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  • Hello. Thank you for the answer. I tried to run your code, but it gives on line 11 the following runtime error: Unhandled exception thrown: read access violation. pData was 0x1. However followindg code runs OK: Source Code (22 lines) Thus I have one question - how to get xPos, yPos of current selected item of menu?

  • Hello. In all versions of emWin until 5.46 (including) the functionality of MENU widget was realized in following way: If to the root menu are added some hierarchical levels of submenus (for example, the depth of hierarchy is 5 of even more), then all nested submenus, beginning from third level, are placing on the screen overlapped previous submenu level. This gives a good and useful possibility to make many-level hierarchical tree of menu, where all its submenus are placed on the screen with fu…