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  • eagleunlock98 -

    Now follows SEGGER - Alex.

  • timschuerewegen -

    Posted the thread Symbol browser incorrect range/size.

    I have several static variables with the same name in different .c files. In the Symbol Browser they are grouped together but the range/size is not correct. The correct range and size for the example in the attached screenshot should be…
  • Charles_1 -

    Posted the thread Issue Attaching to Running Program.

    I'm having trouble with Attach to Running program in Ozone. I have a jLink Ultra+ and am using Ozone (v 3.36). I’m connecting to a S32K396 chip and Ozone works great when I Download & Reset Program, but When I Attach to Running Program, it almost…
  • SEGGER - Simon -

    Replied to the thread Segger RTT not working with freertos 11 for stm32 M0.

    Hello, The following links might be helpful:…-SOLVED-RTT-and-FreeRTOS/ Best regards, Simon
  • logan.geng -

    Posted the thread Jlink RTT log multiple channels simultaneously.

    I can run RTT with one channel (in addition to the default one) for data streaming out. Now I want to configure multiple channels, and from PC side log data from them simultaneously. So I first try to start multiple J-Link RTT Logger. The first one runs…
  • drModi -

    Replied to the thread J-Flash connection error. Failed to initialized DAP..

    I discovered an additional detail. I noticed that in .jlink file that uses IAR has the string Device="ARM7". I used J-Link Commander and tried to connect to my controllers as to ARM7, but I was offered the JTAG interface, which did not suit me, then I…
  • drModi -

    Posted the thread J-Flash connection error. Failed to initialized DAP..

    Hello everyone. I ran into a problem when using J-Link to program GD32H7 controllers. The fact is that I cannot connect to the controller using J-Flash until I connect using IAR, which also uses J-Link. I have fixed the J-Flash and IAR logs and I see…
  • SEGGER - Yan -

    Replied to the thread emNet Berkeley (BSD) socket compatibility.

    You are correct, we are almost Berkeley compatible but not up to 100%. You can use IP_IGMP_JoinGroup()/IP_IGMP_LeaveGroup() as a replacement for IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP and IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP. At the moment there is no alternative for IP_MULTICAST_IF, we…
  • henrik_the -

    Posted the thread emNet Berkeley (BSD) socket compatibility.

    Hello, i am currently in the process of porting a OPC UA Stack to emNet. I am struggeling with the fact, that emNet isn't fully Berkeley socket compatible. For example the function setsockopt() doesnt support many hints: - IP_MULTICAST_LOOP -…
  • darksk -

    Posted the thread RTT Viewer Repeats the same message on i.MX RT1062 controller.

    Hello All, I'm facing a weird issue with RTT. I have 2 i.MX RT1062-based boards (Same processor but different board design for 2 separate purposes). Both of them have FreeRTOS and the code is running from External SDRAM. They also have RTT, but while…
  • Additionnal information : The exception occurs for all exit conditions so for "step into" too. Exceptions occurs when attempting to execute flash loader code that should be loaded into RAM memory. mcause register indicates an illegal instruction at…
  • kejian2000 -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] suggestion about save snapshort.

    Hi AlexD; That's OK。 you can close this topic. Thanks.
  • kejian2000 -

    Posted the thread Data Graph display issue after load snapshot.

    Hi, to reproduce the issue; 1, download the attached file and unzip 2, put DataGraph.axf into C:/ 3, open DataGraph.jdebug using ozone 4, download and run, capture data for more than 180s and pause the program, save snapshot 5, load the saved…
  • SEGGER - AlexD -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] suggestion about save snapshort.

    Hi keijan2000, as stated before, due to the strong interlinking of Ozone and the ELF file, a snapshot cannot operate properly without the original ELF file. So I kindly suggest to archive the respective ELF file together with the snapshot, allowing you…
  • Hello Simon, I've just tried the new version. It does not work on my side. When using the memory viewer to modify the memory, it looks the flash loader is not loaded into RAM memory before calling it, resulting in having an illegal instruction error with…
  • kejian2000 -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] Ozone hangs when timeline window open.

    Hi Glad to help. Thanks for your team work.
  • SEGGER - AlexD -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] Ozone hangs when timeline window open.

    Hi Keijan, we are able to reproduce the issue, thanks to your reproducer. Deeper analysis is required which we cannot do right now. A fix, once available, will be provided in a future Ozone version. Best regards -- AlexD
  • kejian2000 -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] suggestion about save snapshort.

    Hi, AlexD Thanks for your reply. The saved data graph is valuable in our pruduct development, sometimes we need to review this data after weeks/months, but when we reload the saved snapshot, the graph could be changed because of elf file change. In most…
  • SEGGER - AlexD -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] suggestion about save snapshort.

    Hi kejian2000, Thanks for your suggestion. Please refer to the user's manual, section Load Snapshot: "In particular, the program file must binary-match the program file at the time the snapshot was saved." The scenario you describe is…
  • SEGGER - AlexD -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] Ozone hangs when timeline window open.

    Hi kejian2000, we will try to reproduce and report back here later. Best regards -- AlexD