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  • [SOLVED] how to make scheduler task

    bar - - embOS related


    Hi Martin. My mistake. I place the task name instead of the TCB at OS_TASKEVENT_Set(&CRGTask, CRGTaskDelayEvent); OS_TASKEVENT_Set(&TCBCRG, CRGTaskDelayEvent); Now it work If we talk, what about the error on the plug in? Are you on it? Regards Bar.

  • [SOLVED] how to make scheduler task

    bar - - embOS related


    Hi Martin. Thanks for your replay. I was work on other task, so I didn't get to it. Now I have time for this and I check your first suggestion with the event, base on your example and add data from UM01001. I build it this way: 1. define event flag in the h file #define CRGTaskDelayEvent (1u << 1) 2. Announce on the struct and function on the top of the file /* local varibles */ static OS_TIMER CRGTaskTimer; /* local function */ static void CRGTaskTimerCallback(void);// callback for trigger timi…

  • [SOLVED] how to make scheduler task

    bar - - embOS related


    Hello. I want to launch a task on aperiodic bases. I don't find a function, or a parameter I can give to make it done. I also can't find any clue in the UM01001 Real-Time Operating System User Guide & Reference Manual document. Thanks Bar.

  • Simple question. Is there a way to get a timestamp, directly from the PC threw the debugger, or the com port? I want to use it to start a RC calander RThanks Bar.

  • [SOLVED] hardfault just on start

    bar - - embOS related


    Hi. I didn't change any of the original files just add some. But I made some changes in the xml file which could effect. The StackNOR and StackFS define as the TaskHP, TaskLP. I also try to change there size and priority. Because it fail on start it look to me that something in the memory usage is wrong. I send you a link to the project. Bar.

  • [SOLVED] hardfault just on start

    bar - - embOS related


    I build an example start from the strat example and take in some part of the fds_fstorge from Nordic. It build after some modifications I create two task and init the OS and HW. The main is as standard as this int main(void) { OS_Init(); // Initialize embOS OS_InitHW(); // Initialize required hardware OS_TASK_CREATE(&TCBFS, "FS Task", 50, MainTask, StackFS);// the File System task OS_TASK_CREATE(&TCBNOR, "NOR Task", 100, NorTask, StackNOR);// the ex NOR direct handling task NRF_LOG_INFO("embOS O…

  • I try to operate the mailbox example in embOS but to send the message not from the main.c but from other file. I write the create in the main.c #define MAIN . . . OS_MAILBOX_Create(&MyMailbox, MAX_MSG_SIZE, MAX_MSG_NUM, &MyMailboxBuffer); where all the deafine and announce sit in main.h where I use extern for all except main that call them like this: #ifndef MAIN // only main use those variables and function as original #define EXTERN extern #else #define EXTERN #endif #include "RTOS.h" /* MailB…

  • Thanks Martin for your replay. I see it is a Java scrip. how do I connect it to my project? Bar.

  • I am using SES 3.40 with embOS ex. I want to see the task status as semaphore mutex ect during run. How can I do it? Bar.

  • I run a project with target nRF52840_xxAA. I want to see the status of GPIO registers during debug. I open the register window on the Group button , but all I see is GPIOE . 1. Where can I found them?

  • Hello . I try to bring the serial pca10056 example of Nordic into the embOS V5.02 system on SES V3.40 for nRF52. In the example the first thing it do clock setting by nrf_drv_clock_init(), then power issue nrf_drv_power_init(NULL) and after that init the serial interface. On the other hand in the embOS project START the first line is OS_Init(); but I don't have any information what this function do. If it also handle the clock, power, ect. 1. Where can I found information about the [b]OS_Init() …

  • [SOLVED] Empty mbOS project

    bar - - embOS related


    Thank you Martin. I try to follow you last explanation but I miss the Edit and Import Section (see attach) How is it?

  • [SOLVED] Empty mbOS project

    bar - - embOS related


    O.K. For the Nordic function I will do it myself. For the merge process I need some clarification. What I did was 2 things. 1. Add the include files in the Edit Option after the nRF Project, and I check that it point to the right places. 2. Add the explorer project view in the some order and with the some folder to the nRF Project and check that it see all c files. Now: a.What else I should do to marge those two project (like the xml files) ?Is there a tab I can do it from the Edit Options ? b. …

  • [SOLVED] Empty mbOS project

    bar - - embOS related


    Thanks for your help. I take out the DeviceSupport folder as you suggest. I try to build it and I get a lot of undifies there. I attach the output file. For example it can't find __start_nrf_sections in ses_startup_nrf_common.s Where it should be , because I also don't know where to look for it? Also I don't know which command start the SystemInit() taht start all, because I take out the startup file of the nRF project(segger) but leave the startup of the nordic project. Maybe there is a misdire…

  • [SOLVED] Empty mbOS project

    bar - - embOS related


    I try to use one of Nordic ex running on the SES, in mbOS project. The problem is that when I get the mbOS package there is only one Start project dedicate to a specific chipset, with all the peripheral of it. SO when I compine an example of the same chip from Nordic tutorial, I get a lot of duplicate and it is very hard to get all the multiply functions, files ect. Is there an Empty mbOS project use only the RTOS files with no specific chip , so it can be combine to an example use one of Nordic…

  • I take 2 projects and merge them to make one. There are a lot of error because of multiply declaration. SO I try to find them by the search . I take the function name and use Ctr+Shift+F with the Search in: Entire Solution and Current Project. Attach the search parameters. But on the search result I only get results from .c files How can I get from all files?

  • I make some search and found that discussion…in-segger-embedded-studio I see that I didn't point to the common so I point to and copy all the include path to this window (see attach) . The first 3 with $(ProjectDir) was before so I didn't touch them . Now I look on the project setting window and I see this c_user_include_directories="$(ProjectDir)/DeviceSupport;$(ProjectDir)/CoreSupport;$(ProjectDir)/../../../Inc;../../../../../nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96/components&#x…

  • I take a nordic example made in SES and import it to other example also done on SES. To make it work I take the all includes files and place them in the right order, next to the main example where for the path I use Edit_options-> Preprocessor->User include directories open the window and write them at the right location, towards the project file (see attach). Will some h file found by the SES likenordic_common.h it doesn't find like sdk_common.h where are both in the some folder (see attach), b…

  • O.K. Thanks and done. Please let me know when there will be example include Nordic ex in embOS. Bar.

  • THanks Martin. 1.In my embOS I fond this file RTOSInit_nRF5x.c Is this is the right one? 2. for the _WFI I found this function void OS_Idle(void) { // Idle loop: No task is ready to execute while (1) { // Nothing to do ... wait for interrupt #if ((OS_VIEW_IFSELECT != OS_VIEW_IF_JLINK) && (OS_DEBUG == 0)) //__WFI(); // Switch CPU into sleep mode #endif } } _WFI all ready close. Is this the right function? 3. I didn't find #define OS_VIEW_IFSELECT OS_VIEW_IF_JLINK in that file. Can it be so? Thank…