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  • I am following the procedure for connecting an Arduino Due through J-link (swd) found here: Screen shot of J-link connected is attached. In Embedded Studio the sample "Hello World" program from the wiki article seems to build (second screen shot) but when Debug is selected the error happens (third screen shot).

  • First time using Ozone. Connected a Ubuntu 20.04 pc with an Arduino Due over J-link (swd) and confirmed with J-Link Commander according to the Segger wiki on the topic. Have a blink program running, have calibrated Ozone for the Arduino (ATSAM3X8E), and have started a debug session by clicking "Attach to Running Program" and receive a "Connected to Target Device" message in the Console. The problem is there is no Source Code Viewer window and the function window is unpopulated. As stated I am ve…

  • Yes, I believe it did build out of the box this time. I will include a screen shot at the bottom in case my inexperience with Embedded Studio has me misled. And a question about the Arduino Due page mentioned above on the Segger wiki. Under the requirements list it is stated that a 10-pin connector is needed, while the J-Link Commander screenshot in the article shows the connection method as SWD. Is SWD functional in this case? It is my preferred interface by far. Finally should I start a new th…

  • For context: My first post on this forum, first ide besides Arduino, first time using debug hardware. No answer or question is too obvious for me to potentially miss it, and please educate me if I am violating forum etiquette. I have an Arduino Due and a J-link Edu mini and have successfully initiated communication through J-link Commander (Jlink.exe) using the SWD on a Ubuntu 20.04 Linux pc. I am now trying to build the example Arduino Due bare metal debugging program here (screenshot attached)…