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  • Hi pcpro178, Dark mode for Ozone is still on our internal wish list for future improvements but I cannot comment on when this will be available. Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi Chrishock, I did a quick check with an embOS application and this worked well, in particular the Call stack is displayed correctly. Which RTOS plug-in did you use in 3.26i and which are you using in the 3.28? Does the issue persist with Ozone 3.28b? Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi Przemek, such an issue is not know to us. Could you please file a ticket in our ticket system? Please note that for further analysis a reproducer is required which allows us to reproduce the issue locally. Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi Adam, another option would be using the console window and issuing the command Break.SetOnSrc ("<function name>"); Which Ozone version do you use? I just checked with Ozone V3.28b on Windows 10 and found that [ctrl]-[alt]- works in quite a lot of windows, including "Source Files", "Break & Tracepoints", "Console", "Call Graph" and, of course, "Source viewer/editor". If the hot key is pressed in any of those windows, the Set/Clear Breakpoint dialog opens. Could you please double check on your …

  • In your Ozone project file (*.jdebug) there is a statement Project.SetOSPlugin ("<filename>"); Here you need to replace <filename> with the corresponding RTOS awareness script. For FreeRTOS there are multiple flavors provided with Ozone, you can find them in the installation directory, e.g. C:\Program Files\SEGGER\Ozone V3.28a\Plugins\OS. Please pick the one that fits your core. You may wish to have a look at section in the Ozone User's Manual where the Project.SetOSPlugin() command in…

  • Hi Oliverb, which RTOS are you using and which RTOS awareness plug-in? Please note that in the older Ozone versions there was a DLL interface for RTOS plug-ins which was discontinued quite a while ago and removed from Ozone in version 3.28. Instead, the JavaScript plug-in interface is being used. In section 6.3 of the Ozone user's manual you find a documentation of the plug-in I/F. Best regards AlexD

  • Hi Vadim, thank you for notifying us. We just added the missing files. Something went wrong in our release process. Best regards AlexD

  • Hi Juliengros, I just tried to reproduce that but on my side everything went well. What I did: I created an Ozone project on a blinky application. I set a break point onto a code line where a free running counter variable "_Cnt1" is incremented. I modified the break point such that the condition "_Cnt1 == 0x42" is added. I start the debug session and let the target run. After a while the break point is hit, _Cnt1 has the value 0x42. I disable the break point and close Ozone. I re-open Ozone and …

  • Quote from Akito: “There are no unused functions placed over already existing execution areas. However, this is what Ozone is showing and telling me. This is confirmed by the map file and the fact that the code executes correcly. I am wondering then what in the ELF file is making Ozone behaves like this. Thanks. ” You stated earlier "The unused functions are marked to be located in the address 0x0 in the map file for unused components." So apparently your tool chain does not optimize away unused…

  • Hi fraengers, thank you for sharing your ideas for improving Ozone with us. I will bring them into the next discussion round for future development. Best regards -- AlexD

  • The philosophy behind this aspect of Ozone is project orientation. Watches, among other settings which include the ELF file to be used, are part of a project, which is stored on a hard drive in the .jdebug and .user file. The proposed work flow is creating an Ozone project for debugging your application. Applying changes to your code and performing a recompile causes a change in the ELF file which will be noticed by Ozone so Ozone will allow you to download the new ELF file content into the targ…

  • Hello Nout, Ozone does not yet support DWARF-5. Adding support for DWARF-5 is already on our wish list. Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi Sparky, thanks for notifying us. The 1st issue is most likely related to using leading tabs for indentation. Ozone does not always handle tabs properly. The 2nd issue can be reproduced in our labs. We will provide a fix in a subsequent release. Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi AndyR, as of now, 100Hz is the minimum update rate Ozone provides and most of our customers work with way higher sample frequencies. Still, I added adding lower frequencies to our internal wish list. However, I cannot comment of when this will be implemented. Side note: in general, signal processing on noisy data requires adequate filtering before applying any means of signal processing such as change detection. This is not related to the sample frequency, since from a signal's perspective no…

  • Hi, thank you for pointing out this issue to us. This is a bug which will be resolved in one of the next releases. In general it would be appreciated if you would report crashes in future to us via the support ticket system. The link to the support system can be found below. Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi LordNelson, system variables cannot be accessed from a .jdebug-file in any other means but as a parameter to the Edit.SysVar() command.Evaluating the identifier of a system variable, as you attempted, may yield unpredictable results. So I can confirm the behavior you observe, yet I cannot confirm this being a bug in Ozone. Besides, apparently you are using a J-Link Base with Ozone. Please note that the use of Ozone with J-Link Base is limited to evaluation purposes only. In case you intend us…

  • Hi, DWRF-5 support is already on our wish list but I cannot comment on when this may be implemented or released. Best regards -- AlexD

  • Hi , Apple did change something on MacOS Monterey which broke fonts. For example, mono spaced fonts as used in the memory window are not displayed properly. We are working on a work-around for that. In case you see a different issue with Ozone, could you please open a ticket in our ticket system? This can be found here: Best regards -- Alex

  • With your bit-stream I was able to reproduce the issue: Source Code (23 lines) I assume that your device does not support 16-bit and 8-bit read accesses, 32-bit accesses work fine, though. The disassembler reads a 32-bit instruction in 2 phases: In phase 1 the lower 16 bits are read (from address 0x0200) and evaluated. Only if the evaluation indicates a 32-bit instruction the higher 16 bits are read (from address 0x0202). Next, the two 16-bit words are assembled into a 32-bit word and finally th…

  • Hi, I tried to reproduce the reported behavior but did not succeed. Since I do not have access to a silicon where I can adjust the number of available hardware BPs I patched the DLL in order to limit the number of HW BPs to 4, 2, 1 and 0 and attempted setting 5 BPs. In all cases the Jlink commander responded properly: For 4 available BPs 4 BPs were set but setting the 5th was denied For 2 available BPs 2 BPs were set and from the 3rd on all BPs were denied For 1 available BP 1 BP was set and fro…