cilmagemlu Community Member

  • Member since Jul 10th 2023
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  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread AppWizard BOX object access from emWin.

    Hello, you can change the color of the BOX object from your code with the AppWizard engine using variables and jobs. The jobs and conditions can be various depending on your code. Just for ex.: EMITTER: ID_VAR_BOX_COLOR SIGNAL: VALUE_CHANGED JOB:
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread Storing font & Emwin to external flash.

    Hello, I think this question goes beyond the scope of emWin like that. It is more about making appropriate drivers which will work with external flash (storing, reading data...) and making options in your linker files for placing data at corresponding…
  • cilmagemlu -

    Replied to the thread SLIDER - changing appearance.

    Hello, there is no need to switch to another skinning function. Just use an option to set user data as a color of the thumb. Something like this: C Source Code (60 lines)