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  • Hi, Can you pass WM_CF_SHOW | WM_CF_MOTION_R as the create flags for the KNOB? The flag for radial motion is not set automatically. Because the flag is not required if the KNOB has no swipeable parent, which means there is no other widget that can process motion input. The KNOB having no swipeable parent was considered the default case back then. Does this solve your issue? Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, This looks like you haven't set another screen as the right motion partner. Is this the case in your project? If so, when you would swipe the screen to the left and there is no other screen object that would be redrawn. Because nothing is redrawn, the moved screen leaves the traces that you see in your screenshot. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, The color format option (along with some other properties like display size) is disabled for a project when a BSP has been selected. Then, the BSP determines the color format. So if you want to change the color format to 24bit, I would recommend to clear the BSP selection for now. To do so, go to the project properties, click "Select BSP" and in the dialog click "Select none". Then you can freely select the 24bit color format for the project. Once you want to test your project on a target ha…

  • Hi Daniel, Did you reproduce this with the project I sent you? In that project there is no SCREEN_02 anymore, instead it is a window. That window is a child of SCREEN_01, so it should only be visible when that screen is shown. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi Daniel, Before the last release screens could be of any size and have any position. But this was a design flaw and could sometimes lead to unwanted behavior. With the latest version screens are always at the position (0,0) and have the display size that is set in the BSP. So the behavior that you described is correct: On the button press SCREEN_01 is shown which shows SCREEN_02 on INITDIALOG. So in the end SCREEN_02 is on top of all other screens. And as said, all screens now have the size of…

  • Hi, Thanks for reporting this. I could reproduce this issue, we will take a look at it asap. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, The controller ILI9341 is supported by GUIDRV_FlexColor. Specifically, it is supported by the module GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66709. Attached I have an example configuration for this module. You will need to adapt the read/write interface from/to the controller through the GUI_PORT_API. Once you have defined the routines that read and write from and to the display, you can adapt the display init sequence. Finally, you will need to initialize the display driver as it is done in the example configura…

  • Nuvoton And AppWizard

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, Do you want to retrieve the gauge values? You could react on a value change of the gauge. Just add an interaction: ID_GAUGE -> VALUE_CHANGED -> SET_VALUE -> ID_TEXT (the object you want to send the value to). Then the gauge value will be displayed in a text object (given that decimal mode is enabled for the text object). Best regards, Florian

  • Hi Rowel, Which version of AppWizard are you using? And could you send us a project that allows us to reproduce this issue? Thank you! Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, Which version of FontCvt are you using? I am having no problems loading the file with V6.26. In the screenshot it looks like the filter option (aka. "View all chars") is active (except that the right-most button in the toolbar is not pressed). Did you try enabling and disabling this option? Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, In the earlier trial versions there were not any BSPs included. This meant the user was mostly limited to the simulation and had to add their own BSPs to the trial version to run a project on the hardware. I don't know which video you are referring to but I'm guessing this is what they meant. This has changed though with AppWizard version 1.22_6.18b, from this version onwards the trial version includes all BSPs. You won't be able to use the BSPs though because there is no BSP for the SSD1963…

  • Hi, Could you send me the XBF file that causes the behavior in the 2nd screenshot? Thanks and best regards, Florian

  • Hi Viktor, Yes, as of right now the KEYBOARD widget does not send any notifications to its parent window. It is not necessary to react on notifications because the KEYBOARD stores the pressed keys into the key buffer. This will automatically trigger a WM_KEY message to the window that currently has the focus. Best regards, Florian

  • Button animation effect

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, AppWizard does not have a feature like this. The closest thing you could do (without user code) is trigger a GIF animation on a button press. The image object would be at the same position as the button while the button itself is invisible. But of course, the GIF animation would be static. The ripple effect wouldn't change dynamically to where the button was touched. If you want to create a ripple effect that takes the touch position into account, you would have to manually implement this th…

  • EMwin ttf font

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, You should create the font only once, you could do this in the "case WM_CREATE" of the callback or in the MainTask after GUI_Init() has been called. But note that all the data needs to be static and has to stay valid the entire time the font is being used. To be more specific, the GUI_TTF_DATA, GUI_TTF_CS, GUI_FONT structure as well as the data pointer to the TTF file need to stay valid. Another thing is that you should only call GUI_TTF_DestroyCache() if you're absolutely sure that no TTF f…

  • Hi, The user data set to windows or widgets refers to additional data being allocated when the window/widget is created. This data is part of the memory block associated with the window and can be accessed with <WIDGET>_GetUserData(). You can find a detailed tutorial about this topic in our wiki. The strings added to a LISTVIEW are not part of the user data. And since you did not add user data to the widget with LISTVIEW_SetUserData() calling ..._GetUserData() returns 0 bytes. Unfortunately the …

  • Hi Viktor, I have just updated the wiki example. The old example "KEYBOARD_Usage" has been renamed to "KEYBOARD_Advanced". And now there is also a stripped-down version called "KEYBOARD_Simple". This one only shows how to use a predefined layout. The export and import of pattern and layout files to the file system is not included in that example. You can find the new example here. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, I agree, the example in the wiki is a bit overblown if a file system is not required. We will provide a simpler example soon, I will let you know once it is published. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, The last byte in the XBF file contains the font type. You can identify this byte searching for "XBF" at the end of the file. The following byte is the font type: C Source Code (4 lines) From the given font type you can select the corresponding pointer: C Source Code (4 lines) The reason why there currently is no function that does this automatically is that all font types would always be referenced. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, I'm wondering if "bm_array" is an actual BMP image file? Please note that the GUI_DrawBitmap() function is only for C bitmaps (the GUI_BITMAP structure), not actual BMP files. BMP images have to be drawn with the GUI_BMP_... API functions. You can find an example in our wiki on how to draw a BMP image file. Best regards, Florian