Failed to measure CPU clock frequency

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    • Failed to measure CPU clock frequency

      Hi, I meet the "Failed to measure CPU clock frequency" error when I use jlink software version is up than 786h

      The J-Flash log windows shows
      • When the jlink software version is 7.86h, "CPU speed could not be measured" --> the CPU speeed could not be meausred but Jlink NOT treat it's an ERROR and continue the programming
      • When the jlink software version is 8.12b, "Failed to measure CPU clock frequency" --> the CPU speeed could not be meausred and Jlink thinks it's an ERROR
      By the way, The Keil and IAR works fine with the jlink 8.12b.

      Is this a jlink software bug?
      How to fix this?
      Or is there a way to skip "CPU speed measured" ?

      • jflash_log.png

        133.98 kB, 1,906×1,139, viewed 208 times
    • Hello,

      Could you please provide a J-link Log file for both cases?
      How to enable:

      Did you make sure that the same programming procedure was used in both cases?

      Best regards,
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