J-Flash ARM and AT91SAM3U4 - problem with 256k at 2 memory banks

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  • J-Flash ARM and AT91SAM3U4 - problem with 256k at 2 memory banks

    my setup is:
    J-Flash ARM v4.54b
    SAM-ICE with latest firmware
    Custom board with Atmel AT91SAM3U4 controller

    I've been using this setup for several months with no problems, until my code grew over 128k. Now I get "Program (0x80000 - 0xA0163) does not fit into selected flash sectors."
    According to controller data sheets, the 256k internal flash is divided into two 128k banks starting at 0x00080000 and 0x00100000. When I look at Project settings -> Flash (I'm using default settings for Device AT91SAM3U4C), there's only bank 0, configured for ranges 0x0000 - 0x1FFFF and 0x80000 - 0x9FFFF, and base address is set to 80000. So it seems this project configuration doesn't support the other 128k flash bank.
    Do you have any advise on how to change the settings so that I can use the full 256k program memory?
  • Hi,

    to be honest, I do not see anything wrong in the J-Flash configuration.
    Both banks are covered.

    Base address: 0x80000

    The range addresses are given as offsets relative to the base address configured, so:
    Range 0: 0x80000 + 0x0000 to 0x80000 + 1FFFF (128 KB)
    Range 1: 0x80000 + 0x80000 to 0x80000 + 9FFFF (128 KB)

    Your image goes from 0x80000 to 0xA0163 but bank 0 (range 0) ends at 0x9FFFF and the new bank starts at 0x100000

    Best regards
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