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  • embOS and STM32 CubeMX

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Thanks for sharing this with us. I guess this could be also of interest for other embOS users. Best regards, Til

  • Hello, OS_ConvertCycles2us() is part of the RTOSinit.c All our shipped RTOSInit.c include this function. Please contact us via our support email address with your embOS license number and which board support package or exact device/evalboard you are using. We will send you then everything you will need. Best regards, Til

  • Using openVG with embOS

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hi Alan, one additional note: With embOS and RZ the memory managment unit and caches are used. Please find at the end of RTOSInit_R7S72100.c the MMU table which defines which memory areas are cached with write through or write back. If you are using the wrong setting it could happen that e.g. the display data is only written to the cache but not directly written to the memory. Best regards, Til

  • How to debug RTOS

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Could you please give us more information about your setup? Which embOS and which embOS version do you use? Which compiler and IDE ? Which debug probe? Are you working with embOS library or embOS source code? I don't think there is something wrong with embOS. If you can't debug the code this is more related to your IDE and/or debug tools. If you have a valid embOS license you can also contact us directly per email. Best regards, Til

  • Quote: “As STM said, STemWin is emWin library that they licensed from segger for its customers. This means, that every time I buy MCU from STM, I indirectly pay to STM for emWin library. That is why STM's MCUs cost twice as much than LPC's for example. STM provides emWin manual with STemWin library. All functions look completelly the same.” Sure, from the technical side STemWin and emWin are the same but not from the license side. When you buy a ST CPU you get a free license of STemWin and not f…

  • Quote: “Last time I appealed to this forum, support engineer Til, just tried to pick me on some details in my code and makes demagogy about commercial relationships.” Dear Constantine, please be aware we are a commecial company which gives support via email to our customers which have a valid software license. You don't have an emWin license and your are not an emWin customer. Therefore I tried to explain you that you are using STemWin and not emWin. The differnce is the commercial relationship.…

  • Hi Constantine, Quote: “This definetly BUG in function.” Nope. There is no bug in that function. Did you had a look in the chapter "Execution Model: Single Task / Multitask" in the emWin manual? Did you add the according FreeRTOS functions? Quote: “Description of function IMAGE_SetBMPEx in manual is poor. No any examples can be found.” The IMAGE_SetBMPEx() description refers to the GetData description and there are several examples: Pointer to the GetData()-function. Details on how to implement …

  • Dear Veronica, I just checked the board support package and I can build and run the K60 start project without any problems. The error message says a task stack overflowed but I guess in your case this is caused by something else. Did you make any modifications to the sample application or the start project? Which Keil MDK version do you use? I used Keil MDK V5.20. Which evalboard do you use? Please don't hesitate to contact us directly via our embOS support email address. You can find the embOS …

  • Dear Christian, Quote: “Do you offer embOS (advanced) trainings? ” Yes, of course! An embOS training is usually a one day event which can be held at our training facility or at your location. We teach in an embOS training not only the RTOS basics and explain the API but also discuss how embOS can be used in your actual application. Please contact us per email/phone for further information. Best regards, Til

  • Remove JLinkMem Dependency

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hi Kenny, actually the linker error message is capable of being misunderstood because OS_JLINKMEM_BufferSize is not used in OS_SetPRIMASK() but at other places in the RTOS.asm. Setting it to zero is the correct solution as long as you have the object code version only. With the source code version you could remove it completely but that is not necessary. Please be aware it is not guaranteed that we answer here in a short time (or at all). Since you have a valid embOS license please use the suppo…

  • Remove JLinkMem Dependency

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hi Kenny, OS_SetPRIMASK() does not use OS_JLINKMEM_BufferSize at all. Did you get this as a linker error message? You can completey remove OS_JLINKMEM_BufferSize only with the embOS source version but if you don't want to use the J-Link Buffer you can just disable the embOSView communication in the RTOSInit.c This is already done in the Release configuration. Please don't hesitate to contact us directly per email. You can find the embOS support email address in chapter "Support" of the embOS man…

  • EMBOS TCP/IP Options

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hi Kenny, thanks for your thoughts but we will not provide a LWIP port, of course. We have our own TCP/IP stack which is much more reliable and efficient than such a non commercial project. To be honest we sell more than enough embOS license since meanwhile it is de facto standard for embedded products . The problem with such non commercial projects like FreeRTOS or LWIP is that you need much work time to get it up and running. I think nobody works for free and in the end you pay more than for t…

  • embosview not working

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hi Shobhit, thanks for your feedback. As long as you are in embOS support you can also contact us directly by the embOS support email address. Best regards, Til

  • embosview not working

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    HI, could you please give some basic information? 1. Which embOS and which embOS version are you using? 2. Are you using an embOS start project? Which one? 3. Please ensure in the General Tab "Do not communicate" is not checked Could you also please check in the according RTOSInit.c if any data is received (_DCC_OnRx())? Best regards, Til

  • EMBOS TCP/IP Options

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hi Kenny, yes, we provide a SES embOS plugih, too. It has basically the same functionality. Why don't you like to use embOS/IP? It is the best solution if you are already working with Segger products and satisfied with it. Both LWIP and MQX RTCS should include a RTOS layer which makes it easy to integrate it with embOS. We can help you with the integration, of course. Best regards, Til

  • Although this is already solved with Atma a few background information which could be also of interest for other developers: The embOS start project was made for the internal RAM. You can run embOS also from SD card, of course, but a few modifications will be necessary. At least a 2nd level boot loader is necessary for those devices. The CPU includes a 1st level boot loader which can check if e.g. a SD card is present, copies a small image from the SD card to the internal RAM and runs it. This i…

  • How to stop/ restart task

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hi Rebel, I think it makes more sense if you could describe what you actually like to do in your application rather than having this theoretical construct. Btw. Are you evaluating embOS or are you working with an embOS license? Best regards, Til

  • Hi Atma, embOS ARM supports iM6XUL. With e.g. embOS ARM IAR we already have a start project for iMX6UL which works out of the box. You can use Freescale Processor Expert with embOS although embOS does not rely on it. I will contact you directly per email to discuss further details. Best regards, Til

  • Mailbox issue

    SEGGER - Til - - embOS related


    Hello Vincent, there could be different reasons for the fault but this must not be related to the stacks. The stack sizes look ok but they depend on the actual application. When you are in support you can also contact us directly and we will help you to investigate the issue. Best regards, Til

  • Hi Gerard, your code snippet looks basically ok, but the issue could be located somewhere else. If you like you could send us your complete project and we will have a look in it. Please find the embOS support email address in the embOS manual in chapter "Support", Best regards, Til