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  • Hi, Thanks for your feedback. I will forward this internally for potential wiki updates in regards of these “issues”. While I cannot get specific on the time line, what I can say that a J-Link PRO PoE is in the works. Will maybe be available this year.

  • Hi, To be perfectly ones, I do not really think of a J-Link issue here. I could imagine 2 different scenarios of a long-term-fail of J-Link: 1) J-Link crashes while not in use and the watchdog resets J-Link 2) J-Link crashes in a way that is not detected by the watchdog logic but makes it to become unresponsive over USB In both cases you would still see J-Link when issuing a "lsusb" commands. to 1) Because J-Link is reset and restarted, it will detach + attach and reenumerate via USB, so it is l…

  • Hi, Unfortunately, we do not have the C source of that application. The LED blink hex file has been created by TI and was sent to us to have a "working reference". What I can say is, that it also took 2 rounds to get a bootable / working hex file. We first got a file in which the CCFG area contents were not fully correct (there are some CRCs in there that were not correctly in the first file we got). This is most probably also the case for you. Not sure how TI CCS generates the CCFG contents in …

  • Newbie or not: Did you actually check the link I sent or did you choose to ignore it? As I wrote: Your J-Link is not configured to expose a virtual COM port but the article describes how to configure it accordingly. If you have *really* been using exactly this J-Link before, you either did not use virtual COM port or disabled the virtual COM port of J-Link afterwards. So something about your statement of using it previously is either incomplete or incorrect.

  • If you have a Flasher ARM/PRO, it can be done via the SEGGER U-Flash software. For J-Link, you currentl need to use the Renesas RFP software which also supports J-Link:…rogrammer-programming-gui Not decided yet if this is going to be implemented in J-Flash as well, or a separate utility, …

  • Can you please post a photo of the J-Link? The “USB 4294967295“ looks suspicious…

  • It’s pretty simple to answer why you cannot connect to the virtual COM port of J-Link: Because yours is not configured to expose one… (I can see that from the ProductID it enumerates with) See here:

  • Hi, The reason for J-Link to try to start the GUI is that you selected an invalid device name. Here a list of supported device names for the nRF52840 series: Quote from ephimee: “I actually want to use pytest, and I want to know if this is possible via the USB interface? ” I do not see why it should not.

  • Not sure if it applies to the STM32 VsCode extension but at least a start:

  • It is not “WinUSB driver for EDU mini” but an adaption to the firmware and bootloader(!) that is needed to make it WinUSB compatible. It is supposed to be done in the next couple of weeks. Of course it will take some time until all the new units with the new bootloader will make it to catalog distributors, distributors, … If there will be a utility to update the bootloader of an EDU mini in-field has not been decided yet (or if it is even technically possible) BR Alex

  • Under Windows ARM, you need a WinUSB compatible J-Link because there is no SEGGER kernel driver available for Windows ARM. Full WinUSB comparibility is available starting with the V12 hardware of J-Link. The V10 you have is not WinUSB compatible. For the EDU mini, WinUSB compatibility will be introduced soon.

  • Hi, Actually, it was just a wild guess that you may not see the message with an older version because it may not existed there yet. However, you have proven otherwise. Your statement „Only the computers are switched“ is not correct, because in your initial post you were using 2 different versions of the J-Link software on the machines, so you actually changed more than only 1 „variable“ in your setup. Maybe you checked the „remember my decision“ checkbox on your Laptop some time ago and therefor…

  • Hi, We need more information: 1) What target device (manufacturer and device name) are you using? 2) A screenshot of the actual error message you get. 3) Unfortunately, your analysis is only half-way useful because you changed 2 „variables“: The software version AND firmware version. What happens if you leave the firmware on „Jun 6, 2023“ and use that with software version 7.70c / 7.70d? Does it work? If yes, the firmware is not the source of the problem but the PC software is. 4) Can you please…

  • Hi, Both Commander screenshots show a successful connection to the chip and no error at all. So from the images, no misbehavior can be seen. The “write protection detected” message may be correct or not. We simply do not know because we do not know the data you programmed into the option bytes of the MKL02Z. The reason you do not see the message with V7.20 may be because the dialog did not exist in that version yet.

  • That was already more support given than we were allowed to, but good to read that the "problem" has been resolved. Thread closed

  • Can you please let us know the exact toolchain version and where to download binaries? (Not interested in building it from source on our own etc) Actually, GDB server is (as the name indicates) for GDB. It SHOULD also work for LLDB, as long as it behaves compatible, but there is always the chance that they introduced an incompatibility.

  • Hi, At a first glance, the XML looks good. I could imagine that the FLM is not parsed correctly or something like that. But in that case I would have expected additional output on what was missing/wrong in the FLM. Maybe there is something in the XML that I do not see right now / do not have in my head. Can you send the XML + FLM via PM or attach it to a post? BR Alex

  • Hi, GDB Server only tries to read that address if GDB tells it to do so. You may fiddle around with the map region command: Setting the DDR to X before initialized and issue the command again later on with N to make it accessible again. Out of my head I cannot say if the map region command is designed to be used on the same region multiple times per session, but I would expect it to be no problem. BR Alex

  • Nope, there is no such command. You may either download some code to RAM that does this, or use the w1/2/4 and mem8/16/32 commands to access the QSPI controller. BR Alex

  • Hi, You can place the FLM files wherever you want. The important thing is that the XML is named JLinkDevices.xml and placed in the DLL directory. You may enter a relative FLM/loader path in the XML or an absolute one. A relative one is relative to the location of the FLM. We may delete this thread shortly after solution, as we do not want deprecated information to spread and be taken misleadingly as “state of the art”. BR Alex