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  • Hi, are there plans to support this chip, and also is there an ETA on it?

  • Hi Alex, It's a bit difficult to upload video here due to size restrictions. Either I can maybe somehow send it in a private message or you can give me another solution. I've noticed this issue is more pronounced in certain context menus and less in the others basically there is noticeable lag between moving mouse and observing reaction to this movement in the context menu. The timeline window context menu has especially noticeable delay when reacting to the mouse movement, when selecting specif…

  • Hello, I have Intel MacBook Pro Retina from 2016 (MacOS 12.6.9), when opening context menus in different places or in general during navigation in Ozone, UI is very slow (checked with latest version). This is not due to low cpu performance or anything like that since there isn't really anything in the background. I noticed there are many topics on that issue so it would be nice if you could look into this issue. previous topics on the issue:…ability-on-macOS-Ventur…

  • Unfortunately, my predecessors are correct there is some problem on the Ozone side when double-clicking on a task it should populate registers and backtrace a call stack for a selected task. For some reason, it works in 3.26i and is broken in 3.28 versions. I spent today couple of hours trying to figure out what was going on until I found this post... Obviously I know how to load an OS Plugin

  • [SOLVED] RP2040 Support

    chrishock - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Quote from SEGGER - Alex: “Hi, Yes, unfortunately they are using multi-drop to control access to the cores in the MCU (which does not really make sense and is not what multi-drop was designed for) but it is what it is. We just added basic debug support for it internally today (no official version yet). QSPI flash programming support is work in progress. A first beta version may be available by the end of this week or sometime next week. BR Alex ” Hi Alex, nice to hear that, I hope it won't be mu…

  • Hi guys, so Raspberry recently released their RP2040 MCU, it has dual Cortex M0+. Are there any plans to add support for this MCU? It is using multi-drop SWD for debugger connection. I tried to use it by simply pointing to Cortex M0+ device however it's not really possible... Best Regards