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  • Hello Hardy, currently SystemView does not have any build in way to handle multi core systems. You can of course let the cores dump the SystemView data into the same RTT buffer, but you have to do all resource handling and individual core and API logging manually. Multi Core support is on our wishlist but with no fixed time schedule yet. To get a better understanding how your multi core system works could you give some more information about it so we can consider this in future planing. How is t…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. You could try to set the file type to C/C++ by right clicking it in the project explorer window, select Options and go to Code > File > File Type I assume you are looking to debug Arduino sketch files, correct? If yes we recommend to use Ozone instead as this is the officially supported way by Arduino and SEGGER:…tch_with_Ozone_and_J-Link Just make sure to select "Optimize for Debugging" in your Arduino IDE setup to generate a pro…

  • Hello Huw, Thank you for your inquiry. Where exactly are you executing the board/chip specific trace pin init? In a JLinkScript or via the target application itself? It sounds like the trace init can't be completed by the J-Trace Pro after reset but instead requires some code parts from your target application to run until it is available. Why a JLinkScript should be used and how is explained here: Could you check if this could be the case with yo…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Currently SystemView does not support multi core features, so a Core Index logging is not available. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Please note that this is not a support forum. If you have a SystemView support license and require a timely answer please contact us via our support channels as explained in my signature. If you do not have such license you can of course use this community forum for your inquiries, but there is no guarantee that you will get an answer. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, You two are talking about two different board variants. There is EVK and EVKB. OP is talking about the EVKB. We are in contact with NXP as there seems to be an issue with EVKB Rev C1 Boards. EVK boards are fine and work as expected. As you opened a ticket for the EVK matter as well and it does not have to do with this EVKB thread this thread will be closed now and your inquiry continued via our support system. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Are you looking to attach or connect to the M4? Please note that these are different things. Currently your project is setup to connect. In that case you might need to handle the Boot ROM which does not jump to the application automatically as explained here: If you are looking to attach you need to change the mode to Debug.SetConnectMode (CM_ATTACH); Or you can set it via the GUI also. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Such an issue is not known to us. The file was tested for Cortex-M4 and gcc so it should work. Are you sure that your build options are set up correctly for Cortex-M4? Alternatively what you could try is set preprocessor define RTT_USE_ASM = 0 in your project. Then only the C source will be considered and the assembler file ignored. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. You would need the target devices .svd file. You can get them from the silicon vendor. Then simply set it in Ozone as explained in the Ozone user manual UM08025_Ozone.pdf. You can find the file in the Ozone installation folder. See chapter "Project.AddSvdFile" for more information. Simply set that command in your Ozone Project file (.jdebug) file in the OnProjectLoad() function. Alternatively when creating a new Project with the Ozone project wizard you can set…

  • Hello, Thank you for the flowers. Much appreciated. I will make sure to forward it to the team. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello Julien, Thank you for your inquiry. Could you try the latest version of Ozone V3.30a? Do you see the same behaviour there? If yes, could you provide a J-Link log of the failing session? Is the issue reproducible on an eval board? Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Which version of SystemView are you using exactly? Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Two different processes can't fetch RTT data in parallel. See here for more details. But what you can do is write your own variant of the RTT Viewer where you fetch both channels in the same app with the J-Link SDK:…nk/technology/j-link-sdk/ Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Could you provide screenshots or a video of the "strange things"? I tried your reproduction steps and the editor was behaving as expected for me. Quote from Masmiseim: “One more thing. Embedded Studio can analyte source-code files with Clang-Tidy by right-clicking on the code-file and selecting “Analyze”. Clang-Tidy does support checking of header-files, but the command-entry is missing in the context-menu when right-clicking on a header-file. Could you add the…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. The recommended way to get started with Embedded Studio is to use the CPU Support Package for your device, create a new project for it and then add your third party sources to it.…o/technology/cpu-support/ You can even import projects if needed:…CubeMX_to_Embedded_Studio Many files e.g. startup files etc. are toolchain specific, so just simply replacing crucial files and hoping it will work is not a …

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. How to use linker generated symbols is described here: How to use them for a bootloader with e.g. a integrity check which is natively supported by our Linker is explained here with an example:…_Studio_and_SEGGER_Linker Best regards, Nino

  • Hello Johan, The scope pics look good on first glance. I noticed that you are using quite an old DLL version. We recommend to use the latest one as there are quite some improvements over time. Quote from jmnl29: “I also noticed that the trace frequency (as returned by the function that starts the tracing) seems to vary a lot: I've seen it be 8Mhz, 500kHz and 490kHz. Our core runs at 16Mhz, so from the wiki page you linked I would have expected it to be 8Mhz every time. Do you know why it would c…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Generally the example project provided via the Wiki works out of the box with the pictured board, so we recommend to use the example project as is. By the way, we received a very similar request via our support system. Could it be that you are the same person? Could you provide your J-Trace Pro S/N for verification? If you are the same person we would propose to close this forum thread and continue via the support ticket to make sure no crucial information is l…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Generally we recommend to use the latest Embedded Studio version where possible as only the latest version will be supported. Also I recommend to check out monitor mode debugging. Sounds like this is what you are looking for:…y/monitor-mode-debugging/…Debugging_on_Nordic_nRF52 Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Yes with runin you can specify a section which should be e.g. copied to RAM on startup. However you seem to be used the gnu linker in your project. Is there a particular reason not to use the SEGGER Linker. In the SEGGER Linker this is even more straight forward and offers much more features:…r_Embedded_Studio_project Best regards, Nino