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  • I created a custom Flash loader for programming a SPI Flash connected to SSP peripheral of LPC1788. I started from your template and customized it in Embedded Studio IDE. I don't have a license for JFlash, because I purchased base package only, so I can only use this tool for reading. It seems working well, so I can read data written on the SPI Flash. So I played with JLInk.exe tool, but I have some questions. If I use loadbin/loadfile, it works, so my Flash Loader is really used to program exte…

  • I'm trying to create a new Flash Loader for a SPI Flash connected to a SSP peripheral of LPC1788 device (manufacturer NXP). I know there's a project for Embedded Studio IDE that could be used as a starting point, and I will try to use and customize it. Luckily there's an evaluation Embedded Studio license. The question is, how to port this project to MCUXpresso? I would like to use MCUXpresso because it is my main IDE for my projects and it should be nice to compile FlashLoader in MCUXpresso.

  • Quote from SEGGER - Florian: “You can react on WM_TOUCH in the window that is to be deleted. When the window is touched and the state is pressed, you can safely delete the window: ” I didn't want to change the code of the winodow that is to be deleted, but if it's the only solution. Anyway I would like to delete the window on the unpressed event.

  • I have a Window that is a child of the background. It has many child widgets. When the user press the Window, a WM_TOUCH_CHILD message is propagated to the background callback. There I delete the Window, but the application crashes, I think because WM is trying to send other messages (related to the touch) to the widgets that were already deleted. So the question is: how to delete a child Window when the touch is released on whatever point? I would like to not edit the child window code, only th…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “For SDRAM inits we recommend using a JLinkScript. The JLinkScript API is explained in the J-Link user manual UM08001. ” Do you mean, use JLINK_MEM_WriteUxx() functions in the script to program registers of MCU such way SDRAM is initialized? Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “After SDRAM is initialized you can use the normal Ozone debug setup to program both Flash and SDRAM. Just make sure that the application you are programming utilizes both memory areas. ” I think Ozone norm…

  • I have a board with LPC1785 MCU and an external SDRAM. At MCU reset the SDRAM isn't configured so it isn't mapped to the system memory. I'd like to know if Ozone can be configured to program internal Flash memory and external SDRAM at debug startup. Data to program to SDRAM are at a specific address in the elf file.

  • Bitmaps saved in SDRAM

    giusloq - - emWin related


    I found a solution. I changed linker script to put emWin constants used in GUI_BITMAP structures (GUI_BitmapMethods*) in a fixed location. In this way, even if I change the application code, GUI_BitmapMethods* are always at the same address and GUI_BITMAP structures don't change. The same thing I made for GUI_FONT structures used in my code, because I'd like to save fonts in SPI Flash too. It seems this works, but I suspect there is a better approach to my needs.

  • Bitmaps saved in SDRAM

    giusloq - - emWin related


    The application code is in the internal Flash memory of MCU (LPC1785). I need to save constant bitmap images in the external SPI Flash memory. At startup I copy the images from SPI Flash to SDRAM, so the access is much more faster. I have plenty of SDRAM available. All works well, but the debug workflow is very slow. I'm not able to start the debug session that writes at the same time internal and external SPI Flash (or internal Flash and SDRAM). So I need to write to SPI Flash memory by the boo…

  • Quote from Thomas W.: “Maybe you must define your own read back function in order to achieve single byte reads. But that is only an assumption... ” I don't think so. The controller (ILI9341) replies with one dummy plus two data bytes. Both bytes have colors, so one-byte read can't work. I was searching a command to configure the controller to reply with only one byte (encoded as 5-6-5), but it seems impossible. This behaviour can't be changed only by rewriting a new read back funtion on the host…

  • I found the problem that caused the crash. I forgot to set PortAPI.pfRead16_A1 for GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc(). Now it works. Anyway I didin't understand. We configured ILI9341 to use the 16-bits interface in 16-bits per pixel (5-6-5). When the driver wants to set a pixel color, it issues a write command with a single 16-bits word where the color is packed in 5-6-5 format. Why the ILI9341 responds with 2-bytes (18-bits 6-6-6 format) during read commands? Is it possible to configure the driver to …

  • I didn't call GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66709_B16(), so I think the driver was using GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_I (the default function). When I tried to set GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_III, the program crashes with a HardFault. The call stack says that _ReadRect_16bpp_B16_III() calls guimem() that failed. Do you know why? Could you share the source code of LCD_X_ReadM1_16 and LCD_X_Read1_16?

