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  • Hi, in general the server does not sent updates on its own. It's always the client who's requesting updates. On a request the server send out the requested data. To answer your question, no you can not refresh the screen from the server side. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, Not sure which key you are referring to. It doesn't sounds like an issue with emWin. I suggest to double check your hardware. Regards, Sven

  • Dialog Navigation slow

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Of course you can rotate it by using memory devices. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, In general the only limitation is the memory you have allocated for emWin. How many buttons do you need? With a 100KB set for emWin I was able to create about 660 Buttons. I can barely imagine that someone needs more in a single window. Regards, Sven

  • Dialog Navigation slow

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Quote from anuj.tanksali: “Will using 3 buffers cause an improvement in speed regarding dialog loading? ” Not sure if it will reduce the loading. The KNOB will create 32bpp memory devices. THis means that every pixel needs to be converted into the framebuffer format which is 16bpp. I could imagine that this takes a while on a hardware without hardware acceleration. Of course, this depends also on the size of the KNOB. Quote from anuj.tanksali: “Can we achieve the knob functionality with some…

  • Dialog Navigation slow

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, typically it is not required to enable automatic use of memory devices. Automatic use of memory devices will produce an overhead in regards of drawing. At first emWin draws into the memory device and then the memory device gets drawn into the framebuffer. It can get even worst if there is not enough memory available to create a memory device for the complete window area. If there is not enough memory emWin uses banding and creates multiple small memory devices after each other till the compl…

  • Hi, you might try to set the child window/widget into modal state by calling WM_MakeModal(). Regards, Sven

  • MEMDEV Issue..

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Check out the manual for the memory requirements to draw PNGs: Here is a description on how much memory a memory device requires: I doubt that 400KB are sufficient memory. You might want to try out other formats than PNG instead. You could use the Bitmap Converter to generate a DTA file from the PNG. Drawing a DTA doesn't need that much memory. Also the Bitmap Converter offers different options …

  • Hi, this looks like a hardware issue. Which driver are you using? GUIDRV_Lin? Are the clock settings for the LCD correct (like HSYNC, VSYNC, pixel clock, front and back porch etc.)? Regards, Sven

  • Hi, Not sure yet why this happens. Are the files write protected? I will give it a try on my end, too. EDIT: I gave it a try. My version control sets the file properties to write protected. When the files are write protected I get the same error as you do. After removing the write protection it is working. Regards, Sven

  • Hello Marcel, Currently it is not possible to switch a screen from code. We are working already on API functions to allow the user to trigger any job which can be done via AppWizards interaction window. For now you can use variables as a workaround. To do so follow the steps below. 1. Create two screens ID_SCREEN_00 and ID_SCREEN_01 2. Add a variable to your project 3. On screen ID_SCREEN_00 add an interaction which has the following properties: - Emitter: ID_VAR_00 - Signal: VALUE_CHANGED - Job…

  • Hi, Unfortunately, this is not possible right now. We will discuss this, but we are already quite confident to make this possible. Regards, Sven

  • Hi Marcel, When setting a text to an object make sure to not set a text within the AppWizard. If a text is set from within the AppWizard it will overwrite the text set programmatically. Currently the AppWizard shows the object type as a hint to distinguish between the different objects (especially the text object which would be invisible without a text set). We will further improve this by showing not only the object type but also the object ID. Best regards, Sven

  • Reistive touch issue

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, You are doing this: C Source Code (7 lines) This will lead to wrong touch behavior because the generated "up event" will occur at (-1|-1). emWin will check if there is a window/widget below this point and will generate messages accordingly. Lets say you press a button at the center of the screen and it will receive a click message. Now you release the touch screen and the up event occurs at (-1|-1), but there is no button and no release event will be thrown. Try to declare "touchState" as st…

  • Create chinese font

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Try the code below. The font gets created within the parent window of a button. The font data and the handle to the file needs to be valid as long as the button uses the font. Therefore the variables are declared static. On delete of the window (which does not occur in this example) the button gets also deleted (automatically). At this point the font is not used anymore and can be deleted, too. Although, the window never gets deleted in this example it should show how to make sure a font sta…

  • Hi, Quote from Mark_C: “Is it OK like this or is it necessary to make some other setting? ” This is the only location where you need to configure the memory used by emWin. Any emWin operation which needs a piece of memory uses this memory block. The only exception is the GUIDRV_Lin driver. Its framebuffer needs to be allocated by the user. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, I don't really understand what you are trying to do... please specify. Quote from LXW: “I wanted to use the pre-stored 4bit bitmap data ” Which 4bit bitmap? GUI_DrawPixel() is pretty in efficient for drawing more than one pixel. You should use the GUI_FillRect() function. Regards, Sven

  • Create chinese font

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, No, it's the same procedure. Create a font, e.g. by calling GUI_XBF_CreateFont((GUI_FONT*)&Font, &Data, GUI_XBF_TYPE_PROP_AA4_EXT, _GetData, pFile), and use the initialized GUI_FONT structure for your widget. Just make sure it stays valid as long as any object uses the font. Regards, Sven

  • XBF fonts mismatch

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, How do you create the font within your application? Make sure the third parameter matches the xbf file: C Source Code (1 line) Here you will find an example regarding XBF fonts: Or is the Font Converter you are using a demo version? Earlier demo version produced a non usable output. Under the link below you will find the latest demo version of the Font Converter (no limitation in regards of functionality, you're not allowed to use it in a commer…

  • Hi, how much memory did you spend for emWin (function call of GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory())? I can't say why it is crashing. On my end it is working just fine. Regards, Sven