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  • ICON_VIEW icon spacing

    vikramtathe - - emWin related


    Hello, I wanted to adjust the spacing between icon and icon name(vertical spacing) and also wanted to adjust the number of icons in one line (horizontal spacing). When I use following table entry for ICONVIEW then I am getting the expected result. But I didn't understand what is the meaning of that hard coded values? Especially I wanted to understand the meaning of (50 << 17) | 80 entry. Could you please share the document where the significance/meaning of each entries mentioned. { ICONVIEW_Crea…

  • ICON_VIEW Text colour

    vikramtathe - - emWin related


    Hello, I am using ICON_VIEW to set and arrange the buttons but I have a issue that I am unable to set separate text color for separate ICON. I have attached one sample file and similar to this I wanted to implement the GUI. The square icon should be in the middle of previous two icons(PFA). Could you please help me to implement this using ICON_VIEW? Thanks, Vikram