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  • SEGGER - Simon -

    Replied to the thread J-Link BASE - Target consumption.

    Hello, The resolution that J-Link can measure is approximately 12mA, so the measurement may vary significantly when the target consumption is below that. Best regards, Simon
  • SEGGER - Nino -

    Replied to the thread J-Trace Connection with STM32F446_Nucleo-144.

    Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. If your chip features multiple possible sets of trace pins you can generally use any combination you want. You just have to make sure that the chosen trace pins fit the ones that you are initializing in your…
  • SEGGER - SebastianB -

    Replied to the thread the gnu linker bug for new version of segger.

    Hi, Did you setup the project correctly for long long printing support? (Code > Printf/Scanf > Printf Integer Support set to "Long Long") "sprintf" does of course exist and may simply be used after including "stdio.h". Could you check whether the…
  • SEGGER - SebastianB -

    Replied to the thread Getting " '.syntax divided' arm assembly not supported " error.

    Hi, thank you for your inquiry. Which compiler are you currently using for assembler code? Only the unified syntax is supported when using the SEGGER compiler, meaning the divided syntax is not supported at this point. Switching to GCC should solve…
  • Hari -

    Posted the thread PSOC6 - FreeRTOS project Segger Systemview Integration.

    Hi I had integrated the Segger Systeview for my psoc6 freertos project and was able to generate a Single Shot SVdat file. Unfortunately when i try to open this file with the Systemview , the tool crashes. Applied the FreeRTOS 10.4 patch manually and…
  • SEGGER - SebastianB -

    Replied to the thread Creating relocatable image file.

    Hello, Thank you for the explanation! This would require the application to be built position-independent. This is rather unusual on embedded devices and does come with many limitation which have to be noted. The Project may be configured regarding…
  • Eqqman -

    Replied to the thread Creating relocatable image file.

    Hello- please forgive the lateness of this reply, I'm on vacation at the time of writing. There is only one application image that we hope to be able to run from either flash section B or C. If for example the image was last successfully uploaded to…
  • SEGGER - Alex -

    Replied to the thread Running JLink through batch file does not work through LabVIEW.

    Sounds like it has to do with the “working directory” ( When you click the bat file, the working directory of the bat file code is the location of thw bat file. That working directory is inherited by JLink.exe,…
  • SEGGER - AlexD -

    Replied to the thread Ozone terminal unable to send CRLF.

    Hi SyamK, Which Semihosting service do you use? I assume, this is ReadC(). Is that correct? ReadC() returns a character. If you configure Ozone such that a dialog opens to enter a character, you need to enter a character and then click on the "OK"…
  • catosh -

    Posted the thread Systemview microlib microVision.

    I am trying to instrument a program where we use RTX kernel and microlib on uVision. I understand that there are no porting or official support for RTX, that's ok. I am starting from scratch from SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Config_NoOS example and then I'l…
  • SEGGER - AlexD -

    Replied to the thread Reloading and programming in the background.

    Hi Rune, Ozone does not provide such a functionality and we do not see a big benefit in implementing such a feature. Ozone is a debugger and if you switch to Ozone it can be assumed that you intend debugging the firmware. For that use case Ozone behaves…
  • SEGGER - AlexD -

    Replied to the thread FreeRTOS aware plugin for Cortex-M33 (CM33).

    Hi Sam, the FreeRTOS plugin for Cortex M33 was not tested on the Cortex M4. So we cannot promise that everything will work as expected and intended. But feel free to share your experience here. Best regards -- AlexD
  • EDWSH -

    Posted the thread How To Setting in J-Flash DualBank, J-Link.

    hi i wonder, how to setting in j-flash to use j-link for flash dual bank. i dont find DBANK = 1 or 0 setting. how to use. please reply. thanks. check attchments file thanks
  • grum.kin -

    Posted the thread Issue using JLinkGDBServerCL.exe with EFR32xG24 since Version V7.94.

    I am encountering a problem with JLinkGDBServerCL.exe when using an EFR32xG24 chip with JLink software versions after V7.92q. As shown in the terminal output below, V7.94 gets stuck during the “Comparing Flash” step for 2+ minutes and then displays…
  • SyamK -

    Posted the thread Ozone terminal unable to send CRLF.

    I have a project that does PRINTF and getchar using semihosting. The system works well with MCUXpresso tools from NXP. When i try do load and debug the executable in Ozone, I run into a weird issue. When i hit enter key, the MCU get 0 as input (not 0x0D)…
  • rals -

    Posted the thread Reloading and programming in the background.

    Hello, Some issues are prone to require (a lot of) trial and error to fix. Such cases typically follows the flow: Change code -> compile -> program elf file in Ozone To program the elf file one needs to bring Ozone to the foreground for the dialog…
  • SyamK -

    Posted the thread Getting " '.syntax divided' arm assembly not supported " error.

    I have imported an NXP MCUXpresso project into SES. Import went ahead fine, but compiler gives error '.syntax divided' arm assembly not supported How can I get around this ? I like to start the projects with MCUXpresso since it gives all the clocks,…
  • SamB -

    Posted the thread FreeRTOS aware plugin for Cortex-M33 (CM33).

    Hello All, I'm using Cortex-M33 part with FreeRTOS, I do not see a FreeRTOS Aware plugin for CM33, expected "FreeRTOSPlugin_CM33.js", but is missing. However, CM4 is almost similar to CM33, is it safe to assume and use FreeRTOSplugin_CM4.js instead…
  • rum -

    Posted the thread Jscope RTT time stamp.

    Hello forum users, I would like to use timestamp with Jscope in RTT mode. It is not clear to me what should be written in this variable and there are no examples. Is it constant, is it some incremental value? In my case I prepare data in 2ms interrupt.…
  • rum -

    Replied to the thread Jscope & RTT.

    Solution found. I located control block at fixed address and pass this address at command line using -RTTSearchRanges switch.