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  • Hello, Thank you for the answer and sorry for the delay to give you the data (summer holidays....) Yes we use e2studio for that. This is the info form J-Link Commander:

  • Hello, We need to modify the DLM of our RA6M5 from CM to SSD. We have a J-Link Base and a J-Link-OB-S124 of the EK-RA6M5. With the J-Link-OB-S124 we are capables of do it, but with the J-Link Base we are not. Is there any difference between both? From Renesas support they indicates us, that with the J-Trace Pro that they have, they can modify this register. Could you indicate us if with the J-Link Base is possible to do it? Or we have to get any other option available? We have read from Segger d…