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  • aabadie -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] Use GNU linker with Nordic nRF5340 build.

    My initial goal was to be able to boot from a secure image that afterwards jumps to another non secure image placed right after the initial secure one. My problem was that jumping to the non secure was triggering a hard fault. I also wanted to be able to…
  • flyRobot -

    Posted the thread --print-memory-usage linker flag not display evetytime building.

    Hi, I have a Andes RISC-V project using HPM6364ep. It is using gcc compiler so the memory usage window is empty. I add "--print-memory-usage " to the Additional Linker Options, the memory usage showed only once at first, then it will not show up if…
  • The solution ended up being that the source code in the .jlink file needed to contain the entire path to the bin file, not just the bin file name.
  • fraengers -

    Posted the thread Debugging STM32H745.

    Hello, I have a few questions regarding the debugging of a STM32H745 dual core controller. 1. Is simultaneous debugging of both cores fully supported/possible? It works, more or less, but I noticed some problems: e.g. sampling a variable for the…
  • SEGGER - Alex -

    Replied to the thread OTP Program for Ti Hercules RM57L843 Processor.

    As you have also contacted us in parallel via another channel, we will continue communication on that 2nd channel and close this thread here. BR Alex
  • mspieth -

    Replied to the thread OTP Program for Ti Hercules RM57L843 Processor.

    Thanks Simon. What is the near future and how much do you charge to expedite such a feature and when could it be delivered? Regards Mark
  • SEGGER - Simon -

    Replied to the thread Loadbin with no reset.

    Hello, You can override the reset functionality by passing a JLink script file to the JLink Commander that implements the ResetTarget() function. This will ensure JLink calls your custom reset function instead of the default target reset. Here is an…
  • SEGGER - Simon -

    Replied to the thread OTP Program for Ti Hercules RM57L843 Processor.

    Hello, Programming the OTP of this chip is not supported by J-Link, and we do not have any plans to do so in the near future because our schedule is quite booked at this time. You may want to add support yourself with the JLink DSK using the…
  • catosh -

    Posted the thread Loadbin with no reset.

    Is it possible to perform a loadbin without resetting a device? I have a ram dump that I need to inject in the memory, but the device sets some output state before arriving at that point so I can not manually set PC and LR (and other registers). Any hint…
  • SEGGER - Simon -

    Replied to the thread Jlinkis not able to read memory , Jlink Setting for CORTEX_M7.

    Hello, Could you please send us a J-Link log file of the failing scenario? How to enable: The S/N you have sent is from a unit from 2019 which is out of support and warranty. We recommend to make use of…
  • SEGGER - Simon -

    Replied to the thread How to use the JLinkRemoteServer CL version.

    Hello, It seems like you are using just the default settings of the remote server, so no additional command line options should be needed. Could you please provide one log of the failing scenario and one of the successful one? The log can be enabled…
  • cilmagemlu -

    Posted the thread SWIPELIST support in AppWizard.

    Hello, SEGGER team! Not a problem but just wondering: is there any plans to include SWIPELIST support in AppWizard in the future versions? SWIPELIST is a pretty modern widget that allows to make a modern smartphone-like GUIs. Thank you!
  • gabriel-fz -

    Posted the thread How to use the JLinkRemoteServer CL version.

    I'm using successfully the JLinkRemoteServer GUI with the following configuration:(see attached file) I want my computer to launch Jlink server at startup. Therefore I want to use the headless version: JLinkRemoteServerCl.exe, but I'm not able to…
  • SEGGER - Alex -

    Replied to the thread Change DLM of a Renesas RA6M5 using J-Link Base.

    Hi, I am assuming that you use the DLM tools in e2studio for this, correct? In general, it should work with any current J-Link model. Can you please tell us what J-Link Commander outputs at “Firmware: xxx” for your J-Link BASE? Just to make sure…
  • SEGGER - Alex -

    Replied to the thread RTT restart with bootloader and app.

    Hi, You might link the RTT control block & buffers to a fixed location, which is identicial in the BTL and APP. Furthermore, the RTT control block & buffers should be marked as “do not initialize” in the APP part (e.g. by placing them in zhe…
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread APPwizard FileSystem C files.

    Hello, these files can be found in the folder "Sample" of the AppWizard trial version that is avialable for download at the SEGGER site. Also these files are found in some packages of precompiled emWin versions from various…
  • Mohamed Mostafa -

    Posted the thread APPwizard FileSystem C files.

    Hello, I started working with Appwizard. There is a linking error that APPW_FS_Init() is not found. After some checks, I found that I have to include one of those 2 files APPW_X_NoFS.c or APPW_X_emFile.c . I tried to search for it and did not found. Can…
  • TechGUI -

    Posted the thread Multiple language handling for texts.

    Hi, We are using Appwizard tool to design our GUI. We will be using multi language support. We have to use separate font files for Chinese and Japanese as some characters use common codepoint in both languages. But I understand that we need to use a…
  • aabadie -

    Posted the thread [SOLVED] Use GNU linker with Nordic nRF5340 build.

    Hello, I'd like to use GNU linker in order to build a firmware for Nordic nRF. In SES, My goal is to be able to configure a Non-Secure Callable region to place secure code there, that can be called from a non secure image. The problem with the SEGGER…
  • lenli -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] the gnu linker bug for new version of segger.

    hi: thanks ,i solve it. Using Segger's own linker script will automatically link __SEGGER_RTL_vfprintf and __SEGGER_RTL_vfscanf. But I use the linker written by GNU format which cannot automatically link __SEGGER_RTL_vfprintf and __SEGGER_RTL_vfscanf.