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  • With your bit-stream I was able to reproduce the issue: Source Code (23 lines) I assume that your device does not support 16-bit and 8-bit read accesses, 32-bit accesses work fine, though. The disassembler reads a 32-bit instruction in 2 phases: In phase 1 the lower 16 bits are read (from address 0x0200) and evaluated. Only if the evaluation indicates a 32-bit instruction the higher 16 bits are read (from address 0x0202). Next, the two 16-bit words are assembled into a 32-bit word and finally th…

  • Hi, I tried to reproduce the reported behavior but did not succeed. Since I do not have access to a silicon where I can adjust the number of available hardware BPs I patched the DLL in order to limit the number of HW BPs to 4, 2, 1 and 0 and attempted setting 5 BPs. In all cases the Jlink commander responded properly: For 4 available BPs 4 BPs were set but setting the 5th was denied For 2 available BPs 2 BPs were set and from the 3rd on all BPs were denied For 1 available BP 1 BP was set and fro…

  • Hi Peter, I tried to reproduce the described behavior bzut everything is working fine here. We've used 6.94 as well. Here's what we did: #1: Brainfuck Source Code (21 lines)Everything looks fine here on our side. #2 Brainfuck Source Code (36 lines)Everything looks fine here, too.