aabadie Community Member

  • Member since Apr 24th 2023

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  • aabadie -

    Replied to the thread [SOLVED] Use GNU linker with Nordic nRF5340 build.

    My initial goal was to be able to boot from a secure image that afterwards jumps to another non secure image placed right after the initial secure one. My problem was that jumping to the non secure was triggering a hard fault. I also wanted to be able to…
  • aabadie -

    Posted the thread [SOLVED] Use GNU linker with Nordic nRF5340 build.

    Hello, I'd like to use GNU linker in order to build a firmware for Nordic nRF. In SES, My goal is to be able to configure a Non-Secure Callable region to place secure code there, that can be called from a non secure image. The problem with the SEGGER…