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  • Hi, You can enable motion for swiping between screens. Simply select the screen in the hierarchic tree, then set either the horizontal or vertical motion property. Now you have to select a left or right partner, depending on where the screen is located where you want to swipe to. The last step is to also select a motion partner for the other screen. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, You have to call GUI_SetAlpha() during the drawing process of the LISTBOX. It is also important that you reset the alpha value to fully opaque after the semi-transparent drawings are finished, because otherwise the set alpha value will be used globally. Try to set the following callback to your LISTBOX widget: C Source Code (11 lines) It draws the widget using the standard callback but with a modified alpha value. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, Did you select "Set bitmap" instead of "Set JPEG" in the properties of the Image object? This would ensure a better performance than displaying the image in the JPEG format, since JPEGs are decoded during runtime each time they are drawn. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, AppWizard was initially released in conjunction with emWin V6.10. With emWin V5.44, there was no AppWizard. Also note the version number of AppWizard (which is V1.22_6.18b according to your screenshot). This means that AppWizard V1.22 has to be used with emWin V6.18b. I would suggest you update to the latest version of STemWin. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, Attached you will find my edited version of your code that you can take as a reference. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, I had to change a few things to get your application working: - GUI_Init() was missing as the first call in your application. It is necessary that you call this before calling any other emWin routines. - Replace the WM_Invalidate() in the WM_USER_DATA case in _cbDialog() with the code of WM_PAINT of _cbFaultAlertText(). - Remove the callback _cbFaultAlertText(). - Change the TEXT color to GUI_BLACK. After these changes, the data was correctly displayed in the widget. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, a WM_PAINT case in your TEXT callback means you have to draw the text to be displayed yourself. Which is of course possible, but letting the widget draw the text is more convenient and it makes more sense for a simple widget such as the TEXT widget. But in your WM_PAINT case, you did not call any function to display text such as GUI_DispString(). Rather, you only set the widget's properties like the text color, alignment and the text itself instead of drawing the text. This is why no text wa…

  • Hi, A window only receives the WM_USER_DATA message shortly after WM_SetUserData() has been called. Do you call WM_SetUserData() every time you update the data? Also, when you update the text, do the old string and new string have the same length? There recently was an issue with TEXT widgets that they would not update when the string length had not changed after calling TEXT_SetText(). The issue has now been fixed. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, We try to ensure backward compatibility as much as possible. E.g. when function names or prototypes change, we add macros so that old code is not affected. This means you should be able to update without any problems. If there are however any migration issues, please let us know. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, You can add the value 0x7FFF to a YT_GRAPH for invalid values. This value will not be displayed and will result in a gap in the curve. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, There is no routine to display a single char rotated, so I think a wrapper function would be best, as you already suggested. The wrapper function would only have to copy the char itself and a terminating zero into a char array, which could then be used by GUI_DispStringInRectEx(). Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, There isn't any text shown in your TEXT widget because you have overwritten the WM_PAINT case in your callback. This means that when the TEXT widget is invalidated, your WM_PAINT case is executed which does not draw any text on the screen, but only sets widget properties. In this case, I would simply get rid of the TEXT callback and set the properties of the text like you did above when initializing the widget. You can redraw the TEXT widget by calling WM_InvalidateWindow() when your data ha…

  • GIF drawing performance

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi, The following call was sufficient to run the animation: C Source Code (1 line) The "Period" parameter is 200 instead of 0. The parameter can be used for a fixed period between the images, but it has to be 0 when you pass a pointer to an array of periods, as you did with aDelayFlameSprite7. Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, Depending on the size of your GIFs, the timing could become inaccurate if decoding of the GIFs takes too much time. To boost performance, you could convert your GIFs into animated sprites which do not have to be decoded during runtime. They are essentially an array of bitmaps and time stamps and therefore much faster than GIFs. Select "File --> Create animated sprite from GIF" in the Bitmap Converter to convert your GIF into a sprite. GUI_SPRITE_CreateAnim() can be called to run the animatio…

  • Hi, The Spanish characters are within the ISO 8859-1 Western Latin character set, which are the characters 0xA0 up until 0xFF. Since the ANSI-C standard doesn't allow characters above 0x7F in the source code, you should rather use hex values for these characters. You can find a full table of the ISO 8859-1 Western Latin character set in the manual. To display these characters with emWin, add the hexademical value of the character to a string, like so: C Source Code (1 line) For the string "10°C"…

  • Hi, We have tried reproducing the issue with your command and the 6.10 NXP version of Bitmap Converter, but were not able to reproduce this issue. Maybe the issue is caused by the image you open in the Bitmap Converter. Can you send me an image to reproduce this issue? Thanks and best regards, Florian

  • Hi, You can add the "-hide" command to hide the window of the Bitmap Converter. This also works with the NXP version of Bitmap Converter. The "-exit" command simply closes the window, instead of hiding it. Below an example statement: Source Code (1 line) Best regards, Florian

  • Hi, There is no built-in function for this feature yet, but we will consider adding it in the future, because it is often requested and definitely makes sense. So for now, you would have to implement this behavior manually to the LISTBOX. You can do the text scrolling with an animation that "animates" an offset value to move the text. You also have to do the drawing yourself using this offset value in an OwnerDraw routine. I have attached a sample that does this and you can take it as a referenc…

  • Emwin_keyboard

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi Saeed, Long press characters are defined in the keyboard's layout. You can remove the long press characters from the layout you are using. I am assuming you are using the predefined layout "KEYBOARD_ENG", you can copy the layout to another file to create your own custom layout. I have attached the layout KEYBOARD_ENG.c, in case you need it. You can remove the long press characters for a line of keys by passing "NULL" as the last argument for the KEYDEF_LINE structure (see "Pointer to longpres…

  • Arabic Keyboard

    SEGGER - Florian - - emWin related


    Hi Saeed, the default font does not contain Arabic letters. You have to change the keyboard's fonts to a font, that contains Arabic letters, otherwise they won't be displayed. Using the Font Converter, you can create an emWin font from a font that contains Arabic letters (e.g. Arial). The keyboard has two fonts, one for the keys and one for the small letters that are longpress keys. Refer to KEYBOARD_SetFont() and the keyboard widget chapter in the manual for more information. Best regards, Flor…