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  • TechGUI -

    Posted the thread Multiple language handling for texts.

    Hi, We are using Appwizard tool to design our GUI. We will be using multi language support. We have to use separate font files for Chinese and Japanese as some characters use common codepoint in both languages. But I understand that we need to use a…
  • aabadie -

    Posted the thread Use GNU linker with Nordic nRF5340 build.

    Hello, I'd like to use GNU linker in order to build a firmware for Nordic nRF. In SES, My goal is to be able to configure a Non-Secure Callable region to place secure code there, that can be called from a non secure image. The problem with the SEGGER…
  • lenli -

    Replied to the thread the gnu linker bug for new version of segger.

    hi: thanks ,i solve it. Using Segger's own linker script will automatically link __SEGGER_RTL_vfprintf and __SEGGER_RTL_vfscanf. But I use the linker written by GNU format which cannot automatically link __SEGGER_RTL_vfprintf and __SEGGER_RTL_vfscanf.
  • SEGGER - AlexD -

    Replied to the thread Ozone Silicon Labs SiWx917Y (Cortex-M4) support.

    Hi, please raise a ticket in our support ticket system. The link can be found in my signature below. Best regards -- AlexD
  • SEGGER - AlexD -

    Replied to the thread Reloading and programming in the background.

    Hi rals, what about writing a little script that does the flashing by means of the tooling you received with your J-Link/J-Trace and invoke that script from within your IDE? Assuming your IDE supports customizable buttons you the flashing will be…
  • Eqqman -

    Replied to the thread Creating relocatable image file.

    Quote from SEGGER - SebastianB: “Alternatively we would recommend to instead always prepare and ship two images, both using static addresses but prepared for different positions. The bootloader would then select the appropriate image to flash and boot…
  • lcorbin -

    Posted the thread RTT restart with bootloader and app.

    I have an application with a separate bootloader and app partitions. If I enable RTT in the bootloader, I will not see the RTT Logs on the RTT Viewer once I jump to the app. If I disable the RTT on the boot, then I see it in the app, but now I have no…
  • DongS -

    Posted the thread Ozone Silicon Labs SiWx917Y (Cortex-M4) support.

    Hi Support Team, We are considering the SiWx917Y Wi-Fi. 6 plus Bluetooth LE 5.4 Modules from Silicon Labs which is coming later this year and are looking for a suitable debugger. SiWx917Y Wi-Fi 6 plus Bluetooth LE 5.4 Modules - Silicon Labs (
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread AppWizard rotate keyboard object.

    Hello, there is no such feature in AppWizard to rotate a keyboard object just because I think that makes a little sense to an user. The features of the keyboard widget (key lines, long press characters) are designed to work in horizontal mode. Maybe…
  • mspieth -

    Posted the thread OTP Program for Ti Hercules RM57L843 Processor.

    I have a Ti LaunchpadXL2 RM57L843 and have set up AJSM to protect the firmware. I can program the OTP memory with the key with Uniflash but our customer uses j-link pro's in their manufacturing process. How can I program the OTP locations and associated…
  • ruben.m -

    Posted the thread AppWizard rotate keyboard object.

    Hi, I am working with AppWizard and I want to add a keyboard object with SKEYBOARD_ENG layout, the problem is that i need to rotate this object 90º and I do not see this property, how can I rotate it? Best regards
  • julesl -

    Posted the thread undefined symbol debug_putchar.

    I have recently updated my Segger Studio as versions below 7.32 all crash on init on my machine. Now a project Ive been working on for a while has build problems, see ARM 7.32a/gcc/arm-none-eabi/bin/ld:--defsym:1: undefined symbol `debug_putchar'…
  • SEGGER - Simon -

    Replied to the thread Cannot get jlink plus compact working with a pinetime board.

    Hello, You seem to be using a version which is not up to date. Does the issue also occur with the current release version? Could you please send us a J-Link log file of the failing scenario? How to enable:
  • SEGGER - TobiasH -

    Replied to the thread Post-mortem for SystemView.

    Hello David, Thank you for your inquiry. The default method for using the post-mortem analysis is to connect to the target without resetting or modifying the RAM. In case that you want to save the buffer in a file, this is also possible. Then you have…
  • SEGGER - TobiasH -

    Replied to the thread Get cpu cycles for a marker.

    Hello Cosmin, Could you please clarify which exat version of SystemView has displayed the cycle counter? It is correct that only the run time and the run count is displayed sice the run time is much more meanigful than the cycle counter. Best…
  • SEGGER - TobiasH -

    Replied to the thread Systemview microlib microVision.

    Hello Luca, The wiki article is for the case that you want to use RTT for your outputs (e.g. printf). Since all data relating to SystemView is sent via events, there is no need for the Syscalls file. This means, that you do not have to include the…
  • rals -

    Replied to the thread Reloading and programming in the background.

    Hi AlexD, I agree that the functionality doesn't really fit well with Ozone either. I was hoping that the all-knowing Ozone user base might provide some insights to alternative solutions. For me at least, I grow impatient while waiting for the Ozone…
  • catosh -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] Msp430F21xx family support.

    Hi Alex, thanks for your reply, I'll take a look on it.
  • kzorer -

    Posted the thread SystemView Cpu-Load Percantage Issue.

    Hello everyone, I'm experiencing an issue with Segger SystemView related to the CPU load display. When I add up the CPU load percentages of all tasks, the total does not equal 100%. This discrepancy is confusing, and I'm trying to understand why it…
  • SEGGER - TobiasH -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] TLE9893-2QKW62S SystemView high frequency event tracking.

    Hello Vinay, I have replied to your support ticket. The issue was caused by the configuration of the interrupt locking fuction (SEGGER_RTT_LOCK). In future, please use only use one support channel for one topic. We will consider this case as closed…