Corapche Community Member
- Member since Nov 4th 2024
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Corapche -
Replied to the thread files not shown.
PostMaybe you need to add the config.h to the project. Here are the steps: 1. In SES, right-click on the project 2. Select "Add Existing Files" 3. Navigate to and select the SDK folder 4. Choose "Add as Link" to maintain the original file location If that… -
Corapche -
Replied to the thread [SOLVED] Clarification regarding STM32MP257FAI3 Processor Debug Probe.
PostHi, you can indeed use J-Link with SEGGER Embedded Studio for this processor, it combines dual-core architecture with an Cortex-A35 application processor and a Cortex-M33 real-time processor, which both are selectable in SEGGER.