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  • Hi Volodymyr, thank you for reporting this issue, we will fix that. About your question, when a new page is selected, a WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED notification will be sent and the selection will be changed via MULTIPAGE_SelectPage(). Best regards, Florian

  • Circular Gradient

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi Anuj, you can draw the arrow separately, but I suppose it is just easier to add it to the bitmap instead of having to calculate the arrow position via the KNOB value. The colored circle/arc around your KNOB can be drawn with GUI_DrawCircle() and GUI_DrawArc(), respectively. Best regards, Florian

  • Circular Gradient

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi Anuj, yes, this is possible. For use cases like this there is the KNOB widget. To actually rotate the image, the KNOB widget needs a 32-bit memory device. I've attached an example with your image below. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi Jan, when a window is deleted, all its child windows are deleted as well. So given your GRAPH widget is a child of the dialog, you won't have to delete it manually when the dialog is deleted. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi Jan, you can fix this by getting the ID of the sender window (the button or scrollbar widget). With the ID you can easily determine what to do. If the ID matches your button, you send the message to the parent window. If not, you call the default callback. C Source Code (6 lines)Best regards, Florian

  • Hi Jan, since your GRAPH widget is the parent window of the buttons, the GRAPH will receive the WM_NOTIFY_PARENT messages sent by the buttons. You just need to set a callback to the GRAPH widget and send all WM_NOTIFY_PARENT to the parent of the graph. Then you'll be able to process them in your parent window. You'll see how in this small sample: C Source Code (69 lines) Best regards, Florian

  • LISTVIEW_SetItemBitmap

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi Marco, all bitmap pointers you set must be valid the whole time you use them. Since you use the same pointer every time, all item bitmaps now point to the same address (which is the one from when you last loaded the bitmap). To solve this, simply use different pointer variables for each different bitmap. After you don't need the bitmaps anymore, e.g. after you deleted the window, the pointers don't have to be valid anymore. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi Emin, I doubt that the setText operation isn't finished, but rather the drawing isn't. Drawing such a large font takes a bit longer, especially if the font is anti-aliased. Can you tell me what font format you use (file format, anti-aliasing etc.) and which hardware? And can you also explain what the weird text widget behavior is? Best regards, Florian

  • Hi Hakan, you can use more than one callback for the same window, however it is not advisable in your case when there are very little differences between them. It would be best to just use one callback and decide in the WM_PAINT case which bitmap should be shown. This could be done with e.g. a guard, when a button is pressed, as shown below: C Source Code (38 lines) Remember to redraw your window in order to show the new bitmap (WM_InvalidateWindow()). Also note that every callback needs a defau…

  • Hi Volodymyr, as of right now, you're only able to set the tab height and width by using MULTIPAGE_SetTabHeight() and MULTIPAGE_SetTabWidth(), respectively. Unfortunately there are no getter functions for these (yet). You can set a width for each tab individually and the height for all tabs. Your best course would be to just set the size and store it in a variable. Best regards, Florian