  • I have many alpha images. For example: C Source Code (104 lines)Every pixel is descripted as a single byte that represents the "quantity" of the image respect the background. Of course, the content of those images is only the shape. I draw alpha images with GUI_SetColor(), that selects the color of the shape, and GUI_DrawBitmap() that really draws the bitmap on the screen. It works very well during the simulation at the PC, and it seems working well on the embedded target when the background is …

  • Full-screen child window

    giusloq - - emWin related


    I noticed you use 0 to invalidate the handle. I usually use WM_HWIN_NULL for this, even if it is really 0. I suppose a valid handle can't be never 0. Is it correct?

  • Full-screen child window

    giusloq - - emWin related


    Some windows needs to create a full-screen child window (in my case, a keypad). However the parent window isn't full-screen, so the keypad will not be full-screen too. I know I can create the keypad window as a child of the background window (and put it at the top), however in this case the keypad will not be automatically deleted when the creator window is deleted. Is there a better approach? Is it possible to create a child window larger than the parent window?

  • Fill circle with a border

    giusloq - - emWin related


    If I'm not wrong, a Memory Device memory requirements are lighter than an entire data cache for the driver. I'm using FlexColor driver without cache. I know I can create a bitmap, however I don't have enough space in ROM too I think you should improve GUI_FillCircle(), maybe creating a new GUI_FillCircle_Ex(), that should take into account the pen size.

  • Fill circle with a border

    giusloq - - emWin related


    Is it possible? It seems GUI_SetPenSize() doesn't affect GUI_DrawCircle(), GUI_DrawEllipse() draws only the border without filling the inside and GUI_FillEllipse() fills the ellipse/circle without any border. I can't allocate a Memory Device, so I have flickering if I call GUI_FillCircle() two times.

  • Quote: “This explains the observed behavior. Currently, the RAMCode does not analyze the WDT Configuration but just checks if it is active and feeds it if it is. I will bring this issue up on the next team meeting, if we can improve this behavior.” Ok, thank you. Do you know what is the policy of feeding the watchdog? Quote: “ It is the callers (=IDE or Debugger) responsibility to execute a reset before flash programming. The RAMCode itself does not issue a reset for various reasons, among other…

  • Quote: “Quite the opposite. The MCU is running the code which is programming the flash.” I see. Where is this code? I think J-Link download a small "applet" in RAM and run it from RAM. Correct? In that case, what is the configuration of clocks? After POR, SAMD20 core clock is 1MHz (from internal 8MHz oscillator, divided by 8). The application code could change the clocks at runtime. Suppose my application code starts changing the MCU and peripherals clocks. During application execution I start a…

  • I'm trying to understand what happens in one prototype board I have, because Flash programming through Atmel Studio is now very very slow. It seems the Flash programming speed dramatically decreases when I enable WDT (watchdog timer) in my program. It's very strange to me, because I thought the core is maintained in a reset status during Flash programming, so with WDT disabled. How is it possible that the firmware that is running changes the Flash programming speed? I started making some tests i…

  • I'm working with a small 320x240 ILI9341-based LCD module and a Cortex-M3 running at 100MHz. I want to be as fast as possible to redraw the elements on the screen, otherwise the user could see some flickering. My platform (small RAM) doesn't allow me to use memory devices, so all drawing operation is really transferred to the ILI9341 controller and this takes some time. I noticed BUTTON widget has the transparency flag set by default, immediately after BUTTON_CreateEx(). Do you confirm? I'm usin…