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  • I am working with a JLink EDU and SES with a SAMD21 board. I want to use the command line software JLink Commander to go through individual steps like halting the core, setting a breakpoint etc. I have found the basic documentation for the same. It would help me a lot though if there was a tutorial about how to string these commands together. Are there any scripts I can use as a reference?

  • Ok, I have figured out what was wrong. In the provided examples, the MCU is not configured to run from XOSC. As a result, it is powered by the slower and less accurate ROSC which leads to the above mentioned performance hit. I don't know if I am allowed to post links here but maybe someone can add that functionality to the provided examples to enable running the RP2040 / Pico at higher clock rates.

  • Hi, it seems that the code is being executed from the Flash which makes it so slow. I am using the SRAM example now but am noticing no speed improvements. Are there any settings for the SRAM examples?

  • Hi, thanks for the reply. I can confirm that the debugging went very smoothly with the 10.1 hardware version. I am now trying to figure out what clock rate my Pico is running at. A simple pin toggle generates a clock of around 300 kHz. One half of the wave takes around 7 assembly instructions so I am placing the clock around 4 MHz. Is that correct? How can I set the desired clock rate in the Segger Blinky project for example? Regards, Szoshi

  • Hello, I wish to debug the provided sample project for the Pico board. I see on the Wiki page that the a JLink HW v11 is required to debug the board. I have a JLink EDU v10.1 that I bought a few years ago. I can see that it supports SWD. Will I be able to use it as well or do the HW v11 boards have some significant improvements? I am unable to find any sellers who have stock of the EDU or EDU Mini. Am I eligible as a hobbyist to buy one or do I have to be a student? Regards, Szoshi

  • Hello, the function is not at any special address. Like I have mentioned above, the function is called inn a for loop where the first iteration runs without a problen but the second iteration has this error. I managed to change it by hand and let the code run, only to figure out that it happens for another function call. Again here, the stack is not written to after the push {lr} instruction, meaning that the written address is wrong. The above problem does not occur with the Pi B+ (BCM2835) but…

  • Hello all, I am debugging a bare metal Raspberry Pi 2 (BCM2836) project using a JLink EDU and am facing a very weird problem. I have noticed a problem with the execution of the push {lr} instruction. I have a chain of about 11 functions being called in a for loop. The first iteration of the for loop goes through without a problem. During the second iteration, once the 11th function is called, the push {lr} instruction has no effect on the stack which results in a random return address causing an…

  • [SOLVED] A53 support

    szoshi - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello Nino, Thanks for the prompt reply. I will get in touch if there are any issues with the update process. Best regards, Szoshi

  • [SOLVED] A53 support

    szoshi - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello Nino, The bottom sticker on my JLink says Version 10.1. Does this mean that my JLink supports A53? I am asking since I am pretty sure that official A53 support was not announced when I bought my JLink. Do I need a firmware upgrade to use it with A53? Do I need to upgrade from Embedded Studio 3.34 to 4.01? Best regards, Szoshi

  • [SOLVED] A53 support

    szoshi - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello Nino, many thanks for your prompt reply. I have a follow up question. I already own a JLink EDU for hobby purposes. I think I have a version 8 model. Can you confirm if the models being currently sold in Europe (The Netherlands to be precise) are all latest version 10 models? I could not find this information in the listings unfortunately. Is there a specific way to identify a verion 10 model? Best regards, Szoshi

  • [SOLVED] A53 support

    szoshi - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello, I read on the Wiki page today that the JLink EDU supports the A53 core. To what extent does Embedded Studio support the A53 core? Are there any support packages available for popular A53 based boards like the Raspberry Pi 3? Regards, Szoshi

  • Hello, I have had good success so far connecting a JLink to an ARM11 board and getting a flashing LED example to compile and execute on the board. I can also step through the program without any issues. I am now wondering if I can debug an externally built binary on my board. It is a small binary (less than 1k bytes) that I can flash to the RAM of the board. Since I don't have the source code though, I cannot step through the program. Is there a way where I can use the debugger to just step thro…

  • Thanks for the clarification. I was asking since I have had instances in the past (with other hardware/software) where faulty project settings were leading to malloc failing. Following the malloc code helped me to track my problem. I just wanted to check if there was something I was overlooking. Now that I know this I can try to debug my applications with a different approach.

  • That is great news Erik. I look forward to official notifications.

  • Hello, is the end of the year still the target date for A53 support? Regards, szoshi

  • Hello, I am playing around with the Embedded Studio and have been very impressed with what i have seen so far. I am still only using the simulator instead of actual hardware and had one question about the simulator. When i debug my application, I see that functions like malloc are directly linked to via pre compiled libraries. As a result, I cannot see where in source sode a problem occurs. I can step through the assembly code but that is not much help. Is there a way to force embedded studio to…