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  • Hello, I am new in Jlink scripting, but I am trying to enable my target cortex-M7 clocks at the initTarget function ( after booting) via Jlink JTAG API. The JTAG sequence that I am trying to reproduce is the following below Python Source Code (8 lines) where I am using not-yet-implemented functions called write_JTAG_IR( jtag store IR) and write_JTAG_DR(jtag store DR) I have been looking into the jlink API doc onto the functions but still is unclear to me whether what are the functions that store…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Alex: “Hi, Sorry to say but this thread makes zero sense so far... 3) You are writing about getting errors with breakpoints but *both* log outputs you have send indicate exactly 0 errors. They actually look 100% identical to me ” Sorry, I duplicate the good log, I have corrected the wrong log when using clang. My point is that I am using Eclipse CDT + Segger plugin to boot + debug my target cortex-m7

  • Hello, I am facing a rather odd issue when using Jlink, I have a code that I compile with two different compilers clang and gcc. What I am observing is that if I use clang compiler and its startup script called startup_ARM_CLANG_CM7.s I get errors when trying to make break points or after the initialization as shown below Shell-Script (33 lines) However, using the gcc compiler and the startup script called startup_ARM_GCC_CM7.S I don't see any issue there Shell-Script (25 lines) So googling arou…

  • Hello, I would like to know whether I can use an equivalent command in jlink script to interface directly with *snip*. I do know that via JLINK dll I can use as below, but I wonder whether I can move below functionality to natively jlink scripting to ride of python, and use the script as main loading source when debugging via Eclipse CDT. Thanks in advance *snip*

  • Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “I should rephrase that. match/replace/search are not supported/implemented in the current Embedded Studio release. A non-regexp versionis planned be supported in the next release. Sorry for any inconveniences caused. ” Thanks Nino, Now I understand, I will try to figure it out in a different way. Regards

  • Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “In your code snippet you are using regular expressions which are not supported/implemented. ” Hi Nino, Thanks for replying. I have to disagree, in my code snippet I am not using regular expresions I am using just strings, you see that I am defining the strings with double colons ("for" , "emScript").Whereas the regular expresions should start or with slashes or calling constructor RegExp(). And as I comented, looking for the search() method shows that it can handle str…

  • Hello Segger staff, I have a techinnical inquiry regarding to the emScript.exe that is included in Segger Embedded Studio. I would like to know what kind of javascript version is being used in the emScript.exe interpreter. I am interested in knowing that becuase I need to know what kind of method I can use or not. For instance, I do know making usage of the method search() in a string will turn into an 'undefined' error, which to me means that that method seems not to be implemented. Therefore, …

  • I have been able to solve by using a different function like this JavaScript Source Code (1 line)

  • Hello, I would like to create a small javascript function to add two hexadecimla numbers. I do know that this is possible in javascript doing JavaScript Source Code (1 line)However, when running that in the javascript code within segger I get that the varriable res is undefined and I don't understand why. Can someone let me know why is this happening? Thanks!