SEGGER - Florian Administrator

  • Member since Oct 24th 2019

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  • SEGGER - Florian -

    Replied to the thread Unable to use alpha bitmaps on hardware.

    Hi, Uncompressed alpha bitmaps (GUI_DRAW_A8) were added fairly recently with emWin V6.40. Are you maybe using an older emWin library that does not support this feature? If you use an older library, you can instead use the compressed alpha bitmap format…
  • SEGGER - Florian -

    Replied to the thread Movie: How to convert movies to Bitmap-EMF files.

    Hi Andi, Currently this is not possible. The Bitmap Converter can only generate bitmap EMFs from GIFs. We may add support conversion from video input file formats to bitmap EMFs in the future, but this is not planned yet. To work around this, you can…
  • SEGGER - Florian -

    Replied to the thread AppWizard doesn't run when images are stored in microSD.

    Hi aristi, as for a file system on your target, I would recommend our own emFile. With the AppWizard installer comes a ready-to-use configuration between emFile and AppWizard, this is the file APPW_X_emFile.c. It is located in the directory…