please tell us what exactly you are trying to do? ” Hello Fabian, I would like the manufacturer to write automatically the current time and date in the DATA FLASH (using a script with JLINK_MEM_WriteU8(), etc), right next to the serial number (SN) programmed with JFLASH. Regards.

  • Hello, Is there a way or function to get the current computer date and time in the "J-link script files"? Regards.

  • Hello I'm using SEGGER JFLASH V6.62d, Flasher Portable Plus and a microcontroller from Renesas (S3A6). When I activate the "Program serial number" checkbox, the serial number 133 (0x84) is written correctly at address 0x40100080. I can verify this by running the command "Read back --> Entire chip". After that, I perform a complete erasure of the memory with "Erase chip (F4)". The entire memory is written with 0xff, including address 0x40100080. Then, I uncheck the "Program serial number" checkbo…

  • Ok Arne, thanks for your response. When that API is developed, will this thread be updated? Regards