cilmagemlu Community Member

  • Member since Jul 10th 2023
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  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink multiple layer problem.

    Hello, one of the boards I'm using is nearly with the same MCU (STM32H745) and the same library but "-OS0". Just checked in GUI_ConfDefaults.h that library compiled with GUI_NUM_LAYERS set to 1 (at least in v6.46). That means there is no Multilayer…
  • Hello, GUI_TOUCH_SetOrientation() is intended to be used with pure analog touchscreen without a controller connected to your MCU. In this case you should just pass some info for the analog touchscreen driver using dedicated APIs so emWin could calculate…
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread Show Value on SCREEN show > using WM_INIT_DIALOG?.

    Yes, I'm using STM32 and just checked WM_NOTIFY_VIS_CHANGED is not working cause it is precompiled library with WM_SUPPORT_NOTIFY_VIS_CHANGED set to 0. If you're using emWin sources you can just rebuild it with WM_SUPPORT_NOTIFY_VIS_CHANGED set to…
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread Show Value on SCREEN show > using WM_INIT_DIALOG?.

    Hello, it is not entirely clear what job are you using when switching the screens. In your first message it was about SHOWSCREEN job. Logically the screen was hidden before you show it and the visibility is changed. Otherwise everything can be.
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread Show Value on SCREEN show > using WM_INIT_DIALOG?.

    Hello, just checked WM_INIT_DIALOG is called every time SHOWSCREEN job working even the screen is in persistent mode. It's a little strange as if you're using just emWin without APPWizard engine WM_INIT_DIALOG logically sent to a dialog only once when…
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread APPW_JOB_SETBKCOLOR does not work for Button object.

    Hello, oh, glad that it worked. However, as you said, we are waiting for the correct stuff in the next versions to avoid such a workarounds in the software.
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread APPW_JOB_SETBKCOLOR does not work for Button object.

    Hello, yes, seems that APPW_JOB_SETBKCOLOR is not working when called from the code for the button object. But it is working within APPWizard interactions. So just create a variable in APPWizard (for ex. ID_VAR_BKCOL), then create an interaction with
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread AppWizard wheel object size nor working.

    Hello, seems to be setting a font for an items in a WHEEL object is working only in APPWizard simulation. Font you see in the WHEEL object is small cause it uses default font. So if you do not use default font in the other places of your code then…
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread Storing font & Emwin to external flash.

    Hello, the link just has no the last closing bracket symbol ")". It shows the sample code for using an XBF font with GetData() function reading file data under WIN32.
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread SWIPELIST support in AppWizard.

    Hello, Florian, yes, you're right. Since then, I also realized AppWizard already allows to create such a things with an even bigger functionality than SWIPELIST does. So no need to duplicate this :)
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread Storing font & Emwin to external flash.

    Hello, just let me simply add another way to realize this. The mentioned external flash is a NOR-flash which can operate in memory-mapped mode. So we can just configure linker files and enable memory-mapped mode at the start of MCU code. Then we can…