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  • grum.kin -

    Posted the thread Issue using JLinkGDBServerCL.exe with EFR32xG24 since Version V7.94.

    I am encountering a problem with JLinkGDBServerCL.exe when using an EFR32xG24 chip with JLink software versions after V7.92q. As shown in the terminal output below, V7.94 gets stuck during the “Comparing Flash” step for 2+ minutes and then displays…
  • SyamK -

    Posted the thread Ozone terminal unable to send CRLF.

    I have a project that does PRINTF and getchar using semihosting. The system works well with MCUXpresso tools from NXP. When i try do load and debug the executable in Ozone, I run into a weird issue. When i hit enter key, the MCU get 0 as input (not 0x0D)…
  • rals -

    Posted the thread Reloading and programming in the background.

    Hello, Some issues are prone to require (a lot of) trial and error to fix. Such cases typically follows the flow: Change code -> compile -> program elf file in Ozone To program the elf file one needs to bring Ozone to the foreground for the dialog…
  • SyamK -

    Posted the thread Getting " '.syntax divided' arm assembly not supported " error.

    I have imported an NXP MCUXpresso project into SES. Import went ahead fine, but compiler gives error '.syntax divided' arm assembly not supported How can I get around this ? I like to start the projects with MCUXpresso since it gives all the clocks,…
  • SamB -

    Posted the thread FreeRTOS aware plugin for Cortex-M33 (CM33).

    Hello All, I'm using Cortex-M33 part with FreeRTOS, I do not see a FreeRTOS Aware plugin for CM33, expected "FreeRTOSPlugin_CM33.js", but is missing. However, CM4 is almost similar to CM33, is it safe to assume and use FreeRTOSplugin_CM4.js instead…
  • rum -

    Posted the thread Jscope RTT time stamp.

    Hello forum users, I would like to use timestamp with Jscope in RTT mode. It is not clear to me what should be written in this variable and there are no examples. Is it constant, is it some incremental value? In my case I prepare data in 2ms interrupt.…
  • rum -

    Replied to the thread Jscope & RTT.

    Solution found. I located control block at fixed address and pass this address at command line using -RTTSearchRanges switch.
  • balance3164 -

    Replied to the thread JLink suppress "device is secured" popup msg.

    I tried both in .jlink Exec.Command("SuppressGUI") exec SuppressGUI But still seeing pop up.
  • LearningLabVIEW -

    Posted the thread Running JLink through batch file does not work through LabVIEW.

    Hello, I have a batch file that calls JLink.exe to set it up and run a command file. .bat file contents Source Code (2 lines) command file contents Source Code (8 lines) When I right click the .bat file located in a folder on my desktop and run it, I…
  • SEGGER - Simon -

    Replied to the thread How to debug using J-Link edu mini along with NXP's S32DS.

    Hello, Unfortunately, we do not have experience debugging with the NXP S32 Development Studio either. Below is a link to a list of supported IDEs and instructions on how to set them up for debugging with Jlink: Supported IDEs Best regards, Simon
  • SEGGER - Simon -

    Replied to the thread Variables on fixed address in flash.

    Hello, I looked at your project and noticed that you are using the STM32F446ZC. The STM32F446ZC has a flash memory range from 0x8000000 to 0x803FFFF (256KB). This means that the address 0x8060000 you are trying to program is not valid. This might…
  • Dingisoul -

    Posted the thread J-Trace Connection with STM32F446_Nucleo-144.

    Dear SEGGER developers, I'm trying to connect a J-Trace debugger to my STM32F446 Nucleo-144 board. While the Segger Wiki has been very helpful, I'm still uncertain about some details. The Wiki provides information on which pins on board should be…
  • botched22 -

    Replied to the thread Debug+trace connector for SiLabs EFR32BG22.

    Alex, Thanks for your quick reply. As far as I know, there is only either the 20 MHz RC oscillator running or the 39 MHz crystal running. We are not using any special clocking like the clock multiplier or divider, one of those frequencies are the main…
  • gustavolaureano -

    Replied to the thread ETM trace maximum data rate on STM32U575.

    Hi Thomas, Sure, SN: 752000737 Thanks for confirming that, hardware-wise, it is within the operating ranges, regarding your points: 1. no other signals or traces are connected to the trace data pins, although our connection is somewhat inadequate at…
  • Chinnathun -

    Replied to the thread Multiple programming IC RSL-10 from On semi.

    Many thanks, Alex
  • SEGGER - Simon -

    Replied to the thread JLink suppress "device is secured" popup msg.

    Hello, I apologize if I have expressed myself unclearly. SuppressGUI is an J-link Command string not an command for the J-Link Commander. However, you can execute J-link Command string in the commander with the exec command, so in your case you need…
  • cdabjha -

    Posted the thread display driver ST7789VI.

    Which driver shall I use for this chip ST7789VI, connected via SPI.
  • SEGGER - Alex -

    Replied to the thread Creating user flash algorithm options.

    Sorry for the delay in response. We have no intentions to remove the open flash loader (OFL) support. We also do and will continue to support CMSIS algorithms, as stated here: (The SEGGER flash…
  • SEGGER - Alex -

    Replied to the thread Multiple programming IC RSL-10 from On semi.

    Hi, Sure you can connect 5x Flasher Compact using a standard USB hub. Here you can find an example to program multiple targets in parallel:…tiple_targets_in_parallel
  • SEGGER - Alex -

    Replied to the thread Debug+trace connector for SiLabs EFR32BG22.

    Hi, to 1) See here:…#technical-specifications and look for VIF. 1.2 - 5V are fine for VIF (VTref) to 2) While it is a bit unusual to shared TRACED0 with SWV because SWV is usually shared with TDO, I can see why SiLabs did…