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  • Hello, I've already used emWin (STemWin in particular) to create single layer dialogs without any problem. Usually I create single .c files for each single GUI page (which consists of a main dialog) and to change from a page to another one I delete the previous one with GUI_EndDialog() in the following way: Source Code (39 lines) I tried to do the same with a two layer dialog following the same principle: Source Code (47 lines) This works for a while but gets stuck (memory fault) after some (var…

  • Quote from LexaGb: “ Just curious why GRAPH widget with XY data is no good for you... ” Thank you for your answer, Alex! I did not use GRAPH widget because it looked easier to me to start from an empty object rather than customize an existing one (there's a fixed grid image on the background and one graph has a different starting point among the others...). I tried your proposed solution but it gave me some problems when I change application window and I create again the window with the MEMDEV. …

  • Hello, I'm developing an application with an x-y graph using GUI_AA_DrawLine of the single data steps (I need something different than the visual appearance of the GRAPH widget). I call this function inside the WM_PAINT case of the respective window callback but the desired result is obtained only if I draw also the previous steps of the graph (I use WM_InvalidateWindow when I want to redraw the window). Here is some code: Source Code (17 lines) Is there any way to retain the previous steps of t…

  • Quote from LexaGb: “Hello, maybe we should place two scales (gray and colored) at one position in an exact matching using IMAGE widgets. Then invalidate colored bar image within the area related to the bar value using WM_SetUserClipRect() function. Just a simple code: C Source Code (85 lines)Alex. ” Hi Alex, thank you for your answer and your useful example, I think that WM_SetUserClipRect() was the function I was looking for! Bests, Mark

  • Hello, I have to develop a bar graph as depicted in the attached image, with two independent variables (red and light blue) that colorize the grey steps according to their value. I was thinking drawing the gray bar graph (as a bmp/png) on layer #0 and partially plotting on layer #1 the color bars (as a bmp/png) with transparent background but I couldn't find a function that draws only a part of the bitmap. Moreover the bitmaps are intended to start from the top left corner so it looks like that …

  • @SEGGER - Schoenen Let me please know if there are any other ways to use an STM32 with a newer version of emWin libraries, at least to test those new features. Thank you again. Regards, Mark

  • Quote from SEGGER - Schoenen: “Hi Mark, That's interesting, I have checked V5.44a but the spline related functions are present. Did you updated from an older version to 5.44a? Maybe something went wrong in this process. If can get hands on a newer version you should give that a try. Regards, Sven ” Hi Sven, thank you for your answer. First I've tried updating an older library version (5.40) to the last present on the STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.15.0 which is the 5.44 mentioned before. The result was I go…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Schoenen: “Hi, Since version 5.44 of emWin it is possible to draw splines resulting in smooth curves. Here is a short example: C Source Code (79 lines)Regards, Sven ” Hello Sven, I will like to use the spline features and I tried your example on both custom hardware and an STM32 Demoboard (STM32F46G-DISCO) and in both cases it gives me a linker errors: Source Code (14 lines) Emwin version is GUI_VERSION 54401. Am I missing anything? Thank you. Mark

  • Quote from SEGGER - Schoenen: “Hi, For the ST7789 the GUIDRV_FlexColor function GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66709 should be used. Unfortunately, we don't have an example for the ST7789 but since there are several other controllers using GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66709 you can use the one attached a as a reference. Of course, you have to adapt the _InitController() function according to the initialization sequence of the ST7789. In general no framebuffer on MCU side is required, but emWin still needs some meory al…

  • Hello, I'm going to develop an application with emWin using an RGB display which pixel dimensions is 240 x 320 and its display controller is the Sitronix ST7789V while the data communication will be made through the 8080 parallel interface. Reading the ST7789V I found out that on the chip a display RAM is included (240 x 320 x 18bits) and I also read, on the emWin manual, that the ST7789V controller is supported for the drivers GUIDRV_CompactColor_16 and for the GUIDRV_FlexColor. Does this mean …

  • Thank you for your hint Sven, I managed to convert a 24bpp bitmap into the internal format GUI_DRAW_BMP555 which is easier and requires less memory as well. Regards, Mark

  • Hello, to display bitmaps on a screen I've successfully used the functions GUI_DrawBitmap() with pre-converted *.bmp files into c structures with the ST Bitmap Converter for STM32 GUI applications. So the converted bmp files into c structures look like: Source Code (16 lines) Now I want to change the pixel data of this structure (_acCustomer_Logo[]) without changing the bitmap dimensions, bits per pixels, etc. reading another file (with the same dimensions and no compression) from a USB/SD card …

  • Hello, I'd like to use the functions GUI_MEMDEV_MoveInWindow() and GUI_MEMDEV_MoveOutWindow() in my application but, since I'm using also at the beginning GUI_SetOrientation(GUI_SWAP_XY | GUI_MIRROR_X) to change the orientation from "landscape" to "portrait" (the display is natively landscape but my application is portrait), it looks like GUI_MEMDEV_MoveOutWindow() works only with the physical orientation of the display. Using MoveOutWindow in this way leads to a Hard fault: WM_HideWindow(pMsg->…

  • Show animated GIF on WM Dialog

    Mark_C - - emWin related


    Quote from SEGGER - Schoenen: “Hi, Please try if it works when configuring the MPU of the STM32F7 before initializing emWin. Try the solutions from these threads: HardFalt when rendering PNG (STM32F746g disco) Memory usage Quote: “I've used the same way of displaying the GIF file inside a WM_Dialog as the one used in the example but in a dedicated FreeRTOS thread. ” Do you mean one dedicated thread for emWin? Although, it is possible, try to avoid calling emWin from multiple threads. Regards, Sv…

  • Show animated GIF on WM Dialog

    Mark_C - - emWin related


    Thank you Schoenen for the quick reply and the attached example. I've used the same way of displaying the GIF file inside a WM_Dialog as the one used in the example but in a dedicated FreeRTOS thread. The result is that I get stucked right after the GUI_Delay() on a Usage Fault related to an Unaligned memory access. Any idea of the reasons I might get this fault? Thank you. Regards, Mark

  • Show animated GIF on WM Dialog

    Mark_C - - emWin related


    Hello, I'm using emWin on a STM32F7 custom hardware and I will like to show a small animated GIF inside a WM dialog (a sort of "Please wait" animation until a certain operation is completed) but, after some tests with either GUI_GIF_Draw plus MEMDEV functions and IMAGE_SetGIF, I didn't manage to show even a fixed frame of the GIF. I've assigned 3MB to the GUI and tried different GIF files (imported with Bin2C.exe). Could you please provide an example of this application? (I'm not using a simulat…

  • Thank you very much for the quick reply and the example code. I've just tried it and it works fine. Regards, Mark

  • Hello, I have a small issue managing a transparent bitmap. Basically I have a bitmap with transparency with a white logo and I use it on a black background (default "dark" mode). (This logo has to be also touchable so it is created as a button with its own callback, the parent of the button is the background.) If I switch to the "light mode" the background will be white and I want the logo to be black preserving its transparency. I've tried something like this in the WM_PAINT case of the button …