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  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. The reported behaviour is reproducible and will be fixed. As a workaround for now simply place any character behind the %u. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. In the Ozone installation folder under \Plugins\OS you will find all available RTOS plugins. There you can see the different FreeRTOS plugins. Every Arm architecture has a different way of providing the necessary information to Ozone which is why there are different versions for FreeRTOS. So you need to specify which one to use. Simply select the one that fits your target devices architecture. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Both the SystemView manual and RTT sources states what needs to be done with SEGGER_RTT_MAX_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY. It is up to the user to act upon it. We will check if the documentation can be made clearer, but there are no plans to alter the RTT sources in that regard as RTT is used in more software and products than just SystemView. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, please note that discussion J-Link SDK related topics publicly is a license violation. This thread will be closed now. For J-Link SDK support please use our official support channel as explained in my signature. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, With Ozone you can do breakpoint based testing. If that is sufficient for your testing levels then yes you can use Ozone. Quote from tanmay: “Also, in addition to this, if there is a possibility to give us customised features for this automation tool if required ? ” No. That is what the J-Link SDK is for. Quote from tanmay: “In addition if possible, my team is also open for a call to discuss this conversation further. ” Sorry, not possible at this time. The provided links should answer an…

  • Hello Johan, Thank you for your inquiry. Unknown Trace Packets usually indicate a signal integrity issue so incorrect packets are sampled by the J-Trace Pro. Troubleshooting steps can be found here: As the issue appears only rarely for you it is most likely sufficient to adjust the sampling delay slightly as explained in the guide. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Which version of Embedded Studio are you using exactly? Do you see the same issues in the latest version as well? Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. In Ozone you can automate any action that you can do via the GUI. Ozone can then be started via the command line and your Ozone project which contains the automation steps will simply be run. But this won't work on a headless system as Ozone requires a GUI. An alternative for automated tests via command line would be J-Run: Should both tools not fit your needs exactl…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Did you follow the following guide?…temView_using_.22tasks.22 There it says the following: - Next SEGGER_SYSVIEW_OnTaskCreate() needs to be called for each "Task" function. We recommend creating a helper function for this task e.g. SYSVIEW_AddTask in the example project. Did you take care of that in your example? Should that still not work could you provide a simple example project that shows this behaviour? Best regards, Nino

  • Hello Gabriel, Thank you for your inquiry. Yes you can do that. Per default SystemView uses channel/buffer 1 for communication and RTT Viewer per default scans channel/buffer 0. Just make sure not to use the same channel for both. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello Jernej, Thank you for your inquiry. In Embedded Studio you can handle the ROM Bootloader via the project settings directly as described here: Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, We were able to identify the cause of the issue and it will be fixed with the next SystemView release. To get notified automatically when it becomes available we recommend to subscribe to our release notification mailinglist:,204 As a workaround we recommend to use older SystemView versions for now. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello Luca, We received your inquiry via our support system in parallel. In future we recommend to use only one contact channel at a time to avoid information being lost between channels. To avoid this this thread will be closed now. For completeness for anyone that stumbles upon this thread. The following answer was given via our support system: " Generally it is recommended to only use the cable that is shipped with the J-Trace Pro as every cable we ship is tested to fulfill the necessary mini…

  • Hello Julien, Thank you for your inquiry. According to the STM32WB reference manual only the STM32WB55 series has an ETM + TPIU. So if you are using any of the smaller variants instruction tracing will not be available. But if you have a STM32WB55 you can trace it if your board implements the necessary trace connector:…2FSWD_and_Trace_connector Quote from juliengros: “Are there any board design recommendations besides those (…

  • Hello, Please note that discussing J-Link SDK API in public is a license violation. We have removed the offending part from your text and will close this thread now. For J-Link SDK support please use our official support channels as explained in my signature. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. You can dump the raw trace data to one or multiple files since November 2020 with the following command string: So you can analyze the data dump yourself and offload this to some server or similar for bigger data dumps. Loading the saved data into Ozone is not yet supported but is planned. However as this is a bigger task as making this work usable for customers without huge loading times or laggy UI is quite the…

  • Hello, The doxygen issue is not fixed yet but on our ToDo. We do not have a fixed timeschedule for this yet. Regarding the code outline issue with namespaces. This is reproducible and should be fixed in the next Embedded Studio release. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Release mode usually includes some kind of code optimization. Please note that with code optimization active debugging becomes oftentimes impossible and the code referencing of our debugger is a complete guessing game. So your Breakpoint that you set on some function could be in reality somewhere completely else in your optimized application. So first for debugging we recommend to use the debug build with code optimization disabled. Does your application work n…

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Currently this is not possible as we are using the LLVM indexer for this task. But it is on our wishlist to improve this behaviour, but we do not have a fixed timeline for this yet. Best regards, Nino

  • Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Such an issue is not known to us. Some svd files are written in a very nested manner so it is possible that it might take for some of them more resources than usual to unroll them. Could you share the svd file for reference? Best regards, Nino