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  • Create chinese font

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, 1. This depends on the languages and the fonts. Lets say the languages are German, English and Chinese and the font contains the code points for Latin languages you would be able to display English and German. Obviously you couldn't display Chinese and you would need to use another font for Chinese. If your font contains also the desired Chinese characters you could display all three languages. With the Font Converter it is also possible to merge two fonts. Just refer to chapter '8.4.10 Merg…

  • Hi, Can you post some example code which allows me to reproduce the behavior? Regards, Sven

  • plot graph from (0,0)

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Try C Source Code (1 line)Regards, Sven

  • Create chinese font

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, Here is an example on how to use an external XBF font: It is written to be used either with the Windows FS API in the emWin simulation or with our FS emFile. Of course, it shouldn't be much work to change the example for any other FS. If you are using an external font you have to make sure that the font being created with GUI_XBF_CreateFont() stays valid as long as it is used by an object. Regards, Sven

  • Iconview spacing

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, This behavior was fixed with the emWin V6.14. Now items are getting selected only if the icon really has been clicked. You can either wait for your silicon vendor to release this version for their devices or you purchase a source code upgrade:…win/emwin-source-upgrade/ This upgrade entitles you to get get access to the source code of emWin and you will get frequent updates to the latest version. Unfortunately, there is no easy way of changing this behavior. You…

  • Create chinese font

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, for example google fonts are for free use (as far is I understand): Second question under FAQ: Quote from bio_med: “Could you please point me in the direction of finding the list of fonts explicitly to be used in a commercial product? ” Google does this better than me Regards, Sven

  • Create chinese font

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, 1. You can use a pattern file. - Create a text file with Unicode encoding (in Notepad++ it is under 'Encoding' -> 'Encode in UCS-2 Little Endian') - Write the strings used in your application into this file - Open a font with the Font Converter. - Go to 'Edit' -> 'Disable all characters' - Go to 'Edit' -> 'Read pattern file...' and open the pattern file created before Now all unused characters of the font are grayed out. 2. Good question. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to proceed here. I …

  • Hi Alexis, Quote from alexis.marquet: “That led me to try this with the screens order the "original way", and again, load time was decreased by about 10seconds, from 2 minutes 40s down to 2 min 30s. ” This seems to be way too long. Unfortunately, I have no idea why this might take that long. The only thing I could imagine right now is the image format. Quote from alexis.marquet: “2. the chosen cpu specs seems too low, considering the 800x480 ” Yes, an MCU running with 90MHz seems to be slow for …

  • Hi, The memory allocated with the function GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory() in GUI_X_Config() is used to allocate memory for anything emWin needs memory for. This can be: Windows Widgets Memory Devices Driver memory (except the frame buffer of GUIDRV_Lin) Driver context structure QR codes Any special devices (Rotation, Alpha, ...) I'm pretty sure I have forgot something but it should give you an idea about which things need memory from this memory pool. You could increase the memory that everything is r…

  • Hi, When receiving a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message a widget has send it to its parent. In this case pMsg->Data.v contains the notification code the widget has send. The ID is just to distinguish between the child windows/widgets a window/widget can have. Quote from daveb4: “If I start the app id_value = 801 and n_value = 8 ” The child widget with ID 801 has send a WM_NOTIFICATION_GOT_FOCUS (8) message. Quote from daveb4: “If I click my button id_value = 801 and n_value = 1 ” Same widget has send a WM…

  • Create chinese font

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, All widgets which can have a text set have a default font. As long as you don't reference these widgets it shouldn't be linked to the application. Also emWin uses a default font GUI_Font6x8 which can not be changed when using a precompiled library. If you have access to the source code you can remove all default fonts. With the source code you would also have other options to reduce the footprint by removing unneeded features and set other preprocessor options. For users of emWin provided by…

  • Hi, Unfortunately, there is no such list available. In chapter ' Rendering using callbacks' you will find a description which give an idea about what kind of functions shouldn't be called. In general you should simply avoid calling function which create something (windows, widgtes, memory devices, ..). Also you shouldn't set any properties within a paint event. The problem is that you can not always how often a WM_PAINT message gets send to a window. Just image you would call a BUTTON_Cre…

  • Hi, Indeed this seems to be pretty slow. I could imagine that the image format has a big impact on the performance. Try the following: Click on the Image button in the lower left corner of the AppWizard. This will open the Images dialog. In the 'Format' column the format of the bitmaps is set to 'Auto'. You can change this. If an image uses 32bpp but the target uses only 16bpp the AppWizard converts the images into an 16bpp format which has also one additional byte for alpha values. Unfortunatel…

  • Hi, if you are using the default look of a button you can do the following: Source Code (5 lines)Please note that this can be globally for all buttons. You could alos overwrite the callback functon and draw the button only with one state. The same is true for setting a custom skinning function. Here is an example on how to overwrite the callback function: This one shows how to set a skinning routine: Regards, Sven

  • Hi, Unfortunately, this won't be possible. You could also try to use automatic memory devices for drawing operations of windows/widgets. To do you call WM_SetCreateFlags(WM_CF_MEMDEV) before GUI_Init(). Call it before to make sure the background window makes use of them, too. Be aware that this can have an impact on the performance due to a drawing overhead (at first emWin writes into the memory device and then the device gets drawn to the screen). You should also know that, if there is not enou…

  • Create chinese font

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, 1. In general yes, you would need to remove any references to the standard fonts (e.g. with configuration macros for widgets and by setting another default font). Unfortunately, this won't work with a prebuild library. The fonts can be set/removed on compile time which is not possible with an already compiled library, obviuosly. 2. The standard fonts cover the ISO 8859-1 Western Latin character set (0x0020-0x007E and 0x00A0-0x00FF). With this character set you can display most of the western…

  • Hi, Please try to use a cached version of the driver. When initializing the driver use a mode which has 'C1' in its name, like: GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc(pDevice, &PortAPI, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66709, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C1B8); Of course, such a cache requires some memory. With 16bpp and a screen size of 320x240 pixel it would be ~155KB. Regards, Sven

  • Hi, it is not clear enough in the AppWizard manual. You can use the TEXT widget API from emWin to set text to the AppWizard TEXT object. Like: C Source Code (6 lines) Our plan is to add a general AppWizard API to modify the objects by code. Regards, Sven

  • Create chinese font

    SEGGER - Schoenen - - emWin related


    Hi, At first you need a font which includes the required characters (e.g. Arial Unicode MS). You could also search the internet for other free fonts. When opening the Font Converter select a font type, leave the encoding as is and press ok. I suggest to choose one of the extended format, but be aware that those with a higher AA level require more memory. Now select the font, its style and an a size. Press ok. After that you should see a preview and you can edit the characters enable/disable spec…

  • Hi, If these controllers can be used with an RGB interface (e.g. 16 data lines, HSYNC, VSYNC, data enable, ...) you could connect it to the internal LCD controller of your MCU. In this case the GUIDRV_Lin driver is the proper choice. With the GUIDRV_Lin driver emWin simply writes to a piece of memory and the internal LCD controller uses the data to generate the proper signals for the ILI6122/ILI5960. Regards, Sven