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  • Custom Callback with Button

    Suresh - - emWin related


    Dear Sven, Thank you for the input. worked very well. Regards Suresh

  • Custom Callback with Button

    Suresh - - emWin related


    Hi, The goal is to create a button with Multi strings where the strings have different fonts from each other, So as suggested by emwin documentation I have created a custom callback function but I observe that the custom callback is overwriting all the previous set properties. The codes are as follows Source Code (8 lines) the callback function Source Code (30 lines)the result would be that the entire OFF_WHITE background is replaced by white color except for the two strings. Is there any method…

  • Dear Sven, Thank you so much for the Input. That worked like charm. Regards, Suresh

  • Greetings Mr. Sven, Thank you for your valuable inputs. I have made it through almost everything. I have imported AppWizard application and running fine. but recently I found an issue. My application needs to change the text inside textbox very dynamically say every 20 ms. To see the behaviour I have written the following code C Source Code (42 lines)The text_box text updates but I see lot of flickering. I have gone through other threads in the forum and modified code to use the cached version o…

  • Dear Sven, I implemented read function and attached to the driver and run the code. It resulted…1f7f78583f9be89d955711e37 I changed the GUI_RECT Rect = { 0, 0, 49, 49 }; to GUI_RECT Rect = { 0, 0, 39, 39 };. Do you think this is problem with Cache?. I tried inverting color with black and white . They are running good but others are aren't. Also with AppWizard I am able to display all elements except Images. Any where to look for debugging??

  • I have solved the double character with a small change in LCD_X_8080_8_WriteM01 by replacing void LCD_X_8080_8_WriteM01(unsigned char * pData, int NumBytes) { LCD_WR_DATA; // Data Mode // LCD_PIN_OUT; // Make the D0-D7 Output LCD_CS_EN; LCD_RD_HIGH; //Make High Read //NumBytes= NumBytes/2; for NumBytes; NumBytes--) { //LCD_Pause(); LCD_Write(*pData++); } LCD_CS_DS; LCD_RD_LOW; //Make High Read } with void LCD_X_8080_8_WriteM01(unsigned char * pData, int NumBytes) { while(NumBytes--) { LCD_Send_D…

  • Dear Schoenen, Thank you for the reply. please find the…1f7f78583f9be89d955711e37 and supporting file…1f7f78583f9be89d955711e37. The functions inside low level init like DrawString().. are my own implementations and are working perfectly. but when I try the same with emWin functions it is printing twice. Added to this, the GUI_Clear() calls pfWrite8_A0 to send commands CASET & RASET, pfWriteM8_A1 to send data, Now at this stage regard…

  • Added to the above information, the allocated memory is #define GUI_NUMBYTES 1024 * 16 // x KByte // // Define the average block size // #define GUI_BLOCKSIZE 0x128 Is this enough to run Appwizard Application?

  • Hello, I am using Emwin 6.14 Library to make UI on LPC1857 & ST7735 8 bit parellel mode with Eclipse arm-none-eabi own setup. I have successfully initialized GUI_Init() using FLEX_COLOR Driver and appropriate PORT API drivers. So, the status is that It is printing character at given location. Now I have two problems namely Problem 1 : The GUI_DispCharAt('A',10,60); prints character twice. Also the GUI_DispStringAt("Hello world", 0, 20); prints HHeelloo wwoorrlldd on the screen. When I was debugg…