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  • Dear Florian, Thanks for your comment. I used the "Standard" font created by Font Converter. Do you have any other idea ? Or maybe my MPU is too slow to use emwin. Best regards, Yuki

  • Dear Florian and Tommy, Thank you for your quick reply. As you said, the bigger font takes longer time. I've tried that created font without anti-aliasing, but the speed wasn't change. Futher my display has only 3bit/pixel (RGB), and it seems to there is not heavy anti-alias processing. Although, It is not clear my setting is disable anti-aliasing completely. My current setting is only "GUI_AA_SetFactor(0);". How it disable completely? Best regards, Yuki

  • I'm trying to display text and graphics on the LCD. My wonder is that the text drawing performance is very poor compared to other graphics (rectangles). What is a bottleneck? Or is it inevitable? I found this post, but there is no solution yet. Font Draw Time/Performance My application is running intermittently due to low power consumption and only needs to be active for a short time. The LCD driver is custom and uses a bitplane driver. Here are some examples: C Source Code (9 lines) MCU specifi…